I hope this thread could be used to help explain the game a bit better, and answer questions for those who have them.
Starting with the Crit System; every weapon in the game has a 42% chance to score a Critical Hit:
- 25% chance for 1 crit
- 14% chance for 2 crits
- 3% chance for 3 crits
Weapons that deal all their damage in one clump, or in a Frontloaded fashion (FLD: Front Loaded Damage) will deal full Critical Damage as soon as they deal damage to the Internal Structure (IS).
As an example, an AC20 can hit 14 points of armour, deal 6 damage to the IS, and roll for a crit. If it rolls, it will deal a full 20 Critical Damage.
What does Critical Damage do? It will damage and potentially destroy items inside the component damaged. In the case of the AC20, a single crit will destroy any item, because most items have 10 HP, while the AC20 will deal 20 Critical Damage.
For the majority of cases, Crit Damage is directly related to the damage dealt to the given component. This is true for every weapon system...
however exceptions include FLD weapons (isACs, PPCs, Gauss, SRMs) which still deal full crit damage (directly proportional to their full damage rating) as long as they breach armour and damage IS, even if they don't deal full real damage.
The second exception are the so called "Crit Weapons", the LBx series of AutoCannons and the Machine Guns. The LBx get 2 Critical Damage per pellet, and the MGs get 9x Crit Damage per bullet. These will not instantly destroy items, as the LBx need 5 pellets to destroy most items, and the MGs need to fire for a couple seconds to pump out enough damage, while the FLD weapons have a solid chance of destroying the weapon in a single crit.
Crit Weapons also get a bonus chance to crit, 67% for the LBx and Flamers, and 52% for MGs, split between the 3 crit pools.
Critical Damage also has another effect; 15% of Critical Damage will transfer back into the IS. So, that AC20 that dealt 1 crit? 20*.15=3
That means the AC20 deals 3 extra real damage, as well as 20 Crit damage. If he rolls the lucky 3% 3 crit, he can deal up to 29 damage, but very rare.
Likewise with the previous example, if he hits 14 armour and rolls a crit, he will deal 9 damage as opposed to just 6, because of the FLD advantage in crits.
For the Clan faction, Targeting Computers also increase the crit chance of many weapons (essentially, not MGs, Flamers and LBx series).
The TC1 adds:
- +4.32% to 1 crit, 29.32% total
- +2.42% to 2 crits, 29.42% total
- +0.52% to 3 crits, 3.52% total
One thing I discovered, is that the Crit System allows for Dual Gauss to one shot a fully armoured cockpit, even though 30 damage is less than the 33HP of a fully armoured cockpit.
That's because Gauss #1 brings the armour to 3 points, the Gauss #2 can penetrate and roll a Critical hit. Each Crit on a Gauss will deal 2.25 extra damage (15*.15), so the 2 crits will deal a total of 34.5 damage, greater than 33.
Normally, that's a low 17% crits, which with a TCMk7, can bring it to 22% to one shot a mech.
Still low, but it's a game mechanic not many know about.
It can be tested in the Testing Grounds, take any Clan heavy (stripped of armour) and mount Dual Gauss+TC7, and you'll run around fast enough. Forest Colony has 5 fully armoured heads (not the Commando, Jenner or Cicada) and takes ~2 minutes to do a lap. Due to RNG, it might take a few laps, but try 4 and see how many 1 shots you get.
Now, you can protect against Critical Hits, although since it's RNG, there's only so much you can do. Here's a chart of a stock Yen Lo Wang listing crit chances:

You'll notice actuators and engines (including XLs) can tank Critical Slots, which lets you protect an item, reducing the 100% of the SHS in the ST, to something lower (like the 83% of the AC20).
Best done with Gauss Rifles, weapons and ammo, it might let you stay in the fight longer, or avoid exploding.
Heatsinks work well for this, being 3 slots large, but as they only have 10HP, they won't last long.
There are two items with less than 10 HP, the Gauss Rifle at 5 HP, and the ECM suite at 3 HP. It's always good to put Gauss Ammo next to the Rifle itself, as the ammo is not explosive, but the weapon is, with a 90% chance to blow dealing 20 damage. Half tons of Gauss ammo are wonderful for Crit padding, as they still have the 10 HP, but can be spread out further.
That's the Crit System in a nutshell...I've probably missed a few things, but feel free to add to that, or ask a question about it.
Heat system in the next post.
Edited by Mcgral18, 01 July 2015 - 04:54 PM.