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Patch Notes - 1.4.47 - 15-Dec-2015

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:11 PM

Upcoming Patch - Tuesday, December 15th @ 10AM – 1PM PST
Patch Number:
Patch Size: 460 MB

Greetings MechWarriors,

As we approach the end of 2015 and look toward the start of a new era in MechWarrior Online, we would like to thank all the pilots who have been with us since 2011 and beyond, along with all the new pilots who have now taken to the battlefields of the Inner Sphere in the wake of our recent Steam release. A lot has changed since we left beta in 2013, and we look ahead to the new year with the planned release of Faction Play Phase 3, the release of the Decal customization system, and our first official Tournament. Along with our work on 'Mech AI currently underway, so much more is yet to come.

Our final patch of 2015 features four dangerous additions to the Clan arsenal of 'Mechs: the Clan Origins IIC 'Mechs are now available to eligible Origins IIC owners. These Origins IIC 'Mechs combine the customization functionality of Inner Sphere 'Mechs with the sheer power of Clan technology.
Mastery Bundles for the Wolverine and Thunderbolt 'Mechs have been added to the in-game Store and the Gift Store, featuring everything you'll need to start you on the path toward mastering these two excellent Inner Sphere chassis.
Our expansion of the MechWarrior Academy and Tutorial system continues, with the addition of a new BattleZone in the western region of the Academy map. Straying into this BattleZone will expose you to potentially lethal engagements with up to eight randomly spawned enemy 'Mechs, and will allow you to test the array of skills necessary for navigating and conquering a live engagement.

Rounding out the patch we have an array of additional fixes and changes to the MechWarrior Academy, the addition of a settings toggle for color blind friendly reticle behavior, the addition of an audio cue when transitioning from the voting screen to the loading screen, along with many more fixes and changes.

Read on for all the details, and we'll see you on the battlefield!

- The MechWarrior Team

New 'Mechs

Pictured variants: Jenner JR7-IIC [O], Hunchback HBK-IIC [O], Orion ON1-IIC [O], Highlander HGN-IIC [O]

Origins IIC Clan 'Mechs

These Origins IIC 'Mechs combine the customization functionality of Inner Sphere 'Mechs with the sheer power of Clan technology, and will be a fearsome presence on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere.

Jenner IIC
Release date for MC: January 19th 2016
Release date for C-Bills: February 16th 2016

Hunchback IIC
Release date for MC: February 2nd 2016
Release date for C-Bills: March 1st 2016

Orion IIC
Release date for MC: February 16th 2016
Release date for C-Bills: March 15th 2016

Highlander IIC
Release date for MC: March 1st 2016
Release date for C-Bills: April 5th 2016

Loadout details for the Origins IIC 'Mechs can be in a dedicated post here.

'Mechs Now Available for MC Purchase

Black Knight

• BL-6-KNT: 2780 MC
• BL-6b-KNT: 2995 MC
• BL-7-KNT: 2615 MC
• BL-7-KNT-L: 2540 MC

'Mechs Now Available for C-Bill Purchase


• WLF-2: 2,886,748 C-Bills
• WLF-1: 2,670,748 C-Bills
• WLF-1A: 2,594,748 C-Bills
• WLF-1B: 2,670,748 C-Bills


• UM-R63: 2,006,108 C-Bills
• UM-R60: 1,560,113 C-Bills
• UM-R60L: 1,744,084 C-Bills


• CRB-27: 3,792,733 C-Bills
• CRB-20: 3,703,201 C-Bills
• CRB-27B: 4,240,733 C-Bills
• CRB-27SL: 7,144,233 C-Bills

New Cockpit Items

Hanging Items

• Double Helix
• Clan Wolf DNA
• Jade Falcon DNA
• Ghost Bear DNA
• Smoke Jaguar DNA

Standing Items

• Clan Holo Globe
• Clan Wolf Holo Globe
• Clan Jade Falcon Holo Globe
• Clan Ghost Bear Holo Globe
• Clan Smoke Jaguar Holo Globe

War Horns

• Clan Hex War Horn
• Clan Wolf Hex War Horn
• Clan Jade Falcon Hex War Horn
• Clan Ghost Bear Hex War Horn
• Clan Smoke Jaguar Hex War Horn

New Mastery Bundles

Wolverine Mastery Bundle

Price: 5,747 MC

• WVR-Q (with Mech Bay)
• WVR-6K [C] (with Mech Bay)
• WVR-6R (with Mech Bay)
• 30 Days of Active Premium Time

Thunderbolt Mastery Bundle

Price: 6,610 MC

• TDR-5S-T (with Mech Bay)
• TDR-9SE [C] (with Mech Bay)
• TDR-5SS (with Mech Bay)
• 30 Days of Active Premium Time

New MechWarrior Academy Engagement Area


• Eight enemy 'Mechs now spawn randomly in the west end of the city, across the bay from the citadel.
• These 'Mechs will fire at the player when the range closes to below 600m.
• 'Mechs will continue to fire at the player until one or the other is destroyed.
• Destroyed 'Mechs re-spawn after about 30 seconds if the player isn't looking at them.
• Pop-up notices will appear when you are entering and exiting the BattleZone area.


• A 'Color Blind Options' section has been added to Game Settings.

• This section currently features a new color blind friendly reticle option (crosshair changes shape when a hit is detected).

• Increased the cooldown and duration bonuses on all DropShip weapons.

Map Fixes and Changes

• Viridian Bog: Fix for a sound issue with waterfalls.

'Mech Fixes and Changes

• Marauder: Fixed an issue with Mounted Cockpit Item lights.
• Dragon and Catapult: Fixed an issue where the Fractal/Virus Patterns would revert to default colors on log-in.

Tutorial Fixes and Changes

• Added a new blue info beacon that triggers a pop-up at the Firing Range.
• Fixed an issue where Cockpit Monitors would flicker on when passing through waypoint markers despite being turned off in the settings.
• Fixed an issue where Cockpit Monitors would appear off when entering the Tutorial despite being turned on in the settings.
• Fixed an issue where Cockpit Monitors would power-cycle when destroying one of the swappable 'Mechs.
• Onslaught: New 'Armageddon ++' difficulty level has been added.
• Gauntlet and Running Cored: Updated the route to avoid the tunnels.
• Gauntlet and Running Cored: Canceling these challenges will spawn you back in the middle of the Academy.
• Gauntlet and Running Cored: Fixed an issue where disabled 'Mechs could wake up and fire at the player during the round summary screen.
• Rapid Fire: Turrets now target the center torso.
• Targeting Practice: Fixed an issue where 'Mechs could spawn on top of each other.
• Targeting Practice: Number of active enemies now limited to 12.
• Firing Range: Re-arranged the passive turrets to improve visibility from the environmental zones. Also moved one closer to be within range of the smaller weapons.
• Fixed an issue that could cause 32-bit clients to sometimes run out of memory when loading the Academy.
• Target designation letters reset when starting a new challenge or round.

Other Fixes and Changes

• Fixed an issue where inviting a Public Group leader to join a Private Lobby would not bring along their entire Group.
• Fixed a rendering issue with the Gas Mask and Phoenix icons in the Cockpit Item screen.
• Fixed a rendering issue with the the Phoenix and Phoenix Speaker Cockpit Items on certain maps.
• Fixed an issue where players would still get contract rewards when leaving a Faction Play Invasion match early.
• Fixed an issue where audio from weapon explosions wouldn't play.
• Fixed an issue where audio from ammo explosions wouldn't play.
• Disabled the ability to modify the r_glow cvar in the user.cfg file.
• Added an audio cue indicating that a match has been found and the player is being sent to the voting screen.
• Fixed an issue where Weapon Cooldown would begin immediately after firing in Tutorial and Testing Grounds.
• Fixed an issue where the vertical weapon group highlight was partially cut off on 'Mechs equipped with ECM and Arm and Torso weapons.
• Fixed an issue where energy weapon sound effects would not play while spectating.
• Clicking the Standing, Hanging, and Mounted headers in the Cockpit screen will now bring the player to the corresponding tab in the Cockpit Item Warehouse.

Known Issues

• Minimap will appear zoomed in after swapping a 'Mech in MechWarrior Academy.

#2 Kamahl


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:23 PM

Why is the Crab released for CBills althought the original FAQ from resistance II said the Wolfhound should be released for Cbills?
Q: When will these 'Mechs be available for purchase in-game with MC or C-Bills?
  • Wolfhound: November 17th for MC and December 15th for C-Bills
  • Crab: December 1st for MC and January 5th for C-Bills
I am confused :o

#3 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:32 PM

Thanks for the notes in advance :-)

#4 Duncan1dah0


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:38 PM

Kinda bummed my p2w for my crab is coming to an end prematurely. Typo?

#5 Frytrixa


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:41 PM

gl & hf PGI o7

#6 Mcgral18


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:43 PM

No fix for the exceedingly unstable game, and inability to re-launch the game without restarting my PC?

That sucks, means I can't play with the mechs I bought.

Turn off Avast, apparently.
Support should log that as a possible solution.

Edited by Mcgral18, 15 December 2015 - 09:48 AM.

#7 Lucky Noob


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 02:49 PM

me need mai IIC naow pleeease Posted Image Posted Image

#8 MechPorn


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:21 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 14 December 2015 - 02:11 PM, said:

• Disabled the ability to modify the r_glow cvar in the user.cfg file.


#9 Sereglach


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:27 PM

First off, I look forward to seeing how the IIC mechs affect gameplay. These will be clan mechs that are completely unhindered by the inability to change fixed equipment, endo-steel, ferro-fibrous armor, or engine sizes/types. On the other hand, they're not going to have the luxuries of being able to swap hardpoints out to suit their needs.

However, some people seemed to fail to realize that the locked features are aspects of Omnimechs, and not clan technology in general. When the IS gets Omni technology (and we know it'll happen, since the mechs exist in lore and MWO has a -hopefully- long life ahead of it) they'll have the same limitations as the Clan omnimechs. All it is, is a change in base chassis type between Battlemech and Omnimech. Oh the irony if Omni-technology is considered weaker than basic Battlemechs in the long run. We'll have to see.

Anyway, moving on . . . the academy improvements look great. I look forward to seeing that constantly evolve. Looks like it's the testing bed for AI, which means every success for the Academy is a success for AI and one step closer to PvE.

Not to mention, the setting of the r_glow cvar to be non-changeable in the user.cfg is a huge change for the better. I could care less if people wanted to see little dinky laser beams (or the tiny framerate boost provided), but the changes to environmental effects was reaching the point (lets face it . . . blatantly crossing) the threshold of being an unintended exploit -on PGI's end- that certain facets of the community pounced on as soon as they found it. I'm happy to see that squelched.

Now, my continued "Patch Notes List of Hopes for Future Patches":

-Of course my primary hopes/prayers/dreams are that y'all get to the Flamer Reengineering. Thanks for the answer in the September Town Hall on that, by the way. However, the fact that MG's and Flamers received ZERO attention through the rebalancing actually pisses me off big-time. In fact, MG's actually see an overall nerf because the few MG buffs out there (for mechs that boat them, stock) lost all of their MG related quirks. I hope these weapons receive their due attention, soon. There are plenty of solid and simple fixes out there for them. Even if artwork is desired for the flamers, fixing the weapon shouldn't be put off for some undisclosed amount of time while the art department deals with a massive backlog of things to be done. Frankly, the game shouldn't have gone to Steam release with a core basic weapon system in a broken state, because that puts a very poor impression on new players who come in and see that.

-Rebalance Overhaul IW: On the PTS it seemed to be coming along quite nicely. I just wish Info Warfare drops soon. It had a very sold base with good implementation. At the very least . . . GET THAT ECM CORE MECHANIC CHANGE INTO LIVE! I know the rest of IW is going to be on hold (which is understandable . . . polish is always nice) . . . but the core change to ECM's mechanics was not only lore friendly, but it made IW and indirect warfare exceptionally more viable for MWO (which means more build variety then the laser meta). Make it happen, please!

-I hope to God you go back and redo some of the recent weapons visualizations (my poor, poor Commando . . .). There has been LOTS of feedback from the community on these, and it isn't pretty. Maybe start knocking them out in bits and pieces? Or maybe start concepting overhauls for all the early-gen mechs to use the kind and quality of weapon visualizations that new mechs have? At least Russ said on twitter that the resizing was going to be starting after the new year. That's a huge plus.

-The info from the October Town Hall, and the Steam Release live stream, on CW Phase 3 was appreciated. I look forward to that hopefully hitting as a patch right after the turn of the year.

-Decal System was mostly done (according to Town Halls), and it looks like -according to the live stream- that it'll be ready for release soonish? I'm sure it would do a great deal to help monetization efforts by allowing more detailed customization features for mechs. I look forward to this hopefully hitting soon.

As a closing note, please don't take these desires as bickering or complaints. They're merely notes for hopes/dreams/wishes to be included in future patches. Y'all at PGI have been doing great work, especially recently, and I hope it continues. However, think of the items listed above as key notes for personal desires (especially my Flamer request . . . I really want to be able to go out there and incinerate things properly . . . also, that gets done and I re-open my wallet). Thank you all at PGI, sincerely, for the work that y'all do. On the other hand, if things on the list just don't get touched, then expect my wallet to stay closed more and more (and I don't want my wallet closed to MWO . . . I want to throw money at this game . . . but principles are principles).

Edited by Sereglach, 14 December 2015 - 03:33 PM.



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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:34 PM

CW Phase 3 sneak peek has me salivating.

So much happiness.

#11 Tyler Valentine


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:40 PM

Can't help notice you didn't thank pilots that joined in the beginning of 2014... just sayin' Posted Image

OH! Also, My warhorns still don't always go off.

Please. Make. My. Warhorns. Go. Off!

Otherwise how will people know how good I am? How will I be validated!?


looooooooooooooooooove you,


Edited by Tyler Valentine, 14 December 2015 - 03:46 PM.



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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:59 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 14 December 2015 - 02:11 PM, said:

• Increased the cooldown and duration bonuses on all DropShip weapons.

Why do you do these things?
We're already getting trolled by people refusing to push omega on a counter attack or hold.
Now you're going to make it even harder to finish a mismatched game?

Please just change the game mode gameplay mechanics.

#13 Alexander Garden


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:02 PM

View PostKamahl, on 14 December 2015 - 02:23 PM, said:

Why is the Crab released for CBills althought the original FAQ from resistance II said the Wolfhound should be released for Cbills?
Q: When will these 'Mechs be available for purchase in-game with MC or C-Bills?
  • Wolfhound: November 17th for MC and December 15th for C-Bills
  • Crab: December 1st for MC and January 5th for C-Bills
I am confused Posted Image

Fixed! Wolfhound is set for C-Bill release tomorrow.

Further change of plans, Wolfhound and Crab are both releasing tomorrow for C-Bills.

Also Urbie.....

#14 MovinTarget


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:10 PM

Urbie 4 sales!!!

Trashcanz 4 all!!!

#15 Big Tin Man


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:13 PM

View PostAlexander Garden, on 14 December 2015 - 04:02 PM, said:

Also Urbie.....

Now the game balance will truly be shattered. Urbie invasion will stop the clans.

#16 Threat Doc


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:16 PM

For the Decal system... I know it's asking a lot, but I thought I would ask, again, anyway, to see if there's been any change in policy... will we be able to upload our own decals, such as unit logo's and sub-element logo's? If not right away, will there be a change in the future to accommodate it?

#17 Neutron IX


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:17 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 14 December 2015 - 02:11 PM, said:

• Clan Holo Globe

It's POSSIBLE that, due to current anticipation levels I may or may not be feeling for a certain movie that releases in the very near future, that my brain MIGHT have automatically pronounced this to rhyme with the name of a certain popular Smuggler/pilot of a fairly well known ship, that's name rhymes with..."Rillenium Ralcon"...

Just saying.

#18 CycKath


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:18 PM

PGI's plan revealed! Hold back the UrbanMech for all the Steamies to buy! Clever!

#19 OffC3nter


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:20 PM

huzzah!!! i'd restrained myself from spending real money for so long on the urbie. I'm very happy i can finally spend my space bucks on them :D

#20 Moldur


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 04:24 PM

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but PGI,
m-m-m-m-m-m-m-my urbie exclusive!!! It was exclusive! EXCLUSIVE!

Finally, I get to buy some urbies.

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