Or, more generally, every value which is affected by a quirk, unlocked skill or mounted module.
These values must be calculated at the latest, when you hit the battleground.
So it is rather the matter when this calculation takes place, not how it should be calculated.
What I could imagine is, when we look at the weapon stats in the warehouse we get shown the basic values and below the the affecting quirks, if present. Just like it is now.
But if the weapon is mounted to the mech I would like to see the actual values of the weapon stats with the affecting quirks, unlocked skills and mounted modules listed below for a better overview.
Maybe even color code this somehow. At the moment quirks are shown in cyan and basic values in orange, so would a by a quirk affected value been shown in cyan, too.
Edit: Poll added
Edited by Aeon Veritas, 08 February 2016 - 12:34 PM.