The Big Idea:
To me, what the devs have described so far about CW makes sense. There will be borders between major powers which are contested, with some changing of hands taking place - but no major changes to core planets, outside of dev-driven events. Here is how I would want to see that work:
On each border between major powers, one to three planets would be 'contested' at any given time. The number would depend on the size of the border involved. As battles are fought, a slider would move back and forth between the two factions involved. Once it got to a 'tipping point' of a certain number of battles won or a certain percentage of victories for a given side, then control would change hands and a different planet would be contested instead.
Faction Restrictions on Battles:
- A given House-affiliated player would be able to participate in any battle in which his faction is involved.
- When grouped with other faction players, a House-affiliated player could then participate in any battle as long as it did *not* involve going against his own house. This would allow more flexibility in grouping with friends who may not have the same alignment.
- A lone-wolf Merc could join any battle at any time
- Someone in the employ of a Merc company could also join any battle at any time, but companies would have the option to sign up on a contract with a specific house. That would give their members a boost to income when fighting for that house, with the trade-off being that they could not fight against that house while the contract was in effect.
Faction Benefits:
- Joining a House faction would also have perks, like discounts on certain weapons or mechs perhaps. This, along with a ranking system, would be there to offset the more limited selection of battles.
- Rank in a House might confer some special abilities: selecting the next planet to be attacked at the highest ranks, and many priority selection to be lance or company commander at lower levels. There could even be a threshold at which a player could be allowed to set up faction-oriented groups for other players.
- Merc companies would be able to set their own ranks as desired.
- Merc companies could also fight eachother for control of periphery worlds. These would be much more structured - decided by single battles or small campaigns, instead of over the course of days or weeks. They would also confer some benefit to those in control of the various worlds available (similar to faction boosts, but not as large unless your merc group controlled more than a few worlds).
- Lone wolf players would gain reputation with a faction as they fight for it, and lose reputation when they fight against it. This could have some small impact on the pay rate (houses might pay more for mercs they like).
Control Screen:
What I would envision the interface looking like, when going to join a battle (once CW is in-game) is as follows. You have a screen with a map of the Inner Sphere at the top, covering a good part of the screen. There are controls to move around, zoom in and out, etc. Links to the mechlab, settings, the in-game store, etc would be around the edge - but the main thing besides the map would be the tollowing buttons:
- Next Available Battle
- Select Battle
The first would simply queue you up, in your selected mech, for the next battle which you qualify for. The later would pop out a list, below the main map, of the various planets currently being contested on which you could fight. The list would show basics, like who is fighting over the planet, and then clicking on a given battle would zoom to that planet on the map.
From there, you could then review planetary conditions (see next section) that might be applicable to what mech to bring. You could also see which side is winning, and what the pay for fighting there is (maybe offer higher pay for mercs joining on sides that are losing and/or have less players queued up, to help balance things out). You could then queue up for that battle, or select another.
For folks joining in a group, only the person who started the group (invited the others) would be able to actually make these selections, but all the players could view the info.
Planetary Stats:
- Population, which determines the relatively likelihood of fighting in a city map
- Planet / ecosystem type, which determines things like temperature and eligibility of some maps (a desert planet would never have an icy map, for example)
- Temperature, which would affect how effective heatsinks are and also relate to the ecosystem
- Gravity (if they have it vary, which would be really neat!)
Those would help players pick an appropriate mech to bring, which would have to be decided on before joining the battle and finding out the exact map used, etc. This would prevent people from cherry-picking the best mech to bring, while allowing them to make an informed decision... and it would be the advantage of folks who manually selected where to fight. The advantage for the folks who simply quick-join is less downtime, making for a nice trade-off.
At Launch:
As enough players queue up on each side of a battle, the matchmaking system could select from the groups and individual players an appropriate force for each side. Ideally this would be balanced somehow - either by tonnage or some sort of 'battle value'. If going with BV, it could factor in tonnage, weapon types, and even player stats (behind the scenes, of course).
While that is going on, the matchmaker would also pick an exact map and semi-random weather conditions, based on what is likely given the planet's stats. Day vs night (and maybe dawn / dusk too), clear vs cloudy, optional rain, snow, and fog... maybe even other things I haven't considered would all be picked here by the server.
Once the group for each side is assigned, all the players would be dropped into a short waiting area while everyone's map loads. This would last for 30-60 seconds, and would let people say hi. If an established chain of command is to be enforced, this is when it would be assigned. Then once the time is up, everyone is dropped into the game and it goes from there!
I'm curious to see what other folks envision when they hear the devs talk about community warfare, and I hope these ideas can help shape this game into one everyone in the community will love! Thanks for reading

Edited by WardenWolf, 25 June 2012 - 08:29 PM.