thank you for the reply
CarnageINC, on 28 December 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
I like the idea of giving players freedom to move around. I do think this needs to be implemented. However I think there needs to some limitations. Maybe limit all factions to 3 sectors, I don't know. Why put limits on? Dilution of the player base going off into more directions then they are now. In addition, you would have to eliminate the ghost mechanic completely, which i absolutely hate so yeah for that. But you idea has merit.
yes open all planets
the more you push, the more resistance you will meet, the harder it will be to sustain the frontline (many planets + travel time)
for example, one faction is pushing somewhere far away, other faction (or merc unit) can go around and cut the entire front away (if there are some supplies from capital implemented, it can be even more interesting)
will there be empty planets? yes (now are too), the number of players should be displayed next to each planet (with more icons possible), so they focus on where is the action
with the cycle being divided into timeslots, ghost wins will be hard if there is at least some resistance during the day
CarnageINC, on 28 December 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
This is another good idea. I personally think 24 time slots would work just as good as 48 but ehhh, minor detail. How do you determine when the 'active timezone' is? By unit do you mean player unit? What if your a pug? Where does this UI addition fall in? How often can you change it? How can you prevent abuse of it? How does this work with pug and other units on the other side who are not on active timezone? Why do activetime zone units get to have more 'pull' percentage wise?
how many timeslots, and any numbers generally, that all can be changed (and also needs to be probably)

unit commander can select the "active timezone" in the unit (faction) UI, and then change it by one hour up or down per day (or two days) if needed (so it is not abused)
the "active timezone" only comes in effect if the unit owns a planet (it is also displayed near the planet), all win/loss percentages on this planet (or planets) during this time (regardless of being in unit or a pug, enemy or ally) count twice in the cycle
it works both ways, just gives an opportunity to the defending unit to defend when they are active
CarnageINC, on 28 December 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
How do you travel? How is time simulated? Who determines resource flow? Who determines reinforcement flow? How does this work for individual units versus pugs? How does it work for newly arrived units? Who determine when the 'base' is packed up and moved? Is this player or PGI controlled?
the "base" is from where you launch your mechs (travel to attack or defend)
every player can select a friendly planet (and travel there) where he wants to deploy his base (no cost, just takes time)
traveling means passing through territories (the planet grid), every territory is worth some time (for example 30 seconds, base adjacent to the territory is 0 seconds), the shortest path is calculated automatically
there should be some sense of distance (you do not travel from one edge of a faction to another every minute)
the travel would be simulated by a countdown before you join the queue, later something else could be implemented (depending on the idea and dev resources)
this could complicate the unit dropship, as all group members would need to have the base on the same planet, but should be doable (or, when the group is formed, use the group leaders base, with every member counting down the travel to it (this is necessary as to not keep switching fronts instantly))
all player controlled, if you lose a base, you get a new one (the base does not materially exist)
CarnageINC, on 28 December 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
When you say spawn and disappear randomly do you mean each planet has 1 resource that comes and goes or are resources randomly distributed across the map? What rewards do resourses provide? How do they travel? Who directs flow? You mentioned "some resources". Now that you have entered multiple resources, how many are there exactly and what do each of these resources do for a faction?
there are resource deposits (iron, water, cookies, anything reasonable (or?

)) which need a connection to capital
any resource deposit can spawn on any planet (maybe not so random, but basically this)
when you manage to secure a route from the deposit to the capital, your faction will start to gather the resource, you do not need to manage their transport further (but may be some game aspect later on)
various resources should go towards various technologies (progress bars), which should give rewards (provide incentive for players to go for that specific resource, possibly periodically)
CarnageINC, on 28 December 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
This idea needs to be reworded IMO. Technologies mean better weapons or armor. That road is to dangerous to travel down IMO. Maybe call it what you describe it as, Rewards. As far as novelty items, I think this will not really work well for players in general. Everyone I know who plays has little to no attachment to any novelty item. That also creates an additionally strain on PGI to continually produce more items and take focus away from other content such as map creation and mech design.
yes, it needs to be something really simple, no ingame advantage, but something the player can work on and then be rewarded, ideally utilizing what is already in the game (mech token? camo token?), but also makes some sense lore-wise (supply your faction with enough beer and get an atlas?

also i think cbills and mc should be separated from any cw-specific currencies (like loyalty points currently, but there may be bases, sieges, supplies, all other) as they can come from outside source
CarnageINC, on 28 December 2014 - 03:54 AM, said:
I would like for you to explain how the map will balance itself out better than just a statement. You say based on active faction population. In what way will the faction population contribute to balance? You say merc's will want resources, why exactly do they want those resources? So overall its up to faction population and mercs to maintain balance, based off of random spawnings?
The paragraph for stuff isn't really political in nature, IMO that falls under rewards or under your technologies heading.
good question, when you combine the travel (cannot respond to other side of space immediately), "active timezone" (making planets reasonably defendable for competent teams), and resource locations (top priority for every faction), every faction should be able to hold their own, with some teams focusing on various parts of the front for longer time
the more active factions will probably be able to hold more planets, but pushing on more fronts or vs organized defence will be very hard
mercs will get rewards based on controlling a planet (so only one unit per planet), this will create a competition, every merc unit will be for themselves, possibly sticking to a faction for longer time if they establish themselves well, or choosing a faction where they can succeed in their quest for profit
if there will be a planet with rare resource, many merc units may decide to go for it (switch factions)
there may be more political stuff which involves voting or controlling the faction, but, you know, it always gets abused
maybe the politics is not a right name for what i said, but luring a good merc unit to fight for your faction will definitely have an impact
(there should be some way for the faction members to increase the rewards for mercs, not sure how to do it yet)