some of my ideas for changing up CW and making the game more strategic.
Change to the game mode.
Instead of the destroy X (which might be moved into assault on the PUG side with changes). Have a game of territory control.
I will be using the current grid format, but that doesn't have to be used, just to make it simpler.
CW will be done on a large map. Each grid will have a capture point.
A team may only capture a grid square if they have captured an adjoining square.
All the captured squares must be connected to the teams starting point.
The winner is the team with the most area controlled or the team that captures the enemy base.
Obviously the map will dictate that certain areas are strategically more important that others.
Further it would hopefully discourage deathballing as there would be a viable tactic of out flanking the enemy or using heavy mechs to keep the enemy engaged whilst lights go and capture additional areas.
Further certain capture points might have things like drop ship sites so that you are not having to run to the front line or turrets for defence or gates.
If you couldn't see who controlled an area then it would provide an insentive to scout out routes too.
Changes to the waiting system on CW.
have CW matches for a planet start at a set time. Then everyone can see when it starts and be there on time. this should cut the waiting.
If no one turns up or there is too few players the empty slots should be taken by some simple AI Mechs (call them local forces). these should not be too hard or clever but provide a bit of a risk.
Ideally though you'd want an ability to hot join a battle whilst it was on going, if there was space.
resource management / faction control.
Now with it being about area captured it would be possible to have infinite respawns or anything in between, because it is not about eliminating the other team.
The faction leader (because I understand some people want to direct the war) could allocate a max drop tonnage per planet. representing the amount of resources they are willing to put into the attack or defending of the planet.
With the set time of the battle starting this would give a chance for the faction leaders to adjust tonnage between the fights.
Anyway what do people think.
Obviously all pie in the sky as I don't see them introducing new maps and mechanics, but I think this is the sort of thing that would make things more interesting.

New Cw Mode
Started by Greyhart, Jul 31 2015 02:56 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 31 July 2015 - 02:56 AM
Posted 07 December 2015 - 02:13 PM
I think you have some good ideas, here, and I don't really see a down side, especially if we can have some objective-based warfare. The more items we add to a game mode, the more items there are to take advantage of for those guys who want to, and those who still just want to pew-pew and dakka can do so to their heart's content, though it may mean their losing the game once the other team, who wants to play the objectives, does so. This would open up a good many tactical goals, as well.
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