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Clan Trial Mech Rotation - The New Class - 16 Builds Reviewed

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#1 Deathlike


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 07:09 PM

I know this was a suggestion/request floated by Mcgral when I went to
review the Champion mech. At the time, I didn't think this was important
and it took a while to write out the entire post and it is what it is...

While there wasn't a reason previously to write up why the stock mechs
tend to suck, but there were a few good clan mechs in the previous set. I
want to point those out as a reference in trying to build better stuff
based off of that understanding. Also, this is supposed to serve an
alternative "new player" guide to picking and playing trials... whether
it is for CW or play.

I will still use the scoring system that I used before, so let me
reiterate my criterion before we get to the mechs.

Let me repeat that these are stock trial mechs, so the criticism isn't
really directed at PGI exactly (they didn't build it)... but rather how
the stock mech applies to the system and how it can be improved upon...

1) Build quality - Stock mechs in TT/BT tend to be weird in the sense
that they are built for a different kind of game. So, it's hard to
understand the logic behind it... but they are generally poor for a video
game translation. With that said, stock Clan Mech builds are better than
their IS parts for the most part so that's the best that's going for
them... Anyways, there are a few gems, and there will more bad ones.

2) Role - The question stands is that the build fulfills a role?
Fortunately most stock mechs follow that in some way, so that's usually a
non-issue. There will be exceptions though.

3) Effectiveness - While it's most like #1 and #2, they combine into how
it plays in MWO. The question you have to ask yourself is... will it work
"out of the box" for a new player?

All of the scoring will be done in .5 point increments, between 0 and 3.

There is also the "author's point" where I add or subtract a little to
the score and attempt to point out the good and bad ideas that new
players should consider doing or avoid altogether.

I know I have plenty of comment on, but I will have my own suggestion
provided for an alternative trial mech or just a build that should make
more sense to use for once you get your own... to experiment on.

So... let's begin with the 16 mech roulette... I mean trials.

Note: Those that are looking for the "current" 3/3/15 series, skip to #9.
The first 8 are all the Primes for the Wave 1 mechs...


Build Quality: .5

It's only good for the hardpoints, but there's very weak synergy with the
weapons. Even if you use the weapons, it's poorly armored to take damage.
Essentially, there's very little positivity I have for this build.

Role: 1

The initial series of Wave 1 Clan Lights are essentially under-tonned
mechs with Medium class firepower in a Medium sized chassis. This is
easier to understand while playing a Medium Mech. So, firepower at short
range is the primary goal for the mech and the build is OK for that.

Effectiveness: 0

At this point, being target practice is what you amount to be. The
combination of bad build with a role that doesn't complement its weak
armor is problematic. The best you can do is hit and run and pray your
targets are distracted when you are attacking them.

Author's Point: -.5

Is the mech's build a punishment in itself? Don't use it for your own

Total Score: 1

Don't bother using it unless you plan on mastering Kitfoxes for its ECM
prowess. The Prime build will never teach you this.


Build Quality: 1.5

The build is simply hot, hot, hot! You'd wish that Targeting Computer was
converted into DHS because it really needs it. Because of the building
rules about PPC and no lower arm actuators... you'd think the torsos
would be a better location to house the PPCs. Oh well. It's stock and
it's well armored. That's at least a start.

Role: 2

A long range 35-ton "sniper" is not really an easy mech to just "pick
up". Still, it has an acceptable role given what the mech is... not an
ideal brawler.

Effectiveness: 1.5

The first thing you immediately learn about this build and the game is
"heat management". It's simple to understand, but generally hard to
master. You'll want to chain fire the ERPPCs so you don't overheat
yourself, but if you simply try not to be part of the main brawling
engagement... you should be OK.

Author's Point: 0

This is not an ideal "Light Mech experience" for Clans in general since
the IS has a better set at the moment. Oh well.

Total Score: 5

While the mech can be durable enough, it's not the experience one would
want to have initially.... unless they can handle it.


Build Quality: 1

The build itself on paper is OK. The biggest problem though is that
although it is has the most armor that can be stuffed, the armor
distribution is not really optimal as there should be a lot more
frontloaded armor. With that said, I guess you get given the benefit of
leaving yourself back to the enemy for a bit longer, which is a common
artifact of seen to a new player.

The biggest problem though is that a new player will learn IMMEDIATELY is
that firing all 12 lasers is pretty much death... unless you happen to be
on a cold map. Still, it is an immediate punishment for "experimenting".
In essence, just use one's arms lasers or consider a mass chainfire
effect to even be useful in combat. You can only use so many
"effectively" anyways.

Role: 2

The mech itself is primarily geared for hit and run... ideally you see
your enemy, dump as much as you can before you get into cover. Given the
scaling, you are forced to do that to maintain any semblance of

Effectiveness: 1

When you combine the two aspects about the build and scaling, you find
out that it's a walking deathtrap for the inexperienced. Good players
will try to make the most of it (being the only jump jet capable medium
at the current point in time... until the Shadowcat) but they put in a
lot of effort to hide its problems. There's no such luck here.

Author's Point: -1

This is honestly the worst Nova option to expose a new player to. It's
hard to explain "Ghost Heat", "group firing", and "chainfiring" w/o some
actual experimentation.

Total Score: 3

If I had it my way... the Nova-S would have been a better solution. It
would be easier to show alphas that don't invoke ghost heat or even just
using one arm's firepower to control damage and MGs to finish up. Still,
the Nova is not really a new player's mech that to be in.


Build Quality: 3

You could literally play this mech as is with little to no modification
and it's hard to complain about it... outside of maybe armor
distribution. If anything, this should arguably the the first goto mech
for introducing people to the Clans. It's just that good. Nothing was
wasted here.

Role: 3

Well, the Stormcrow can do mostly anything outside of using MGs. (Why
waste a mech for that?) It can poke from long range and fight in short
range as long as you manage your heat well. Of course, having so many DHS
helps out just as well.

Effectiveness: 3

Combining all the strengths necessary to be effective, it's just that
good. It goes without saying. The Stormcrow's durability is incredible
(some would argue it needs to be worsened somehow) and ultimately it is
very new player friendly. What more needs to be said?

Author's Point: +1

Not even PGI could screw this up (well, they can technically, I'm not
giving the time of day for that). Making this a permanent option for the
Clan dropdeck is sufficient for the new player... whether it is CW or
regular matches.

Total Score: 10

Yes, it's perfect. Don't screw with it (much). People are lucky this
doesn't come with Jump Jets.


Build Quality: 1.5

Summoners in general have less that excellent armor levels, and what's
worse is that most of the weapons are in the arms. So, the quality of the
build is limited but it primarily promotes a "keep away" mentality and
the occasional finisher with poor LBX ammo levels.
It's hard to really improve upon what the mech has to work with.

Role: 2

For the most part, sniping and ranging targets is what the Summoner does
well... and it can also brawl in a limited fashion. There's not much the
mech itself can do otherwise...

Effectiveness: 1.5

If you play the keep away game well, then you should be fine. Otherwise,
you're going to be ineffective. Fortunately all the tools for agility are
all there... it's the execution that makes this hard to master.

Author's Point: 0

Nothing good has honestly come from the Summoner-Prime and there are
better Summoner options available...

Total Score: 5

I would've just recommended the Summoner-D and be done with it. Using the
right side as a shield side would maximize the durability instead of
having to do straight keep away for the entire time. It's hard to master
for the new player, and there aren't too many better options otherwise.


Build Quality: 2.5

Whatever you ask for a 75-ton mech, as long as it can bring out the pain
and take some, it does it well.

Outside of the armor distribution the build is mostly solid. I think the
biggest problem is not so much the LRM20s (ammo will swiftly go and be
forgotten) but moreso the "point" of adding MGs and a Med Pulse Laser.
It's not optimal or idealistic. Otherwise, it's fine for the most part.

Role: 3

Similar to the Stormcrow, it does pretty much anything you ask of it, and
it does it well. The build can contend at all ranges, so it you're forced
to brawl, it can handle that reasonably well.

Effectiveness: 3

It works for what you ask of it to do for the most part. As long as you
use the weapons at the ranges specified, it should be alright. The only
trick is heat management and figuring out how to group the weapons
optimally when the situation presents itself.

Author's Point: 1

The Timberwolf does what it does like a boss. I'm not a fan of LRMs, but
it still works.

Total Score: 9.5

The only thing I'd actually change in the build would be the Medium Pulse
Laser and MGs.... as that would make weapon management and grouping much
easier. That's it.


Tonnage saved by converting more of it to DHS and the extra half ton is
converted into more LRM ammo is helpful.
Still, it's an overall solid build.


Build Quality: 2

The only real issue with the build is the LRM10. As much as that sounds
like a good supplement of firepower while trying to cool down, you
honestly need as many DHS as you can to cool off from firing ERPPCs.

A lot of these weird design decisions kind of stem from the original TT
ability to generate ammo explosions to cripple the mechs quicker. It
doesn't quite translate the same way in this game unfortunately and
serves to be more of a detriment. You can see various examples of the use
of MGs in the Timberwolf and Summoner... but they don't have the utility
in MWO that they do in other MW games, thus becomes far more of a
liability than a benefit.

So, it's more of an issue that has more to do with the board game than a
video game... with other issues that stem from it.

Role: 2

Warhawks are not really a brawling mech, so many builds tend to favor
ranging at all possible, with the occasional cleanup once things are
softened up.

Effectiveness: 1.5

Given the entire reliance on ERPPCs, it is very easy to be challenged and
be crushed as a result. It does have speed to move around the battlefield
for an Assault, but it becomes a lot more of a liability at times. The
biggest mistake a new player will do is try to fire ALL 4 ERPPCs at the
same time. Let's just say... you'll be waiting a bit to cool off.

Author's Point: -.5

There are better ways to show off the Warhawk... this is not the option.

Total Score: 5

I'm not sure what is better as an alternative... the Warhawk-B, a build
that can brawl and range to a limited degree or the Warhawk-C which
alleviates the Warhawk-Prime's issues as a whole, allowing for better
balance and options... plus avoiding Ghost Heat. Neither are perfect, but
are better representations of the Warhawk as a whole.
The Warhawk-C is available in April unfortunately...


Build Quality: 2.5

It's hard to say it's bad since it's built to be a killing machine for
everything it is starting at. My only gripe is actually the LRM10s
(another TT example to get it killed quicker I suppose) that could be
used for more ammo for the UAC5s and just more DHS... because DHS is all
you ever really want...
It should be effective no matter the range though.

Role: 3

It walks slowly and it should kill everything it sees. Pretty simple

Effectiveness: 2.5

The trick with the LRMs is to try using it with the 4 ER Large Lasers...
but the focus should not be with the LRMs. The real damage is done by the
short-mid range weapons like the 4 Med Pulse Lasers with some UAC5
action. Heat will be an issue if you try to fire everything frequently as
it is best to use the weapon that is most effective at its range, and not
try to trigger ghost heat too often with the CERLLs as you need all that
cooling for close range combat.

Author's Point: 0

I'm not a Direwolf pilot, but I try not to stare at them face on. I doubt
I'd be able to put up with the slowness.

Total Score: 8

The mech can be optimized a little...


All you have to focus on is 3 different weapons and wipe everything that
you see... as fast as you can. The LRMs are a distraction and aren't the
weapons to kill things quickly (at least with that build).


Build Quality: .5

Ammo dependent builds are hard for the new player. See the Catapult-A1
Champion. However, builds that involve poor armor on a Light is
effectively an instant death trap.

The state of MGs is bad, so that's the worst of it. You'll probably never
use all the ammo anyways based on your durability, so good luck with

Role: 0

You can range with the LRMs, but once you get into brawling range, you'll
be limited. Brawling isn't really the mech's forte and keeping things at
range is the best way to go. That's the best you can do on a pretty bad
chassis unfortunately.

Effectiveness: 0

You'll explode more than you'll succeed. That's the story and I'm
sticking to it.

Author's Point: -.5

I don't like Mist Lynxes but this build doesn't help anyone's impression
of a Clan Light.

Total Score: 0

I would've just recommended the MLX-C as the trial mech instead of this

10) KFX-C

Build Quality: 1.5

The built isn't very powerful as it is primarily used in a support
environment. Considering the new player.. being a supporting player is
better than trying to be "the guy". Outside of back arm tweakage, it's
more or less the best you can get out of the Kitfox chassis outside of
having slightly different energy weapons.

With ECM, you can be afforded to be a support mech and show up when
someone needs help.

Role: 2

The Kitfox is meant to be a support mech, and the build reflects it. As
long as it is not the main focus, the chassis will hold up. Otherwise,
it's going to be painful.

Effectiveness: 1.5

If you use all the equipment afforded to you, it will be relatively
effective as it can be. ECM and Triple AMS helps out the group avoid
LRMs. TAG will help out your own LRM users or spot other ECM mechs. The
lasers and MGs are enough to defend yourself with.

Just remember that the weapons are ALL in the arms, and unfortunately the
ammo are in the torsos... so as long as you try not to get yourself into
trouble, you'll be OK.

Author's Point: .5

For new players, support mechs like this are sufficient, despite its
obvious weaknesses. At long as what they have to do is understood (being
near 180m around a teammate while running with ECM is optimal), then
there shouldn't be an issue.

Total Score: 5.5

The Kitfox-S would be the best alternative had this not been an option.
While you cannot buy the chassis until April, you can actually acquire
the Kitfox-C's arm for all Kitfoxes, allowing for the "magical jesus box"
as ECM is aptly named to be useful when forced to run a Clan Light.


Build Quality: 1.5

There really isn't that much in terms of weapons synergy as you can only
hope to do something productive from long range as much as possible. Once
getting into brawling range, your other weapons will practically fail
you. Full armor helps, but the distribution is poor. It is what it is
enough. Just play it kind of like the Adder with the ERPPC, but you have
the speed to get where you need to go in order to snipe with them. That's

Role: 1.5

There are only two roles that this mech can accomplish... Long range
sniping, and having the ability scare away Lights by being an escort. Its
speed allows one to get into range or just getting into position so
that's probably all it is going to accomplish.

Effectiveness: 1.5

I know the shape can turn people off, and the easy to hit part while
being properly scaled.... but you are going fast, so that's the only
thing that makes up for it. Still, the weapon choices hurt the mech when
forced at brawling range. You have to be exceptional with it at close
range to punch your way out of stuff you can generally outrun.

Author's Point: 0

The mech is hard to grasp as it is a "Light Mech" in a "45-ton Medium
Mech's Body". It is kind of smilar to many Clan Lights that are "Medium
Mechs in a 30/35 ton body". So, it's kinda hard by design to make it
good... making it "different" is the best we've got really.

Total Score: 4.5

I would simply just recommend the use of the Ice Ferret-D (although that
is pretty hot) and the Ice Ferret-A (Clan LBX2s are almost a joke build).

The Ice Ferret-B would be a way of teaching players how to LRM properly
(Artemis is excessive for LRM5s though, limiting ammo potential) but it
comes with a terrible backup weapon.

Literally, every variant is better than the Prime... which says a lot
about how important the CT torso weapon is. Once the arms are lost...
well, you are on your own.

12) SCR-C

Build Quality: 1.5

The build is quite hot when the energy is primarily used. With no
additional DHS to compensate for the heat generated, you can only use the
LPL or the 2 MPL depending on the needs... weather it is range, damage,
heat... as up to a certain point you will overheat badly.

The LBX10 isn't great, but it can work... and that requires the
significant use of the energy weapons to poke holes in the target, and
then let the LBX do the work. It's not a simple combination that will
work on its own honestly. At least you'll get enough ammo, and the ammo
explosion would be self-contained.

Role: 3

Stormcrows are good at brawling... and the build can survive it. Heat
from the enengy weapons are the greatest concern though as it is
naturally a heat-dependent mech. The ballistic arm allows for an
extension of what one would want the mech to be for its particular role.
It's clearly defined by the weapon in use.

Effectiveness: 1.5

The build won't hold up well, but compared to the alternatives this holds
up better. That's not saying much.

Author's Point: +.5

Outside of showing how great the omnipods are on the mech, there isn't a
point to using this over the Stormcrow-Prime.

Total Score: 5.5

Just put the Stormcrow-Prime on a more permanent rotation and be done
with it. Really.


Build Quality: 1.5

While ECM should cover up a few deficiencies, low armor, and insufficient
DHS to cool stuff off is a problem. The only way to be effective is using
the ERPPCs at true long range and use the medium lasers as the mechs come
closer or the heat will become unbearable. Essentially, you need to pick
your poison depending in the situation and circumstance.
The other weapons don't honestly help that much though...

Role: 2

The primary goal of the Hellbringer is support, and ideally that is
accomplished through long range while providing ECM to teammates when
forced to brawl. Trying to do too much will get yourself killed. It can
do a bit of everything, but to be the most effective, it has to commit to
a particular one. Failure to do that makes life difficult.

Effectiveness: 1

Similar to the Kitfox, trying to do much gets you killed. The design is
OK, but it's difficult to make the most of the entire loadout. While I
would normally recommend the chassis, the stock build doesn't show its
full potential and it's hard to make the most of it unless you like
ranging stuff. The Hellbringer can brawl, but it's really not that good
at it.

Author's Point: +.5

ECM Heavy is good. That's it.

Total Score: 5

I don't think I could recommend an alternative based on the ECM, but it
can be improved quite a bit though....


As I've said... if you focus on a particular aspect and maximize it, you
can make it significantly more useful. Stripping unnecessary stuff like
AMS, Streaks, and the MGs... you can put more armor and DHS which is what
the mech ultimately needs.

It's not a difficult tweak, but the stock build is woefully inadequate
for the new player... even with ECM.


Build Quality: 1

To keep it simple. All Maddogs are poorly armored, and are just downright
hot. There are very few exceptions to the rule.

If you take a Timberwolf-Prime, lose 15-tons and a boatload of DHS. You
get this.

It's too hot and fragile to give it a fair shake, so you are better off
avoiding this altogether.

Role: 1.5

The Maddog is most know for using missiles of all sorts, so building
around that is the best way to look at it. Unfortunately, the low ammo
levels don't help the commitment to the pair of LRM20s and that hinders
the purpose of the energy based weapons.

Effectiveness: .5

You can use it, but you're more likely to overheat within 30 seconds
trying to use all the weapons as much as you can. It doesn't help that
the side torsos are rather large, and thus you are easily removed from
the battlefield with an assist by the low armor values.

Author's Point: -.5

This isn't the variant to show off the Maddogs... that's all I can say.

Total Score: 2.5

I'm not sure how I could recommend a better variant, but I guess the
Maddog-A would be ideal. The concept of a "Splatdog" is hard, but at
least if you're going to go down, you can go down in a huge blaze of
overheating glory. The ERPPC would be fired when the target is far away
and everything else to be used up close. Then again, it may be of a
difficult chore to fire all the SRMs w/o invoking ghost heat... but
firing half of them at a time could be OK... if you can handle firing a
4th group or so.

There's no ideal solution... just slightly less bad ones.


Build Quality: 1

If you don't like armor, then you don't like to survive. This mech
suffers from that gravely.

This combined with its primary weapons that are mostly subpar from the
weight committed to them AND the ammo provided, you might as well have
"tickle me mechs". The key to making this remotely work is speed to get
into position.. fire the SRMs initially followed by the LBX5s. Otherwise,
you're going to be in for a long night.

Role: 1

While the Gargoyle can brawl far better than it can snipe, it's not
really set up to do that effectively enough with the build. Minimized
facetime is ideal as hit and runs through the mech's speed is the best
way to succeed.

Effectiveness: 1

It can take some damage. It can shoot. It's not for a new player. Speed
is the only thing it has, and firepower options are limited because of
that. This is not the mech I would've tried to sell packs with, but it is
what it is.

Author's Point: 0

I love the Gargoyle, but this isn't the solution.

Total Score: 3

There are two better options... both with their own sets of flaws.

The Gargoyle-C is better armored, but suffers from ammo issues and heat.
The heat can be alleviated by firing half of the 6 medium lasers (3 if
you are not math inclined) while overheating. The best use of the
ballistic arm is to use it as a shield as the limited ammo will hamper
its effectiveness anyways.

The Gargoyle-D suffers from the armor issue as the Gargoyle-Prime, but is
has a respectable number of DHS to cool the mech down. Using the weapons
for their ideal respective ranges will help out in keeping the mech cool
when needed (shooting the targets from long range with the ER Large Laser
and shooting everything that gets close up with the Medium Pulse Lasers).

Using the variant that makes the "least sense" as the trial mech is just
not a good idea, so it's best to avoid using the Gargoyle-Prime if you are a new

16) DWF-B

Build Quality: 1.5

Unlike the Direwolf-Prime, this is a disappointing stock build. The only
actual point of this variant is to make the most of the CT energy
hardpoint... and you get garbage.

Still, there is a point to the build. The idea is to range your targets
with the ERPPCs and then just dakka them to death.

Unfortunately, the choice of weapons, the UAC2 primarily, is bad for the
task. All the tonnage exerted is for the dakka and not the cooling for
the energy weapons, which makes this build very weak on two fronts... low
ammo options and low cooling. Those are inducive to really bad results.

Role: 2

The role of the mech is to kill things, but this variant isn't really
capable of doing that reliably.

Effectiveness: 1.5

This build isn't really for a new player as it "requires" a player to
"show their right torso side" a bit more than their left as the bulk of
the work has to be done by the left arm.. leaving the player with their
hand behind their back in terms of engaging their targets. It's just not
a good build.

Author's Point: 0

There is a reason why it's called the Dire Whale and I'm probably just
Captain Ahab.

Total Score: 5

The other variants are better for this actual purpose.
To optimize the Direwolf-B... is by removing all the "bad stuff"...


I'm not going to say this is any good, but it's my "best attempt" (at
this moment in time) to build it on a more productive sense. There's
enough DHS to cover the energy weapons, and the ballistic side is
"unified" (even if LBX is not as effective as it could be at this point
in time).

In summation, it would be nice if the trial mechs were good... but the majority are not.

From the current dropdeck Clan options.... the following dropdeck is the best you can do for now...

Ice Ferret-Prime

The alternatives aren't that much better unfortunately.

Also, there's an idea that I came up with while writing this article.


The idea is simply this... finding a legit reason to buy Champions while providing a Clan-friendly trial mech solution.

Champions as currently constituted are not worth it for the 30% XP bonus. Only if they are converted to a C-bill bonus between 15% and 20% is where I'd at least be interested in that. The best part of the idea is that it gives a purpose to the omnipod "bonus" a reason to exist (well, not the 2.5% XP part).

Anyways, read that post for the info - I can make a completely separate post about the idea if needed. There are plenty of base clan variants with good hardpoints, but could be optimized effectively.

The problem with the "stock trial mech" idea back before MWO's "launch" in 2013 was the terrible base "stock mech" that is woefully incompatible with a video game like MWO. The Clan Mechs are going through the same process and then some. The best thing that can be done as of this time is making the Stormcrow-Prime a permanent-part of the Clan Trial Mech option.

The best way to improve the current system is to put up a "Champion" equivalent for Clan Trial Mechs, while providing a reason to buy Champion Mechs. XP is not important in the MWO Economy... C-bills are. They are the primary reasons for new players to try and experiment... and when you can't do it... it's hard to get the new player to continue.

The Clan trial mech process has to be improved or the veterans of this game will continue to expose all the flaws in PGI's trial mechs and inevitably turn around potential players. That is the reality. It is what it is.

Edit: Fixed smurfy links

Edited by Deathlike, 04 March 2015 - 07:14 PM.

#2 luxebo


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:49 PM

Thank you Deathlike for releasing this; well done just like the IS set. :)

However I don't agree with all the ratings. The Dwf-Prime I found less friendly compared to the B, which I found the B to simply be a one button mini-dakka build. The other Stormcrow C is also just about as good (I would rate around 8-9), as it's not really too hot if one learned heat management a bit here and there, and that LBX is good late game. Saw other mechs a bit better, like the Summoner, the Hellbringer, the Mad Dog, and the Ice Ferret, though very accurate description via both Mist Lynx and Garg. They are bad. Guess we can't agree with everything. :P

#3 Deathlike


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 09:47 PM

View Postluxebo, on 04 March 2015 - 08:49 PM, said:

Thank you Deathlike for releasing this; well done just like the IS set. :)

However I don't agree with all the ratings. The Dwf-Prime I found less friendly compared to the B, which I found the B to simply be a one button mini-dakka build. The other Stormcrow C is also just about as good (I would rate around 8-9), as it's not really too hot if one learned heat management a bit here and there, and that LBX is good late game. Saw other mechs a bit better, like the Summoner, the Hellbringer, the Mad Dog, and the Ice Ferret, though very accurate description via both Mist Lynx and Garg. They are bad. Guess we can't agree with everything. :P

I'll admit to certain biases. I think my most flawed assessment could just possibly be the Direwolf (haven't grinded them out yet - waiting for the Direwolf-S to be released first).

On the other hand, I like my mechs hot and not using any form of Coolant (since trials don't even get that luxury).

I just can't see myself using much of the Clan Dakka outside of Gauss, LBX10s, and MGs. That's about it.

I love the Gargs and I'd love to promote them a bit, but the Gargoyle-Prime is truly an embarrassment to the chassis. Russ was trying to suggest the "best build" was like 1 LPL, 2 SSRM6, and 2 MGs. Don't get my started on that being a legitimately good idea. That idea needs to be destroyed immediately anyways.

It's alright. I don't expect everyone to agree. I'm just looking at the context of the mechs relative to the bigger picture. Everyone has to find their own niche that they like. However, the builds shouldn't hamper a new player's success. It's all downhill if it's not corrected ASAP.

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