Just a shout out to all House Liao units (long-time mercs, mercs-who-fought-with-us, loyalists) that I have been dropping with. Following lore, House Liao military units are unique in that it places more power in the hands of the commander at the regiment level and less at higher levels than do most other militaries. So we see many capable regiments in 12-man drops but possibly less coordination elsewhere. Certainly, there are about 3 to 4 House Liao/CCAF TS Servers, One mumble server kicking about. However over the last month or so, I am definitely seeing more cross unit drops along with Pugs...that are successful and competitive.
Finally, last night, we had the ingame voice and well, I think it worked for coordination. Here's one CW drop I was in:

Missing some of my friends from [HLGK], [GS] and others but good job by all. Those who started to communicate on the ingame voice (incl myself) were a bit hesitant but once we got into it. Was a breeze.
I spent most of the night dropping alternating for House Liao and defending FRR.
Good times for sure.
Onwards to Tikonov or Liao itself?