Just out of curiousity, what are the canon fire rates and reload times of weapons?
I saw on the forums that typical Battletech tabletop turns take 10 seconds in "in-universe time".
How long does it really take for a PPC or ER-Large Laser to cooldown, or an AC/10 to reload?
If Machine Gun's do 2 damage per shot, and AC/2 do 2 damage per shot, how many rounds do MG's actually fire per second in the lore vs. in MWO?
How long does it take for LRMs/SRMs to reload in the lore?

Battletech Lore Reload Times
Started by Dino Banino, Aug 16 2015 10:53 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 16 August 2015 - 10:53 AM
Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:02 AM
10 seconds or less. All weapons are available to fire the next turn in TT.I'm not sure if there is an official time for reloading. It varied wildly in the novels based on the need of the story, but like i said in TT it was available on the next turn.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:05 AM
As far as I know...
General TT = One shot per 10 seconds, unless using Rotary ACs (up to 6 shots) or Ultra ACs (up to 2 shots)
Special Solaris Rules = 4 different classes of reload times, each was under 10 seconds I believe (were the slowest ones 8 seconds IIRC?)
"Lore" Flavor Text = Varies, plot devices described some weapons as firing multiple, weaker shots within the 10 second timeframe to add up to the same damage
General TT = One shot per 10 seconds, unless using Rotary ACs (up to 6 shots) or Ultra ACs (up to 2 shots)
Special Solaris Rules = 4 different classes of reload times, each was under 10 seconds I believe (were the slowest ones 8 seconds IIRC?)
"Lore" Flavor Text = Varies, plot devices described some weapons as firing multiple, weaker shots within the 10 second timeframe to add up to the same damage
Edited by FupDup, 16 August 2015 - 11:07 AM.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 11:45 AM
There are no rules for cool down or reload times in tabletop B Tech. When your part of the 10 second turn comes, everything you have that isn't destroyed can be fired. Of course the B Tech rules assume that the poor weapon ranges are related to crummy computer targeting - which would seem to indicate that the computer and not the pilot does most of the aiming. So by extension perhaps the 10 second fire rate is related to time required for computer locks as well as any reload, cool down.
Posted 16 August 2015 - 12:00 PM
FupDup, on 16 August 2015 - 11:05 AM, said:
Special Solaris Rules = 4 different classes of reload times, each was under 10 seconds I believe (were the slowest ones 8 seconds IIRC?)
Turns under the 'Mech Duel Rules (from Solaris VII: the Game World) represented 2.5-second periods of in-universe time.
Weapons were classified as "Delay 0", "Delay 1", "Delay 2", and "Delay 3", where the number represented the number of turns that had to elapse before the weapon was (safely) ready to fire again - that is, a Delay 0 weapon (e.g. AC/2) would be ready to fire during the turn immediately following the turn in which it had fired previously (e.g. 0 turns elapsed), while a Delay 2 weapon (e.g. an AC/20) would be ready after two turns had elapsed (that is, the turn after the turn after the turn in which it had initially fired).
Category 1 ("Delay 0" - 0.0 to 2.5 seconds recycle time)
- MG
- AC/2
- Flamer
- Small Laser
- Medium Laser
- Small Pulse Laser
- AC/5
- AC/10
- LB 10-X
- UAC/5
- SRM-2
- SRM-4
- SRM-6
- SSRM-2
- Narc
- Large Laser
- Medium Pulse Laser
- AC/20
- Gauss Rifle
- LRM-5
- LRM-10
- LRM-15
- LRM-20
- ER Large Laser
- Large Pulse Laser
For example: under the 'Mech Duel Rules, PPCs and ER-PPCs (along with ERLLs and LPLs) would each have had a cooldown between 7.5 and 10.0 seconds (versus ~4.0 seconds for MWO).
Additionally, the 'Mech Duel Rules also included an optional "Overriding Delay" rule, that allowed a weapon to override the firing delay (such that they could be fired at any time) at the cost of additional heat generation ("it builds up additional heat once for every turn remaining on the delay track") and likelihood of destroying the weapon ("Every time the weapon is fired prematurely, the MechWarrior must make make an Override Roll equal to 2 + (the number of delay turns remaining) + 1 for each time the weapon has been fired prematurely in that combat.")
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