a burst(shotgun) and a slug(Single Shell) but there have been problems,
1) implementing a duel firing mechanic, allowing for 2 firing types,
2) IS players worried that Clan with PP-FLD AC would be OP,
=So My Solution=
on how to implement all the above,
with in the current CryEngine & fully Balance it,
First LBX ammo, in Lore i believe there are 2 ammo types(to my knowledge)
LB ammo(Shotgun) and Slug ammo(shell), i think having two is a bit unnecessary,
so why not keep it as LBX ammo currently is, making LBX ammo appear as both,
(so for this system Basic LBX is used No Coding Here at all)
now we get on to how to actually have 2 firing modes,
the problem is changing type of projectile the LBX fires,
so since people smarter than me have tried to do that and failed i wont,
in stead ill work on just changing a single variable of the weapon, the spread,

the idea is simulate another firing type by manipulating the LBXs spread,
making it seem like your LBX10 is firing a slug round with out it actually firing one,
(from a coding point this shouldnt be too hard, ranges based on weapons STD range),
Now on to the hard part,
many think it should be a button press, to switch between Burst and Slug,
but many are also worried about Clan having instant PP-FLD AC's, so heres my idea,
make a simple Charge Mechanic, much like the Gauss (i know i know i know!),
give it a 0.5-1 second charge delay, that fires the weapon on full charge,
this would give pilots their on demand(on Click) Burst fire option,
but if they hold the trigger for a very short it fires a Slug giving them that option,
the charge is very short(0.5-1Second) and the LBX will always fire when fully charged,
if the Pilot releases the trigger before the charge is complete it fires Burst,
which is why it has a very short charge, to break up the Click PP-FLD,
with this we can remove C-ACs,
as i dont think Clan really had normal ACs,
IS LBX would act the same way if this was implemented,
for this Idea i looked for a way to make Duel Firing LBX with out much Coding,
to make things easy on the Development team so they could more easily implement this,
should they decide to, and in so try to implement this Idea,
This would only Be a place holder to actual LBX Slug rounds,
which Paul has said he wants to work on and towards,
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Edit- o forgot,
Edit2- notes
Edit3- Remember
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 14 March 2015 - 02:13 PM.