To add depth to CW and tie everything together, and make dots on the Inner Sphere map mean something, here is what one can do.
On on public queue solo drops (the Play Now button) henceforth known as SKIRMISH, let the winning team earn 150,000 + X cbills, and the losing team earn 10,000 + X cbills base earnings.
The value of X, will depend on how many planets their (individual players) Faction owns on the Inner Sphere map, over how many players are pledged to that Faction, something along the lines of :
X = no. of planets owned by Faction x no. of planets (or zones in a planet) owned by his Unit in the Faction / no. of players pledged to Faction permanently
The number of planets is a fixed constant, therefore the economy is a closed economy. If a certain Faction starts conquering too many planets in the Inner Sphere (Marik obviously) and everybody starts jumping into Marik to benefit from the X bonus, it would not do them much good as the bonus will be diluted and the value of X will come down, thus the economics will balance itself out.
What this does is it gives incentives for pugs to join in defense and attacks of planets they own in CW. The more pugs that play, the less chances a single solo player will face an organized 12-man premade. This is evident from the early days of Tukayyid event (before players figured out they can form 12-mans to jump the queue hence premades got a game much more frequently than solo pugs) and in the Invasion event.
The more planets they defend, the more money they and their teammates earn from Skirmish modes EVEN if they lose.
Secondly they would also be willing to bolster attacking Units who start the queue without having a 12-man because they understand that complementing the 12-man planet attack group and then winning will benefit them as well.
This ties up the normal Skirmish mode and Faction Warfare to a single currency - Faction Warfare will have global impact on the whole game instead of playing for the specific Loyalty Points.
There will now be a purpose to Faction Warfare that ties everything together.
So to clarify, lets say your team (the blues) has 4 davions, 3 steiners, 4 wolfs, 1 marik, and you win against the other organization (the reds), so the 4 davions will get base winning cbills + Davion's X, the 3 Steiners will get base winning cbills + Steiner's X, Marik will get base winning cbills + Marik's X. And the red team will get base losing cbills of their individual Faction's X.
This is Step 1 of Tying CW together. Step 2 would be adding depth to CW - earning certain planets in certain regions result in cheaper mechs of certain type, or result in cheaper consumeables like UAV, Artilleries and stuff. Step 3 would be dropship travel between planet to planet to mount battle fronts against invading forces.
But now I think Step 1 is a good place to start.
If you like this - there are still a couple of things to discuss:
1) What's the incentive of staying in a Faction which only has 1 planet left (therefore very little bonuses to X)? There has to be some incentive to add population (especially strong population) to weaker Factions
2) How would Mercs fit into the picture? Perhaps it can be tied up with (1) so that Mercs get really high incentives to bring a weak faction back to its original strength?
EDIT: replaced ambigious use of the word faction that caused some confusion. Sorry for my poor English
Edited by masCh, 29 May 2015 - 12:35 PM.