Like most, I am very happy to know some of the more oddly sized mechs will get rescaled, but it hit me that if they scale down a couple of the medium mechs to next existing joint height they would then be too short.
I suggest a new joint height for these mediums between their current height and next existing height.
Expanded Version:
It appears that MWO reuses joint height which I assume is for rigging and animating purposes.
There seems to be a large gap between the joint height of the Hunchback(green line mediums), which most consider to be scaled correctly, and that of the Trebuchet/Kintaro(orange line mediums). Rescaling the Trebuchet/Kintaro to the joint height of the Hunchback would make them too small so I suggest adding a new height(yellow line mediums).
Since I'm already on the subject of scale, I included other mechs that, in my opinion, could be rescaled to existing joint heights. I did not include the Awesome nor the Centurion in the pic as they are wide but otherwise a good size and their joint height would not change. Hunchback and Zeus are included only as reference.
The Shadowhawk/Griffin(red line mediums) could drop to the current Trebuchet/Kintaro joint height(orange line mediums).
The Grasshopper(red line heavy/assault) could drop to the current Quickdraw/Victor joint height(orange line heavy/assault).
The Quickdraw/Victor(orange line heavy/assault) could drop to the current Catapult joint height(yellow line heavy/assault).
The Catapult(yellow line heavy/assault) could drop to the Zeus joint height(green line heavy/assault).
Pics courtesy of Ovion