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How To Achieve Mech Diversity - Food For Thought

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#1 happy mech


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Posted 03 May 2015 - 10:48 AM

hello, the first thing would be to lower heat cap to prevent high alphas
  • many mechs have weird hardpoints and cannot compete with the high mounted or massed firepower of some mechs, if we lower the initial alpha then more mechs can shine (vindicator, orion, cataphract, etc)
second thing would be to normalize engine and non-engine heat sinks to same dissipation
  • low-heatsink mechs are at an advantage and more-heatsink mechs do not gain so much compared to them, minimizing the difference between light-medium-heavy-assault
third thing, unlock all clan components and upgrades (but make upgrades in fixed slots)
  • tbr and scr are gifted naturally, while rest of clans cannot change, that will never make people want to play gimped half-stock variants, do this and clans can be looked at as a whole and balanced vs IS
fourth thing (after these three are done), look at things like lock+ecm+lrm system and other weapons
  • players should be able to hide and lose enemy lock and target information instantly, then lrms can be used as a more direct-fire support weapon and not boat in the back,
  • ecm needs to be personal, it may also make light scouts more useful
  • adjust the wepon system to offer more roles, example below
ml - increase cooldown by 1 second, ll - increase cd by 2 sec, ppc - inrease cd by 4 sec

IS ml - reduce heat to 3.5
ac2 - heat 0.8, cd 1 sec, 850 range, ac5 - cd 2 sec, 650 range, ac10 - cd 3 sec, 450 range, ac20 - cd 4 sec, 250 range
make uac double tap generate more heat (3x base heat) instead of jam chance, more controlled + prevents some 2x uac20 luck
gauss - cd 8 sec, 600 range
all srms - reduce speed by 30%

main damage is short range (sl, srms, ac20, IS ml)
approach-type weapons (clam ml, ac10, lrms)
longer range, harder to sustain weapons (ll, ac5)
harassment, force enemy to change their position (erll, ac2)
pipoint specialist weapons, ctritseeking, not for dps (gauss, ppc)
utility weapons that do no or little straight damage numbers (flamer to give constant heat to yourself and lowered heat to your target depending on its temperature up to some max%, machineguns for critting and possibly something other)

thanks for reading

edit: added utility weapons

Edited by happy mech, 03 May 2015 - 11:35 AM.

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