Chuck YeaGurr, on 30 September 2015 - 08:20 AM, said:
bad team but good performance PSR stays same or slightly drops
Good team good performance bigger jumps in psr than drop in losses (why people are upset with just playing to move up)
Over 1000 games you should draw close to equal team quality for wins and losses. Variance in random number is offset by bigger reward for win.
Only constant factor guess what - YOU. IF you constantly play well you move up. (note) there are ways to inflate numbers that help epeen, but they let the team fall short. Number padding by never being the person in front will result in consistently letting the team down. You will get more losses.
(total wins) adjusted by (consistent good play in losses) over (extended period of time) = movement up in psr
Your performance in the loss does affect how you move up even a negative arrow can still be less than a worse performance. Do not just look at the arrow and make assumptions.
This is a math problem with multiple parts
Yes math is learnt. Thanks for the outstanding lesson. But like I said, PSR is based on perfect world math. By your logic, (you being the constant variable) ELO is a perfectly fine rating system, because EVENTUALLY your 8.3% contribution to all the matches you played will EVENTUALLY make a difference. But ask yourself these questions: Who has that time? And,
Does PSR reflect the most relevant skill of the player? (think: learning curve! side questions: does our current PSR rating keep up with us, or is it only an accurate representation of our skill when we plateau and stay there?)
Here’s my answers: very few, and no.
The argument here is giving out the most accurate rating in the fastest possible fashion.
With ELO (as an example, please hang in there) you’ll get to the top, eventually, if you play THOUSANDS of matches for the game to place you in the correct area. I’ll keep saying this – you only make up 8.3% of your team. And yes, eventually with PSR you are placed into a tier that’s somewhat close to where you place. But worse yet, you make up 4.2% of the overall match players. The system is assuming that it’s placing you correctly with all those people. It takes a ridiculous amount of time for you to climb into the area where you’re supposed to be.
Like I said, in a perfect world, with every player who has hundreds of hours of free time, or plays the game straight for months and months, they’ll end up in the right tier. But that’s just the same with ELO.
As PGI mentioned, PSR only solves the problem with ELO that your team can carry you into higher tiers.
Are you saying that PSR is perfect? I don’t. This is what we can do to improve it. Can we please take Paul’s arbitrary rating numbers, and instead let the match and your team dictate whether you’re placed correctly or not?
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 30 September 2015 - 09:11 AM.