(All caps and bold font was to preemptively expose those who just like to dismiss anything that's not already 100% worked out and ready to be implemented, before proposing improvements, alterations or alternatives.)
I'd love to see a cadet bonus structure that rewards new players for completing some form of basic training, to learn the game better. Nothing crazy, just the basics like "lock targets even if you have no missles," and "assault mechs, as a rule, should not wander off very far alone."
In a perfect world, this would be set up so that any new player could just jump in and play, as now. But, if they chose not to bother with any tutorial exercises, (which would of course, need to be created,) then they would not gain as many C-bills, with which to purchase their first mech.
Right now, cadet bonus is based solely on "score," which new players are...not well-suited for anyway.
But this way, a new player would simply go through the tutorials to earn those C-bills. If they complete enough tutorials, they would have enough C-bills to buy whatever mech they wanted. (And in the process, will now know how to drive that Atlas with at least SOME level of competance.)
If a new player just wants to jump in the game and fight, that's fine! There are tons of mechs to choose from, (proportional to what percentage of the tutorials they completed.) But IMO, the players who have the patience and interest to learn the bare basics of gameplay and teamwork first, should be rewarded for their efforts, (whith enough C-bills to get whatever mech they want.)
This way, no mechs are "locked" to brand-new players, but there's still C-bill incentive for learning the game, (and many of the truly "clueless" assault pilots would not longer plague PUG games.)
Discuss and enjoy. o7
Edited by Colonel Tonberry, 19 May 2015 - 07:57 AM.