There needs to be more information available about a mech we are considering buying.
Currently, we can know what its equipped with, how many hardpoints and even pull up the configureation to know exactly where all th equipment is.
In the new format we get to know the variant name only? No other info?
You'll lose sales if you make it the new way. People will not put down even virtual money, let alone real cash, for a mech that they don't know what's in it. And while they may like trial mech, the knowledge that you have to by 3 variants to master it, and you don't know what the other variants carry, will make people hold off.
Buying Mech Needs More Information
Started by Quaamik, May 08 2015 02:07 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 08 May 2015 - 02:07 PM
Posted 08 May 2015 - 02:13 PM
Viewing the details of a 'Mech in the Store menu of the current PTS build requires that you hover-over the 'Mech to reveal the information pop-up.
I've added this to the Known Issues and Suggestions list.
I've added this to the Known Issues and Suggestions list.
- There should be a more clear and direct method for viewing the details of a 'Mech before purchasing it
- Type: Functional
- Summary: In the current PTS build, the only way to view the details of a 'Mech prior to purchasing it in the Store tab is to hover-over that 'Mech and wait for the pop-up to appear. Players should be able to directly click on a Mech Details button for any Mech in the Store.
- Type: Functional
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