A Faction Question
Posted 08 December 2014 - 06:18 AM
I have a question about factions.
Apologies if the question isnt well worded but as I dont really know much about MWO or the Lore behind it Im flying blind.
I understand MWO is going through a transition and that CW is on the way.
I dont pretend to know what the changes are or what Community Warfare is but I do understand that I have to choose a Faction.
So I have selected Inner Sphere Merc-Corps as I have purchased a Locust Pirates Bane and some Jenners that I believe (hope) are Inner Sphere. Ive also just purchased the Resistance Wrath pack which I also believe is Inner Sphere.
My questions
Is the any benefit in being in a House over being in Merc-Corps?
Is there a link available that describes what Inner Sphere/ Clans etc are?
Is there a link available that describes what CW is and what the roles of the factions are?
Any help appreciated as Im a bit lost.
Many thanks
Posted 08 December 2014 - 07:55 AM
Posted 08 December 2014 - 08:10 AM
Ryan220, on 08 December 2014 - 06:18 AM, said:
I have a question about factions.
Apologies if the question isnt well worded but as I dont really know much about MWO or the Lore behind it Im flying blind.
I understand MWO is going through a transition and that CW is on the way.
I dont pretend to know what the changes are or what Community Warfare is but I do understand that I have to choose a Faction.
So I have selected Inner Sphere Merc-Corps as I have purchased a Locust Pirates Bane and some Jenners that I believe (hope) are Inner Sphere. Ive also just purchased the Resistance Wrath pack which I also believe is Inner Sphere.
My questions
1) Is the any benefit in being in a House over being in Merc-Corps?
2) Is there a link available that describes what Inner Sphere/ Clans etc are?
3) Is there a link available that describes what CW is and what the roles of the factions are?
Any help appreciated as Im a bit lost.
Many thanks
1) selecting the faction Merc Corp does nothing, being part of any semi orgonised unit (e.g. a merc corp) will help greatly as you will be dropping with a team usualy on voice comms, you will know someone is working with you rather than just following the crowd
2) http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page will give you lore based information on each of the factions, but basicly 300 years ago a great empire the Star League died, its defense force left the "inner Sphere" of the galaxy and became the Clans, basicly a group of warrior tribes. in the Inner Sphere the 5 "Great houses" fought over the remains of the Star League, and managed to destroy much of the technoligical infrostructure over a series of "Succession Wars", over the last 20 years the Inner Sphere has finaly started recovering this LostTech. the Clans never lost technoligy so have more advanced equipment, after 300 years they have decided it is time to "save the inner sphere from its corrupt rullers", not all of the clans are in favor of this.
3) again Sarna will give you this information
for the purposes of CW you will have to accept a contract with a faction, suggested contract lenghs have been 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months or perminant.
If you sign up with a unit you will likely have a higher sucess rate because coordination is the most overpowered thing in this game and there will apparently not be any matchmaker in CW, also if you join a unit the unit takes contracts not you
if you want to find a unit check out these links to the various recruitment forums
edit: the contracts will be with an IS house or a Clan, if you sign up with a Clan you will be restrited to the Clan Mechs (the Mechs which make up the Clan Invasion and Clan Wave 2 packs), same with Inner Sphere and IS only Mechs
Edited by Rogue Jedi, 08 December 2014 - 08:15 AM.
Posted 08 December 2014 - 08:16 AM
maybe someone will write a better intro but short and sweet
also have a look at this
Posted 08 December 2014 - 09:17 AM
Long story short, there was once a dream that was
300 years later (present day in game) the rival factions, have coalesced into 6 fairly stable nation states. Those states are...
The Capellan Confederation:
Basic summary:
As far as culture and government are concerned the Capellan are essentially Communist China in SPAAAACE. One of the more technologically advanced nations of the Inner Sphere However, their military places a strong emphasis on small teams of well trained, well equipped troops who engage in guerrilla warfare, commando raids, and other "dirty tricks", over the "human wave attacks" that we would be familiar with in our time.
Foreign Relations:
Enemies of the Lyrian Commonwealth and Federated Suns, friendly with the Free Worlds League
Iconic Mechs & Favored Weapons / Tactics:
Raven, Cataphract, ECM. We're in your base killing your dudes.
The Draconis Combine
Basic summary:
Predominantly Japanese with a bit of Arab / Muslim thrown in for flavor. The Draconis Combine puts a great deal of emphasis on personal honor and reputation. This is reflected in thier military as a preference for "stand up fights" and a predilection for dueling. While The DC retains a great deal of industry and a solid technological development program they lack natural resources. This has been the driven their military to depend more heavily on energy weapons.
Foreign Relations:
Enemies of the Lyrian Commonwealth and Federated Suns, friendly with the Free Worlds League
Iconic Mechs & Favored Weapons / Tactics:
Jenner, Panther, Hunchback, Dragon, and any variant denoted by a "K" in its designation, IE Catapult K2.
The Federated Suns
Basic summary:
The early succession wars period hit the worlds of the Federated Suns harder than most and as such their economy and technology has lagged behind the rest of the Inner Sphere. That said, the Fed Suns have been blessed with strong charismatic leaders and general "good luck" in recent years and is currently experiencing a bit of a resurgence. Aesthetically their government and culture is a mix of Napoleonic era France and late 19th century Britain. Militarily they favor cheaper more primitive units backed by the liberal use of artillery and air support.
Foreign Relations:
Allied with the Lyrian Commonwealth enemy of the Cappelan Confederation and Draconis Combine
Iconic Mechs & Favored Weapons / Tactics:
Enforcer, Centurion, Jagermech, Victor. Unofficial motto might as well be "Keep Calm and Fire for Effect"
The Free Rasalhague Republic
Basic summary:
The scrappy underdogs of the Inner Sphere the FRR was until recently part of the Draconis Combine and Lyrian Commonwealth. having successfully won their independence they now for a neutral buffer zone between the two nations.Predominantly Russo/Finnish and Scandinavian the Rasalhague have a reputation for fierce independence and as brutal knock down, drag out fighters.
Foreign Relations:
Friendly with the Lyrian Commonwealth and Draconis Combine
Iconic Mechs & Favored Weapons / Tactics:
Anything they can get their hands on, including your mech's own severed arm. seriously dude don't **** with them, they're crazy.
The Free Worlds League
Basic summary:
Not so much a nation as a multi-cultural alliance of City-states and Planets the FWL fiercely guards it's freedoms. One of, if not "the", strongest industrial nations in the Inner Sphere the FWL could probably take any of the other Nations in a stand up fight if they could stop bickering amongst themselves long enough to do so.
Foreign Relations:
Trades with pretty much everyone, takes potshots when they think they can get away with it.
Iconic Mechs & Favored Weapons / Tactics:
Cicada, Quick-draw, Orion, Awesome, Stalker, thier missiles will blot out the sun.
The Lyran Commonwealth
Basic summary:
The 800 lb guerrilla in the room. Predominantly German / Scandanavian the Lyrian Commonwealth is wealthiest and most populace nation in the Inner Sphere. Citizens of the Lyrian Commonwealth enjoy a very high standard of living and thier military fields the best equipment money can buy. This has lead to the meme/joke that the Lyrian's idea of "Recon" is to simply march a Battalion's worth of assault mechs into enemy territory and see if anyone has the balls to shoot at them
Iconic Mechs & Favored Weapons / Tactics:
Thunderbolt, Battlemaster, Zeus, Atlas. When it comes to over-whelming firepower, accept no substitutes.
Foreign Relations:
Allied with the Federated Suns, enemies of the Draconis Combine
Edited by HlynkaCG, 08 December 2014 - 10:13 AM.
Posted 08 December 2014 - 09:44 AM
At the beginning of Phase 2, the merc-corps will have absolutely no difference from faction units; all players will have to align with a faction until Phase 3. The difference between a unit and an individual player (if individual players are allowed to participate at all) is that a unit will have more coordination that could jump into the same fight. I remember reading a "Only one 'group' of players can join a battle" so there will likely be individual players answering the call to attack or defense, too.
I personally will be serving the Liao initially; as one of the factions holding the smallest amount of territory it'll need my help.
If this mode follows lore in any way shape or form, the Clans will be attacking territories of the Kurita, Steiner and Rasalhague first. So if you want to experience the fight of IS versus Clans, those are the factions to join.
I don't know how many Kurita there are, but there are lots of Steiner players and a fair deal of Rasalhague/Clan Ghost Bear players that could flip either way. And there's plenty of Clanners.
However, I have the feeling that when Clans attack "all factions" can try to send forces to stop them (don't know why others would want to though).
That said, "I'm in your base killing your dudes."
Posted 08 December 2014 - 09:46 AM
Posted 08 December 2014 - 09:58 AM
Ryan220, on 08 December 2014 - 09:46 AM, said:
No worries, if you've got any further questions feel free to post them here, or find me in Teamspeak
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