but we all know the KitFox's right and left arms are different,
the right being more like a gun, the left more like an arm,
i was wondering if we can get an Omni-Mech option,
to Make the KitFox's Left arm Mirror(look like) the Right,
making both arms and the Omni-mech symmetrical,
this Omni-Mech option would be ether
an Upgrade to the Omni-mech, through the upgrades selection,
or a special Omni-Pod that when equipped would replace the arm,
the reasons why i would like to have this option with the KitFox,

in 3054 the KitFox did come with mirrored arms as an option for pilots,
the reason for is arm option was to help with pilots roles on the battlefield,
lower arms where better for missiles, as higher arms were better for lasers,
also the higher arms are actually wider and more prone to enemy fire,
i love the look of the mirrored/symmetrical KitFox,
i have a KitFox figurine that has mirrored shoulder-paded arms,
ive seen amazing pictures of symmetrical KitFox's online and loved them,
Again this is not about Balancing or placing Arms on side they are not intended,
this is a purely cosmetic Option that would only change the look of the KitFox's arms,
thoughts, comments, concerns?
Edit- Spelling,
Edit2- Pic added,
Edit3- Picture Fixed,
Edit4- Spoiler added,
Edit5- Pic3 broken(Fixed),
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 29 August 2015 - 09:12 AM.