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Exercitus Balatronis - The Fool's Army::a Merc Corp Willing To Die For The Right Price

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#1 Weapon Omega


  • 9 posts

Posted 13 August 2014 - 07:47 PM


Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! all Freeborn and Clanners alike!

I see ya in the crowd there. Yes, you sir! From that quizzical expression yer puttin' on, yer thinkin' 'This guy's got a head like a shell... Who'd advertise their Merc Corp as willing to die for a contract?' Either that, or those battle scars on yer face make ya look simple. Folks, don't listen to that guy, he's a moron. All ya need know is that I'm a realist. There's no sugar coatin' that war is the future and that all my Corps got to look forward to are boilin' hot cockpits and the smell a' cordite n' ozone.

My boys n' girls understand this. They know they're not always gonna come back from that next engagement. I seen most of 'em transmittin' messages back home about it bein' their last run 'cuz they don't think they're comin' back. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're not, but they don't shy away from a fight just 'cuz it'd be their last.

We're a niche unit, a boutique shop if ya will, specializin' in small, supplementary forces to attach to larger engagements, or for low level territorial disputes. We got yer Errant Mechwarriors for those hard ta reach places that ya want patrolled, and we got our company a' regulars ready to be thrown on the front line of any skirmish ya got.

If it sound like we got what ya need, you let 'ol W.O. know. Our rates may be high on a per pilot basis, but yer buyin' substance over style, and yer cotractin' a sumbitch that'd rather take an AC/20 to the cockpit than live it up as a conscript a' one a' them la-di-dah Great Houses.

Weapon Omega - Ringmaster.

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