With Phase 3 coming soon it will be possible for PGI to do Faction Campaign events.
Pick two Factions for a regular weekend event (Thurs to Tues) time period - an Attacker and a Defender..
Select a Target Planet that the Attackers must take during the event and have incentives for Mercs (have all contracts reset at beginning of event) and Freelancers to join the fight (help to balance the population so it is not one sided).
Can have progressive rewards - X number of Wins with match score over 100.
When the Target Planet is finally reached then it becomes like the Battle of Tukayyid. The planet will be contested until the end of the event (no resetting after each battle window). So the longer it takes for the attackers to reach the Target Planet the less time they will have to conquer it.
The winner of the event should get some nice rewards - i.e. Campaign Decal, Campaign Banner, Faction Camo, etc.
Another weekend pick two new factions. PGI can use this to help change the flow of combat on the map.
i.e. If Steiner is taking a beating from Jade Falcon have an event with Steiner launching a major counter attack to reclaim an important planet.
Edited by BoloJoe, 29 February 2016 - 07:23 AM.