NOTE: If they don't qualify please notify me. I did include some LAMs and one quadruped, don't troll me for it. Just wanted to see who liked it. Who knows, maybe some of the mechs from this poll might make it in game.
No multi-choice, you have to choose which one (=P) should be added next! Please only pick one light and one medium, I only added multiple choice for that. The way that the Light/Medium works is that the Light with the highest percentage and the Medium with the highest percentage are the most voted (duh). Just a tibit for those who don't know.
EDIT: Moved to Suggestions
DOUBLE EDIT: If there is a variant that can't currently be in game, then just don't put it in right now. I'm sure the smart Devs can figure it out somehow
Wow, two votes for the LAM... nice Still voting for the Orion
Please reply w/ your vote and why
TRIPLE EDIT: If you want an unseen 'Mech replaced, send me a PM (not post) about which one and the replacement. The Bane has been replaced with the Devastator.
Edited by Viterbi, 09 July 2012 - 07:41 AM.
Moved to Suggestions section at user's request