So, we go from one extreme, 40-50% (before skills and modules, mind you) cooldowns on Dragons and Centurions and Hunchbacks and Thunderbolts..... to 4% Cooldown for min-maxed Missile Summoner (used as an example as the only "stackable pod quirks on the chassis)
I get the "plan" is incremental. But how long between the incremental creeps? Are they going to be evaluated every patch? Or will it be months before they cycle around again?
And do the Increments really need to be...this small? Small incremental changes only really work if they are being constantly tweaked and adjusted. 2-3 months between (or worse, "oops we forgot about it") just doesn't work.
Especially since the chassis we are starting with are known bottom dwellers. These ARE the tier 4 and 5s of Clan Omnis.
Lets use a couple examples:
Exhibit A: The OLD TDR-9s, with it's nonsensical 50% Heat Reduction to it's ER PPCs.
Exhibit B: The "Meta" Stacked Summoner Prime/Bravo combo with a total of 4% MIssile Range Buff and 4% tighter spreads.
Common Sense Medium: Somewhere in the 46% differential between the two extremes? (Which, are called extreme for a reason). For instance, a basic 10% Missile Buff on the Bravo Arms as Missiles are it's primary weapons, and say, 5% on the Primes LT as Missiles are it's tertiary weapon system (or none at all, and focus the Prime on it's right and left arm) and you get what? A Meta-spawning 15% cooldown to Missiles.
Big scary.
There are some mechs like the DWF that one has to be careful with overlapping pod bonuses. But it's a tier 1 ANYHOW, and thus would be getting few, if any quirks. Thus, those who will get in a lather over "but WHAT IF TIMBER WOLF", well that's a bad strawman argument that just needs to be eliminated before you utter it.
As for mid tier Mechs with lots hardpoints, like the Hellbringer? Um, common sense, they get lesser percentages than lower tier mechs...just like with the IS Quirks.
THAT is how you win the Internet with quirks.
A common sense Summoner Prime Quirk Build that is conservative?
SMN-Prime Omnipods
Mind you, not saying that is "the build" for the Summoner, just using it as an example piece.
So, no this is not a "PGI need fire people!" Post, but it also isn't a Rose Colored Spectacles one, either, but an attempt at finding the objective middle ground.
Which of course means, it will be doubly as unpopular a position as taking either extreme.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 17 March 2015 - 07:53 AM.