Ozric, on 17 September 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:
You can only have a problem with everybody wins if you think the reward scheme is some kind of competition. It should be scaled of course, and it is simply the level of the scaling that we are talking about here. Also, if the Clan pack reward mech was to get a 35% bonus then the IS pack reward mech should get it too as well as all the real golden mechs.
But you are right, I was rude to call you out for your financial planning. I can only apologise, it was early in the morning, but in my defence you were totally coming off as an elitist teenager. But we should both remember that PGI are not likely to change anything now whatever we do, and all these threads and conversations are just theoretical.
Your apology is accepted and appreciated, as most people wouldnt have. My financial planning is more based on how i get paid. So i know for say the Gold Dire Wolf I have I had to work two extra days in the field that month to pay for it. Same goes for the Gargoyle package, if I want it then I need to work an extra day in the field. Months where we are slow and I am in the shop all the time not generating field bonuses I dont buy a single thing as my salary takes care of basics and that is it. And right now to get the Gargoyle package and well due to being swamped at work and having no replacement, i get to work a set of days off thus bringing me to the legal limit here of 21 days in a row worked before a day off.
The reason why i have issues with that statement is because in RL
™ nothing is ever fair. Every time i see that phrase it makes me cringe. We set people up to fail by using it, people think that the world owes them something, when in the end nobody is owed anything really. Yes i am a glass is 25% full type of person but due to some major setbacks early in life and which continue to come and bite me in the arse, it is just the reality of it.
That would be the reason why I come off like a "elitist teenager", as this attitude just get right under my skin due to the above saying. What people are asking for in MW:O with the
rewards is a slippery slope of how to do it while not making previous purchases and gestures hollow. For the most part everyone puts money into the game, not everyone will get
rewarded for it, it is the hard truth and fact of the matter. So a line has to be drawn, and usually the highest payers are pandered to, does that mean i like the idea? no not really. Do I support it? naw not really, but will work within it and keep doing what i do and once the game itself gets to me i will stop playing and putting money into it.
My statements still stand that each and everyone of these threads saying "i should get this" or "i should get that" for reasons, are people feeling jealous because others are able to afford it for whatever reason and they are unable to for whatever reasons. I feel for them as it sucks to be in that position (I was for a number of years and know what it is like, and i was making just over what we called the poverty line here), and do what I can for Clanmates when I can and usually with a crapton of protesting from them as nobody likes to admit they need help. Look at the backlash and sheer amount of people who were saying they would TK any gold mech on their team? That is the mentality i see in these threads, also the reason why i have only taken my (G) out a few times during PTS of the Clans. I even seen it during the PTS and initial start of the Clans, that is just not cool, not cool at all.