I was using a Cyborg RAT7 until the right click started to go nuts on me. It happens with mice sometimes when the spring dies to reset the switch apparently.
I replaced it with a Razer Naga Hex that was on sale. It has 6 thumb buttons and a sensitivity up/down near the mousewheel. It has been working out for me, and I like the software better than the RAT software.
The thumb buttons are set up in a hex shape as below:
1 3
4 6
I have thumb buttons 1 and 2 set to weapon groups 3 and 4 (don't worry, it's not confusing since you NEVER look at your mouse when you're using it).
Thumb button 3 is zoom in, thumb button 6 is zoom out.
Buttons 4 and 5 currently are for toggling night vision and thermal, but I rarely use them. Been considering swapping them for something else but I haven't had anything else that I really want to be on there.
Oh, and clicking down on the mouse wheel is for advanced zoom, which I only really use on 1-2 sniper mechs. Mousewheel itself is for throttle, up or down 10% per click of the wheel. 1-2-3-4 on my keyboard are also presets for throttle values (30%, 50%, 70% and 100%). Tilde (~) inverts the throttle for quick reversing.
Edited by Luscious Dan, 17 September 2015 - 10:22 AM.