I am -slowly- writing a story of my character, Matt B. AKA CyclonerM. He started his career as a cadet of a prestigious MechWarrior academy in the Free Worlds League. I am writing the 4th capter, and i need a name for a secondary character. Since i am trying to use as much things from RL as i can (like the rough time of joining Clan Wolf or the 'Mechs i mostly pilot..) i thought: why not asking you , the FWL players (and hopefully readers of my story!) to come up with a name and promote my story as well?
Since it does not take a genius to come up with "John", "Karl" or "Bob", make a post below and i will choose one of your names -right, your name- for this character!
Of course a name that sounds realistic would be better than "SnakeKiller241"..
This character is an instructor of the Allison MechWarrior Institute.
There will be more secondary characters, so more chances to be featured in my story!
Thank you for these 2 minutes of your life
Here there is the link ..
..Trying cannot hurt, quineg?
Edited by CyclonerM, 02 December 2014 - 08:26 AM.