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Suggestion For Game Improvements

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#1 Yuri Kovalesky


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 09:01 PM

Suggestion about the ECM mechs for Inner Sphere.

1- Stalker STK-3Fb
Sarna says: This Royal variant of the Stalker was introduced in 2705 and carries a Guardian ECM Suite in the center torso, upgrades the large lasers to extended range versions, and adds Artemis IV fire control systems to the LRM-15s that replace the Jackson LRM-10 launchers. The SRM-6 racks are gone, and the standard heat sinks were replaced with seventeen double heat sinks. Surviving examples of these variants left with Aleksandr Kerensky during Operation Exodus. BV (2.0) = 2,029[5]

2- Wardog

Suggestion about the mechs for Inner Sphere.

1- War dogProduction Year 3052[1]
PS: Did you noticed how IS lacks on 75 tons mech so far? I do.

2- BushwackerProduction Year 3053[2][3]

3- Uziel

Production Year 3065[3]I know this one will take a little to appear but stil, a suggestion.

Suggestion about the Hero Mechs Quirks for Inner Sphere.

Increase all Hero mechs Quirks more 10% ( Except the ones wich is far beyong 20 or 25% )

Suggestion about the Champion Mechs.

Add a special cammo and color.

Increase Quirk more 10% ( If a mech is a champion version of a regular one, it isnt fair he carries an equal challenge for their name?! )

PS: On this suggestion, the idea is make the Champion mechs something more attractive.

Suggestion about the Community Warfare.

Add Calliope turrets to the gates. ( Only gates )

Add NPC AI based units such as the classical.
Example: Tanks, helicopters, jeeps, Missile trucks.I hate League of legends but the system would fit here just fine.
I mean, non-playable units making script-based paths and engaging enemy in the acceptable range.

Exclude ghost-drop and add Match-making just like in the Public Matches for CW. ( This would make the game fair, more easier to organize and much much more faster to find a room with players )

Add Faction soundtracks in the beginning of the battle. ( For this one it would be nice for every territory counts the controlling faction, not the planet )

Suggestion about the Single Player version.

Single player and co-op missions against AI.

About the comm inside the missions, the mechwarrior 4 and mercenaries have a very simple and efficient.

Only the persons voices with the radio-like quality.

Add a boss mech hero like to the players fight in the end of each mission.

Suggestion about the Customization system.

Add unit symbol in mech armor when the player join a unit.

Add faction symbol in mech armor when the player join a faction.

Add both symbols in the same mech armor.

Fully customizable patterns like: Make your own cartoon and put in the mech armor.

Add warhorn with voices in different languages such like: Owned, I got you on this one, Die Die Die, Hahahahahaha.

Increase the size for some cockpit itens ( Some are so small i cant even see them in my cockpit )

Suggestion about the cockpit appearances.

Invert IS and Clan cockpits or change to something more Ancient versus Top tech.

PS: I couldnt let to notice some Inner Sphere mechs with very ancient age of production or somewhat old with cockpits very like modern and Clanner mechs with cockpits very old-like and repaired, even modified pretty amateurilly. ( Probably invented that word )

Why clan mechs have cockpits like WW2 planes while the Inner Very Old Sh%t Sphere have modern ones?

Example: My Jagermech have a mercedes cockpit while the Summoner have a beetle 1943 cockpit.

Same happens to Hunchback vs Nova cockpits.

And please! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! I cant look to my pilot body without remember HALF LIFE 1.

I know its pretty rude compare mechwarrior with another game but i really see Gordon Freeman on that very old 32 bit graphic suit.

Even with some Inner Sphere Suit being ancient, it should be atleast equal to the rest of the game graphics.

No offense.

Well, so far i can think only in this ones but soon ill post more.

#2 Arjohan


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Posted 13 May 2015 - 11:03 AM

View PostYuri Kovalesky, on 12 May 2015 - 09:01 PM, said:


Suggestion about the ECM mechs for Inner Sphere.

1- Stalker STK-3Fb
- Wait for it, it'll come and it'll come fast. Trust me.

2- Wardog
- It'll take some time, it'll come in package soon. For sure. Just wait for the classic 'mechs Resistance waves to end.

Suggestion about the mechs for Inner Sphere.

1- War dogProduction Year 3052[1]
PS: Did you noticed how IS lacks on 75 tons mech so far? I do.
- I think everybody noticed how 75 tons ARE rare =P

2- BushwackerProduction Year 3053[2][3]
- Not so soon...

3- Uziel
- Simply no, wait a LONG time.

- 4- Stalker 3Fk... Why not to have BUNCHS of Misseles and Energy?!

Suggestion about the Hero Mechs Quirks for Inner Sphere.
- Requirk some Heroes, no need for more 10% in MANY cases. Just get better quirks for them... IF needed

Suggestion about the Champion Mechs.

- I agree IF enhancing more 10% only on quirks to trial ones AND only for novice players.

Suggestion about the Community Warfare.
Add Calliope turrets to the gates. ( Only gates )
- Simply no. There is no potential "canonity" for such turret. Forget about it.

Add NPC AI based units such as the classical. Example: Tanks, helicopters, jeeps, Missile trucks.I hate League of legends but the system would fit here just fine. I mean, non-playable units making script-based paths and engaging enemy in the acceptable range.
- Agreed, and I'm waiting for it since CBT

Exclude ghost-drop and add Match-making just like in the Public Matches for CW. ( This would make the game fair, more easier to organize and much much more faster to find a room with players )
- The focus in CW is exactly for "faction war". If you want to win, get a team with good players! Realistic speaking, it is exactly how it would happen in real life... As for ghost drop... Simple solution: Send what both sides have AND give both sides the possibility of surrendering. A decisive defeat with spawn camp can be easily avoided with surrendering options... To make surrender viable, just give more 25% CBills to the victorious team. It'll give an incentive to not surrender always.

Add Faction soundtracks in the beginning of the battle. ( For this one it would be nice for every territory counts the controlling faction, not the planet )
- It would be a nice feature, not top priority though.

Suggestion about the Single Player version.
Single player and co-op missions against AI. About the comm inside the missions, the mechwarrior 4 and mercenaries have a very simple and efficient. Only the persons voices with the radio-like quality. Add a boss mech hero like to the players fight in the end of each mission.
- Nothing to say. Only too much "work" and resources spent at something not really needed right now. OF COURSE! I agree only in the need for single player missions, it is needed for novice players...

Suggestion about the Customization system.
Add unit symbol in mech armor when the player join a unit. Add faction symbol in mech armor when the player join a faction. Add both symbols in the same mech armor.
Fully customizable patterns like: Make your own cartoon and put in the mech armor.
- I think it was planned... No thoughts about it.

Add warhorn with voices in different languages such like: Owned, I got you on this one, Die Die Die, Hahahahahaha.
- There are some copyright issues depending on what sound it uses... No idea what will come next.

Increase the size for some cockpit itens ( Some are so small i cant even see them in my cockpit )
- There is another topic only about this, so... Maybe it'll be noticed?

Suggestion about the cockpit appearances.
Invert IS and Clan cockpits or change to something more Ancient versus Top tech.
PS: I couldnt let to notice some Inner Sphere mechs with very ancient age of production or somewhat old with cockpits very like modern and Clanner mechs with cockpits very old-like and repaired, even modified pretty amateurilly. ( Probably invented that word )
Why clan mechs have cockpits like WW2 planes while the Inner Very Old Sh%t Sphere have modern ones? Example: My Jagermech have a mercedes cockpit while the Summoner have a beetle 1943 cockpit. Same happens to Hunchback vs Nova cockpits.
- Nothing to say about it. I would prefer a full cockpit rework to use those computer all around the pilot... Need an example? War Thunder (There ARE alot more other games that does this as well, this one just came into my mind first)

And please! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! I cant look to my pilot body without remember HALF LIFE 1.
I know its pretty rude compare mechwarrior with another game but i really see Gordon Freeman on that very old 32 bit graphic suit.
Even with some Inner Sphere Suit being ancient, it should be atleast equal to the rest of the game graphics.
No offense.
- Ok, the pilot needs some changes. Not top priority IMO.

Edited by Ryon Kerensky, 13 May 2015 - 01:08 PM.

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