My first 30 matches, which includes mastering the mech (not really relevant):
Win ratio: 1.73
Kills per match: .8
Damage per match: 379
The next 341 matches:
Win ratio: 1.38
Kills per match: .74
Damage per match: 367
The latest 187 matches:
Win ratio: .99
Kills per match: .70
Damage per match: 363
I'm making the assumption that my win ratio went down as my ELO went up until it leveled off at 1.0.
My damage only dropped off by 1% between those last two data points. I find it fascinating that doing 367 points of damage at one ELO has a huge impact on the outcome of the match, where as doing the same amount of damage at another makes me, well, just one of the lance.
Since I'm getting the same amount of damage, the change must be that the damage isn't leading to kills, either mine (one less per 25 matches), or of anyone else making use of my stripping the opponent's armor.
So, conclusions:
Damage, in and of itself, doesn't mean everything. We already knew this.
LRM damage doesn't necessarily go down when you climb ELO. (This was a surprise.) Maybe it does at higher levels?
LRM's inherent nature of allowing the target to influence the area to be damaged reduces the LRM boat's effectiveness.
Higher ELO players aren't as influenced by the threat of incoming missiles, so my ability to control opponents movement is reduced, and therefore my ability to affect the match results by area suppression.
Edited by Holdfast, 12 February 2015 - 04:58 PM.