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Cw Kind Of, Sort Of, Works

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#1 crustydog


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 04:38 AM

There is a lot that needs fixing - and badly.

I would not consider this game as being ready for market. There remains so many major issues that need to be addressed.

That said, many, if not most of the best matches I have ever had were in CW. The tactics are better, the communication is better, the game is better.

I am hoping to see this game evolve into something with much greater scope and depth. I have seen the zone camping and gen rushing issues have been largely dealt with, so I know the other problems can be addressed as well.

Keep going PGI - you are closer now to a major hit than you have ever been before... you really do have something here.

I, for one, have high hopes for the future, and I know I am not alone in that thinking.

#2 Heart of Storm


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 04:44 AM

Generally agree, much to fix still but their current DoT, with the new maps, promised overhaul of role warfare/quirks etc is all good stuff.

So much so that Founder friends of mine who abandoned the game in disgust over a year ago are following the patch notes and considering returning..

#3 Livewyr


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 05:35 AM

Community Warfare, as it is, is a glorified 4th game type in the public queue.

#4 Swagpanda89


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 05:47 AM

I still like to play CW a lot and have a lot of fun by doing that. In my opinion it just can get better with phase 3, but it is also important with who and how you play CW.

For example you are a more experienced player and drop CW in only a lance/star with your guys. There you try to position the rest of the team and lead them to victory. That can be an awful job, when some people just don't stick with the plan...
and yeah I know there were loads of stuff lone wolves or pugs should do and so on... but some just don't want to listen.

I think teaming up and have fun while winning as an organized group is the best we can do in the state of CW phase 2 atm and hope that phase 3 will make much things better as promised. :)

#5 Cizjut


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 07:44 AM

The idea behind the 4mech deck drop for each pilot is pretty good, as it forces another meta strategy to the customization before the launch. It's also nice to have a "respawn mode" because sometimes you wait more time on queue than ingame for normal matches. Also different strategies can be used for the different scenarios/objectives that could be developed for attacking/defending.

But as it is now it's always ATTACK OMEGA. It's not very interesting after awhile.

The worst part of CW i believe is the map layouts. Every map is a chokepoint, narrowing possibilites and strategies to rush push and defending team to bottleneck. It also narrows out brawling mechs, and generally, most CW map balance suck.

A mode with two OMEGA points each side could be interesting. More open maps to use lights freely and flank. Strategic points around the map that control turrets/give vision to their captors. Resource mode in CW. Something that gives the incentive to go for actual objectives instead the inevitable power creep that goes around a glorified deathmatch with respawns, where the light mech feels like the wasted drop slot.

I would hate to compare MWO with a MOBA but HotS does a lot of this and could benefit from doing different scenarios where we can test our mech modifications and different tactics.

#6 CainenEX


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 08:49 AM

I feel that PGi is moving in the right direction with things. But as much as I feel that there are going in the right direction I find that there is still much to be done, and more than just a little polish.

i share most of my arguments with Cizjit. There needs to be more than just Attack/Defend, which only happens half the time (the other mode is glorified team deathmatch, which is just silly). Yes a few more CW game modes, like reasource securing, recon mode, escort missions and planet entry (via dropship) would be awesome. Lets get some more maps that are the size of Alpine peaks (wasn't that supposed to be the prototypes of a CW map? Why are all the current CW ones small and claustraphobic? :S )
Bases need to feel like bases, with some functionality. It would help to have more than just turrets. Where are the tanks and infantry? Could we get actually airsupport/ Artillery assests?

And please get RID of GHOST DROPS and CEASEFIRE. I don't like waiting in queue for 20 minutes to get a team then wait 10 and get s ghost drop. That is boring. VERY BORING. By the time we start playing its already ceasefire, which means another 30 minutes of waiting to play a CW match.

What we need is a persistent map/world where people can join in at any time and spend less than 5 minutes waiting to drop.
This would be awesome. A large objective based map where the FINAL goal is the omega target but FIRST you need to secure your advance, establish a firebase and supply line, secure cities and important objects. Man I'd LOVE to get that. Varying weather and planet conditions would make it differentand super interesting to manage imaging, maybe even affect radar.. Some randomized objective placing, when balanced with map design would be really great too.

Advanced dropszones when secured will become forward spawnpoints, bases will have ammo and repair depots, multiple hangers to aid respawn time.

Yes PGI please continue (and listen to your community). You have alot of "passionate fans" (I being one of them too :P ) and sometimes we'll give you a hard time over this game. But at the end of the day we love the Battletech universe and we love what this game has become. Its been a very rough time for you guys being an indie developer but you are managing. Keep going. You have our support :)

But I swear we will swarm you like an angry mob if you dissapoint us badly :D

#7 Tyler Valentine


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Posted 04 August 2015 - 12:33 PM

View Postcrustydog, on 04 August 2015 - 04:38 AM, said:

There is a lot that needs fixing - and badly.

I would not consider this game as being ready for market. There remains so many major issues that need to be addressed.

That said, many, if not most of the best matches I have ever had were in CW. The tactics are better, the communication is better, the game is better.

My thoughts exactly, which is why i routinely wait 15 mins for a game even though i could just jump into the solo queue. I can feel the game I want lurking behind the one we have now! Keep up the good, post breakup, work PGI ;)

#8 AlphaToaster


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:20 AM

I had only ever joined one faction since CW started and I never really paid attention to the faction rewards other than the Cbills. Recently we moved to a new faction and I noticed the crazy free stuff they give away for leveling up faction rank.

The free mech bay for the first few levels worth of faction points is incentive to hop to each faction to get the 10+ bays. Players get to see all sides of the CW and return to grind further on the faction they like once they have enough mechbays to support a mastered drop deck.

Plus someone who grinds to the upper levels starts getting really nice MC bonuses. More than PGI rewards for events for winners sometimes.

#9 Elizander


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Posted 09 August 2015 - 04:41 AM

I'll go with it from my point of view though. I have been here awhile and I do pay when I can/want to so the mech bay/MC incentives don't mean much to me at all. I already have 98 mechs and 10 more empty bays and I play casually. While it's nice that CW matches are different, I feel no need to return to the mode. The incentives just aren't there for me.

The only time I ever raided hardcore seriously in WoW was when I wanted a Frostwyrm mount. A stupid cosmetic mount that looks like a dragon made of bones. Raided the crap out of it for the better part of a year to get the achievements with my small guild until we got our Frostwyrms because I liked it and it was the only place to get it.

Maybe I'm looking for custom camo and paints for Liao, maybe a custom geometry Liao mech, maybe branded weapons that Liao often uses for their mech construction that act the same but just have a different color/name/fluff text on it.

People can earn c-bills and buy MC/bays out of CW so the rewards are not unique to the mode. The novelty of dropping in 4 mechs isn't enough to keep me lining up for it.

I still believe that PGI needs to ramp up their ability to create cosmetics and use those as incentives for CW and other major features. Looking cool is important in MWO. I'm sure you can dig up enough geometry/camo/skin threads to see that's true.

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