Great... so thats a total of 12 of each weight class for a total of 48 mechs.
now... My idea is simple. Lets keep the cap of 12 of each weight class but once your 12 players are in the lobby, why not let the 12 players decided who takes what weight classes of the (12 mechs per weight class)?
Instead of 1,1,1,1
what if we were allowed to do it this way?
Player 1 (2 lights and 2 mediums)
Player 2 (1 light 1 medium and 2 heavies)
Player 3 (4 assaults)
Player 4 (2 mediums 1 heavy and 1 assault)
Player 5 (4 lights)
Player 6 (4 mediums)
Player 7 (3 heavies and 1assult)
Player 8 (1 light 1 medium 1 heavy and 1 assault)
Player 9 (1 light 1 medium 1 heavy and 1 assault)
Player 10 (3 lights and 1 heavy)
Player 11 (1 medium 2 heavies and 1 assault)
Player 12 (1 heavy and 3 assaults)
This way, people that are comfortable playing all weight classes can still go the 1,1,1,1 route but your pilots in your groups that are more comfortable with playing just mediums or lights can do so. Or if you have that guy that is an ace with just heavies and assaults, he too can take just them.
This format still allows everyone to go 1,1,1,1 if they want or any other way but your 12 man group still ONLY gets 12 mech of each weight class. So why not let the guy who is good with one weight class ONLY use that weight class. I mean Im a heavy/assault player and that is where I shine. Why would I want to take a light mech and do crapy in it and hurt my team's chances of winning when my bud who is the best in lights can take more lights than the restricted 1, and possibly achieve far more in that light than i would?
So, with that said... I proposing this system to the Devs for the Drop Ship Mode.
What do you guys think?
Edited by Yoseful Mallad, 28 September 2014 - 05:38 PM.