The December Road Map.
King Crab and Wave 2 Content - The loyalty King Crab mech along with the Gargoyle and the remainder of the Wave 2 content.
Released Dec 16th patch.
Special Note: Wave 2 faction skins will be place able on your special "Invasion" version of your Wave 2 mechs, however it will likely trail the Dec 16th patch by 1 or 2 patch cycles. On Dec 16th those faction skins will work with the 4 Wave 2 mechs as well as the Mad Dog. Further into the future the faction skins will be retrofitted to work with all Wave 1 mechs.
Also the ability to choose your faction content should be available by the end of Dec 5th.
Hit Box corrections - Further refining of the the Mad Dog, Ice Ferret and Myst Lynx hit boxes. The focus was on reducing Mad Dog Left and Right Torso sizes, Ice Ferret primarily better distribution between the three front torsos better protecting the CT. Mist Lynx with as much reduction on the arm hit boxes as was possible.
Released Dec 16th patch.
IS Quirks pass update – Minor update to change or improve upon the original pass. An example was changing the Dragon 5N to UAC5 instead of AC2, also changing the Grid Iron to Gauss. So in more cases considering the stock load out. I cannot list exact changes yet as I am not sure how many of these improvements we can get in before patch time.
Released Dec 16th patch.
Community Warfare Phase 2 - Open Beta - The explanations are plentiful in the many posts you have read, you all know what it is. As the title states this will be an Open Beta release and will certainly have known issues when it is released.
Special Note on CW Phase 2 Open Beta: At some future date we will remove the Open Beta tag and even rename and re brand the entire thing to something more fitting. It should also be noted that with Open Beta releasing so close to the Christmas break that it is likely there will be some hot fixes that week and even the possibility of downtime on CW as we patch issues that are exposed by the large live population base.
Released Dec 16th patch.
Feedback can go in the December Road Map - Feedback thread:

December Road Map
Started by Russ Bullock, Dec 02 2014 05:02 PM
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