So while playing today I noticed yet another problem with Lances.
All Lights and Mediums wind up in Alpha Lance, Mediums & Heavies in Bravo then Heavies & Assaults in Charlie. Due to how some maps work, this causes problems.
Frozen City for example, the team starting in the Alpha / Bravo rows always winds up with the Assaults exposed to a C4 rush by the opposing team and almost always gets rolled as a result. I mean ROLLED, not 12-6, 12-2 or worse.
HPG, you always know the Assaults are coming in through the same gate.
Alpine, the Assaults are always the furthest away from the usual hill.
The problems continue for each map. This along with the map & mode voting makes every match way too predictable.
Here are several screens just of my team at start proving this from 8 games.