It has only been a scant few years since the Free Worlds League brought itself from the precipice of self destruction and unified in the face of outside threats. They have rebuilt the FWL military and started reconstruction efforts on the numerous ravaged worlds of the front lines. The people have the peace they have fought for so long to achieve, though it cost them greatly.
But now there is an even greater conflict looming on the horizon, for the great houses of the Inner Sphere have begun mobilizing for war. Troop movements of these levels haven't been seen since the prior succession war, and Mercenaries from all across the Inner Sphere are mustering for the coming conflict. Even the Periphery Sates on the outskirts of the Inner Sphere are preparing for a war they may be dragged into unwillingly.
Blood and gold will soon be spent in great numbers on dozens of planets throughout the Inner Sphere as the coming conflict engulfs us all!
The time has begun for units to start declaring their intentions for the coming campaign.
Will your unit stand for one of the great houses of the Inner Sphere in glory and conquest?
Or will you fight for the freedom and independence of the Periphery States?
Or perhaps the call of the mighty C-bill will take its hold and pull you to the life of piracy.
- Remember guys, Pillage, then Burn!
Whichever your unit's fate, we will be starting things off for the season of MCW by having units declare which Faction they wish to compete in.
This season will involve the following:
12 Inner Sphere units (mostly 12v12's, some 8v8's, highest # of battles)
8 Periphery State units (only 8v8's, less battles than IS at the start of the campaign)
4+ Pirate units (Only 8v8's, only one battle per turn)
If we have sufficient interest, we can add 4 units to each IS and PS for a total of 8 extra units.
The main page for the campaign can be found at
All updates will be posted there as they come up, so check there for all relevant information.
A rough draft of the expansion rules for Season 4 can be found here:
Check them out, and let us know what you think. Things are looking pretty exciting, with this already building up to be the biggest and best season yet.
Once we have everything finalized, we will amalgamate the exp rules with the full rules and they will be viewable here:
If you haven't seen our pride and glory, the battle map of the Free Worlds League, check out last season here:
Click on the planets and a menu will pop up. It's interactive!
We are expanding upon the current map, but suffice to say, the map is only going to get better.
So for those units returning for another round, please let Antonius Rex, or any of the other MCW Staff know and we'll get you on the list.
For any new units that want to get involved, please register on the website and either talk to Antonius Rex through enjin, through the website, or come talk in person on the Marik Civil War's official TS:
"The official source of all competitive MWO"
pass: metagame
We have a rough start date of Sunday, September 14th or 21st starting with the opening unit leaders meeting, followed by the start of the Trial of Position. We will have a finalized start date as we get closer to filling out the available unit spots.
Good Hunting Gentlemen,
We hope to see you on the battlefield soon.
Antonius Rex
Marik Civil War Coordinator
Edited by Antonius Rex, 03 September 2014 - 09:03 AM.