This is the definition from sarna about pulse lasers.
Pulse lasers differ from traditional laser weaponry, in that instead of firing one powerful beam, they maintain laser beams fired off in quick succession. While offering an overall increased rate of fire, the heat output also increases accordingly. Pulse lasers increase damage because they allow vaporized armor to dissipate from the location of damage. This allows subsequent pulses to reach the target area without being diffused by the vapor.[/color]
Large Pulse Lasers are the largest pulse lasers, with a both destructive and far-reaching pulse beam. While even assault 'Mechs can be devastated by a short barrage of Large Pulse Laser fire, the heat buildup is tremendous and will quickly overheat 'Mechs if used for prolonged periods.
While not designated as such in the names, Clan Pulse Lasers have greatly extended range over Inner Sphere models.
My concern is that the way pulse lasers currently are in the game is not what they are meant to be by contrast to their standard laser counterparts in terms of fire rate aka Pulse Firing.
C ER LL: Duration 1.6s Cooldown 3.25s
C LPL: Duration 1.2s Cooldown 3.25s
C ER ML: Duration 1.25s Cooldown 3s
C MPL: Duration .85s Cooldown 3s
C ER SL: Duration 1s Cooldown 2.25s
C SPL: Duration .75s Cooldown 2.25s
Now what I am suggesting is NOT a reorganization of numbers to increase or decrease their damage, but rather alter their cooldown times from the standard lasers so that they handle more like the rapid fire lasers they are supposed to be.
As they are now they are mostly differentiated by their shorter burn time which seems like an appropriate attribute but that should be coupled with a faster cooldown as well
As I mentioned, rebalance the damage and heat to work out the same if that is your resolve but to change the pace at which they shoot would give this weapon a much more unique role on the battlefield. The tactical advantage of rapid fire should be a pro to the pulse lasers' cons of slightly more weight and greater heat build up.
I will spare any who read this of my own #'s as I think my request is comprehensible and it is not my job to do balance work, but I will make my request as a huge fan of pulse weaponry from past titles.
Edited by The Ripper13, 07 September 2014 - 08:48 PM.