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The Urbanmech. Why and why not?

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#1 Calisrue


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 07:43 PM

I post this with much trepidation because i while i don't mind criticism ... i don't really feel like being flamed into something beyond a charcoal nugget.

we already got a gazillion threads. they have variations of rationality, logic, emotion, guts and all kinds of thoughts and emotions about why and why not implement/and or play urbanmech. Also AN AMAZING amount of good art and content devoted to the urbie.

Given what we've seen from devs, i'm guessing an urbanmech bobblehead in cockpit might be on their docket but i hope they don't think this will satisfy the urbanitess.

anyhow i think the big concern for why NOT urbanmech to be included in the game is the fear that people will drag down the team by picking it. ... one simple resolution would be balancing teams by total tonnage or battle value. I DON"T EXPECT THIS to happen in my lifetime.

So - i guess what i'm saying is... I really hope the urbies get an urbie... but do we really think it will be balanced? will the game autocorrect with its economy or team balance? I really don't wanna say the urbie is too low tier to be used at intro level and i know i'm not a top tier player so maybe its wrong for me to feel that way..

#2 Sidra


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 07:45 PM

Try defeating a 12 lance of urbies, seriously, try hitting those little buggers with your mighty Atlas, AND FEAR AND TREMBLE BEFORE THEIR MIGHTY POWA!

#3 MC Hammer


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:34 PM

Shame no melee cause it would be fun to see how far an Atlas could kick an Urbie

Edited by MC Hammer, 08 July 2012 - 08:34 PM.

#4 Sidra


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:37 PM

View PostMC Hammer, on 08 July 2012 - 08:34 PM, said:

Shame no melee cause it would be fun to see how far an Atlas could kick an Urbie

Lol that should be like a sidegame/spoof game function, like a little game we can play with whatever mech we are in, and see how far we can kick a urbie XD

#5 Captain Fabulous


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:41 PM

Copying from what I posted elsewhere:
[color=#959595] It's a turret for urban combat scenarios. Your wasps and stingers' speed is completely useless if they're going to be falling everywhere on Ferro-crete (if you haven't experienced this, you haven't played the tabletop).[/color]

[color=#959595]The Urbmanmech is designed to be a cheap downgrade of the hunchback. It sits behind a building and just waits for a mech to unknowingly walk into it. Check rules regarding hidden units; what happens is not pretty. I'm talking "rolling-a-4-to-hit-your-116-km/h-flying-stinger-with-an-AC/20" kind of not pretty. [/color]
[color=#959595]Mech-on-mech open field combat, yes, the Urbie is pretty much useless apart from being bait, but it still has its place just like every other mech. [/color]

[color=#959595] And there are plenty of other mechs that I want to see too; i.e. Grasshopper, Phoenix Hawk, Banshee, Highlander, Cyclops, Whitworth, Vindicator, Panther, Zeus, Hussar, Blackjack, Hermes, Dervish, Enforcer, Kintaro, Wyvern...[/color]

[color=#959595]^all of those are 3025 era.[/color]

[color=#959595]The list goes on and on and on. However, I also know that the devs are going to opt for the iconic mechs that people are more familiar with, and with the exclusion of clans and mechs that are post-3049, the selection of mechs that people are going to recognize and want to pilot gets slimmer and slimmer. Even if the Urbanmech is quirky and somewhat useless for the majority of battles, it has a huge fan base behind it and that alone is something that could push the devs to include it. [/color]

Pardon those weird color tags. I don't know how they got there but I'm too lazy to fix them.

#6 Bearcut


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:54 PM

Another thread....
I honestly think (and hope) that an Urbie will be included in this game. Maybe not at launch, but sometime soon after launch if its not initially there.

#7 Spheroid


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:58 PM

A 2/3/2 movement profile means you can't control the engagement range in any conceiveable manner.

Most mechs can walk backwards faster than it can run forwards.

In actual MWO gameplay that 2 jump just won't cut it. I foresee Panthers and even Vulcans slaughtering it in an urban setting.

#8 Buck Rogers


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 08:58 PM

The problems with these threads is that people have made impassioned speeches backed up by facts in 10 other threads.

The basic facts:


#9 Hexenhammer


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:02 PM

UrbanMech: The underdog of MWO. Its the little egg that could.

Game wise this poor thing will get eaten alive by other mechs if its left as is. That's why I suspect most pilots will drop the AC/20 for an AC/10 or a PPC and up the speed just so it can get in close with other mechs that have more weapons and armor than it does.

Edited by Hexenhammer, 08 July 2012 - 09:09 PM.

#10 Hellgardia


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:03 PM

We need our trashcan with legs :)

#11 Valorcalls


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:10 PM

I'll take an urbie, jump jet on a ridge (where i am a ROYAL pain in the *** to spot) and use a pair of AC/2s to headshot your 100 ton atlas before you can figure out which tree is wider then the rest.

#12 Damion Sparhawk


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:13 PM

Posted Image

#13 Buck Rogers


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:19 PM

A lot of haters are going to be most upset if an Urbie takes them down in game. Which, just because of probability, would happen to everyone at some point in the hundreds of matches they'll play. Hence the comic I made.
Posted Image

#14 Spheroid


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:19 PM

View PostValorcalls, on 08 July 2012 - 09:10 PM, said:

I'll take an urbie, jump jet on a ridge (where i am a ROYAL pain in the *** to spot) and use a pair of AC/2s to headshot your 100 ton atlas before you can figure out which tree is wider then the rest.

Wouldn't the base Urbanmech only have a total of two hardpoints? One ballistic and one energy? You are very limited in what you can do.

#15 Adm Awesome


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:21 PM

I can't tell if people honestly want him in or just think they're cool supporting that waste of space like some kind of fan boy. I definitely would hate if someone in my lance popped out with that. Not ALL the levels are Urban in the first place. He moves slower than an Atlas and has a single AC20, like that's going to win a game. I don't understand how that Tabletop game works, but if it even gives this guy a chance then there's something wrong. What could possibly be in a city that makes someone who moves 35 km/hr with an AC20, then someone who moves faster with an AC20? hell why don't I just walk slower? Will that make me a better player if I keep my Atlases max speed to 35 km/hr and give him a AC20? He can't scout, he can't snipe, he is nowhere near fast enough to support with that thing. Hell I'll just run around the building behind you and destroy you... with an Atlas because it can outrun you. Yeah he looks cool and everything, and maybe he'd make a neat toy sitting in your cockpit, but please don't make them waste time and effort trying to put that thing in the game.

#16 Sidra


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:23 PM

View PostAdm Awesome, on 08 July 2012 - 09:21 PM, said:

I can't tell if people honestly want him in or just think they're cool supporting that waste of space like some kind of fan boy. I definitely would hate if someone in my lance popped out with that. Not ALL the levels are Urban in the first place. He moves slower than an Atlas and has a single AC20, like that's going to win a game. I don't understand how that Tabletop game works, but if it even gives this guy a chance then there's something wrong. What could possibly be in a city that makes someone who moves 35 km/hr with an AC20, then someone who moves faster with an AC20? hell why don't I just walk slower? Will that make me a better player if I keep my Atlases max speed to 35 km/hr and give him a AC20? He can't scout, he can't snipe, he is nowhere near fast enough to support with that thing. Hell I'll just run around the building behind you and destroy you... with an Atlas because it can outrun you. Yeah he looks cool and everything, and maybe he'd make a neat toy sitting in your cockpit, but please don't make them waste time and effort trying to put that thing in the game.

I'm going to love popping your Atlas with a Urban, just to make every ones day XD (well maybe except yours >.> )

#17 Adm Awesome


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:30 PM

View PostSidra, on 08 July 2012 - 09:23 PM, said:

I'm going to love popping your Atlas with a Urban, just to make every ones day XD (well maybe except yours >.> )

with what? an AC/20 and a small laser? hell the AC20 version even has very limited ammo, so you better hit your target with every shot, ok so you take down an Atlas, you're a team contributor, now you ran out of ammo and only have a small laser, have fun being the team trashcan. The UM-R60L even has less armor, so you'll be lucky if you can shoot your AC/20 enough times to kill an Atlas before it lets all of it's guns on you. it's two PPC's, gauss, and rockets will probably destroy an urban with one cycle of attacks. You go with the AC/10 instead and then you probably would die to a light class that know what they're doing.

As Sarna says: "With these two weapons the UrbanMech can constantly harass, or if piloted by an experienced enough MechWarrior, down 'Mechs up to twice its own size." up to twice it's size, what would that be? A Flea or Commando? You better be good at stealth because I don't know how you're gonna catch either of them in the first place.

#18 Buck Rogers


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:31 PM

View PostAdm Awesome, on 08 July 2012 - 09:21 PM, said:

I can't tell if people honestly want him in or just think they're cool supporting that waste of space like some kind of fan boy. I definitely would hate if someone in my lance popped out with that. Not ALL the levels are Urban in the first place. He moves slower than an Atlas and has a single AC20, like that's going to win a game. I don't understand how that Tabletop game works, but if it even gives this guy a chance then there's something wrong. What could possibly be in a city that makes someone who moves 35 km/hr with an AC20, then someone who moves faster with an AC20? hell why don't I just walk slower? Will that make me a better player if I keep my Atlases max speed to 35 km/hr and give him a AC20? He can't scout, he can't snipe, he is nowhere near fast enough to support with that thing. Hell I'll just run around the building behind you and destroy you... with an Atlas because it can outrun you. Yeah he looks cool and everything, and maybe he'd make a neat toy sitting in your cockpit, but please don't make them waste time and effort trying to put that thing in the game.

To make MWO a good game they're going to have to make it so theres a good spread of mech weights in each match.

The entire point behind the Urbanmech is that if used correctly it packs a ton of punch and armor for its weight.

Now, if weight isn't a consideration, and 99% of battles in MWO will be 100 ton Atlas only fights, then you have a super good point! Another point would be, if that's true, this game is going to suck like a vacuum cleaner down a septic tank.

#19 Vechs


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:34 PM

I like how all the haters always pit the Urbanmech VS an Atlas or some other Assault in their hypothetical scenarios.

In MWO, the Urbanmech would be a for a light mech slot that doesn't want to scout.

You could have a medium be the scout, and the Urbanmech follow a Catapult around to bodyguard for it. Or you could swap the AC/10 for some longer range stuff and play as a light fire support.

Or maybe your team comp or specific strategy doesn't involve scouting as portrayed in the videos, and your team sticks together and moves as one unit. At that point, why not go for more firepower and armor over speed for your light mech slot?

#20 Future Perfect


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 09:36 PM

1. It's weak.

2. It doesn't look cool.

3. It's really a joke?

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