There are 2 fundamental changes being made here:
1) Clan laser MAXIMUM distances are being shortened globally. The LongRange value is not changing from what it is now. (It WILL be affected by change 2 below however).
Here's how Clan lasers are being affected...

2) A global change to lasers based on target lock.
If the target 'Mech is not locked, your 'Mech's targeting system is going to focus your lasers at 60% of it's normal LongRange. Damage falloff happens from this point on. If you DO target your enemy 'Mech, your targeting system now knows the distance at which to focus the lasers to do maximum damage. This is when your lasers go back to normal max damage at LongRange. Targeting or Not Targeting does not affect MaxRange distances.
Here is how targeting affects all lasers...

These two system combined are meant to futher enhance the importance of InfoTech and Clan laser max range imbalance.