How come the two hills that are in the ring in domination mode on Viridian Bog both have their stairways facing the same direction? Sure the stairways are closer to one side than the other, but that means anybody from the closer side trying to get on top has to show their back to the enemy. Doesn't really seem fair to me. Is there something I'm missing here?
And to respond to Lolo van Trollinger
Locusts with 190XL, Commandos with 240XL and Mechs with 4+ JumpJets (Firestarter, Spider, Arctic, MistLynx, Jenners, etc) ?
I easily end up beeing up there first ten out of ten tims with a Jumper light.
same with locustommandos.
maybe you need more then that one JJ you use for the turn rate cheat.
I easily end up beeing up there first ten out of ten tims with a Jumper light.
same with locustommandos.
maybe you need more then that one JJ you use for the turn rate cheat.
Well I run mostly Centurions and Awesomes, neither of which can run jump jets and my one Raven that does runs the maximum number. Relying on jumpjets to keep a map balanced isn't a good idea since you never know which side your are going to be on.
I think Bog is in desperate need of a rebalance.
Here is an image for reference. Both staircases are on the same side. In this image, mechs on the red team are forced to be in the blue team's line of fire in order to scale the stairs. Blue is further away than red is from these hills, but that is only a small price to pay when your ascent is protected by your allies' covering fire.

Edited by Warlord Kentax, 18 May 2016 - 02:18 AM.