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The House Of The Twin Wolves Recruiting

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#1 Wayward Hylian


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Posted 13 August 2014 - 10:39 PM

The Chosen of Kerensky are summoned once again to the fields of battle.
The time has come for the testing of courage and the proving of mettle.

As war breaks out across the galaxy, every warrior must ask himself,

With whom shall I spill my blood?

Posted Image

The House of the Twin Wolves is served by the finest pilots of Clan Wolf; elite combatants whose skill and tactical expertise are beyond reproach. To drop with a Wolf of this House is to know valor incarnate, and to know a victory assured.

Who we are
The House of the Twin Wolves is a group of MWO players with a passion for the BattleTech universe and a drive to experience it through cooperation. We are focused primarily on enjoyment, and are not concerned with the more trivial aspects of more well-known groups.
For instance;

There are no "Required Training Sessions"
-If you need help with anything, ask.
-If we see you struggling, we'll help.

We firmly believe that if you have the initiative to join our group, you are above being treated like a child.

There are no ranks
-You will not be required to abide by another's mandates
-You will not be denied dropping due to lack of time in the House

If you want to play, nothing should be stopping you from doing so, especially another player that has created a false system of power to control others with.

Enjoyment takes priority
-Losing a match isn't the end of the world
-An entertaining experience is more important than a high K/D

BattleTech, while an immersive universe, is still the base for a game. It was designed to be enjoyed, not to be taken so seriously as to cause stress or create schisms between players. A good time trumps a spotless record every time.


(Please bear with us as we put the finishing touches on our webpage)

To join The House of the Twin Wolves, simply send a message through the MWO forums to one of our two recruitment representatives:

Tiberius of Hyrule

Edited by Tiberius of Hyrule, 14 August 2014 - 07:20 PM.

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