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The Runewardens: Frr Chivalric Order

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#1 Jarl Dane


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 12:41 AM

Note: This is not a unit. You do not need to leave your current unit to become a Runewarden.
OOC Introduction:


aka the Knights who say Ygg

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The Runewardens are a Chivalric or Knightly Order within in the FRR. They endeavor to promote and support the FRR wherever they go. They encourage standardized and optimized builds, while also working to retain a spirit of role play within the community. They also hold weekly drop nights in the FRR Hub that will include light pre and post drop Role Play prompts.

Furthermore, in a spirit of FRR unity, when they are not fighting for faction in CW, they may also enter as a single and unified organization in leagues and tournaments.

All members of the FRR, regardless of unit, can join the Runewardens. There will be ranks, icons and corresponding tags in the FRR hub for Runewardens.


They were instigated after Adverse Reaction (now known as Runithialfr), a lowly wrecca with-in the Royal KungsArme had a dream of the Mighty World Tree, Yggdrasil, as the ordered aspect of the Universe, connecting everything together via its star-spanning branches.

He quickly shared his vision with the Jarl and a new Knightly order was founded. Through violence towards their enemies and benevolence towards their kindred they believe they can repair the damaged limbs of the World Tree and Reunite humanity beneath its green banner.

The dream of Runithialfr



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The entry level position into the Runewardens. Even the greatest of trees began life as a tiny sprig. The greenest of members the only thing someone must do to become a Sprig is agree to abide by mandate of the Runewardens and swear the Kin-Oath.
TS Icon: Posted Image The Green Dream of the World Tree. Fresh with Promise and pregnant with tomorrow.



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The Herald tells the story of the Runewardens with both weapon and word. While still green, they have proven their early mettle and have mastered the Griffin-3M. The Scout-mech of choice for the Runewardens. They can recruit new Sprigs into the order.
TS Icon: Posted Image The Blue memory of the World Tree. Fading into the subconscious but being replaced with experience.



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More commonly refered to as just 'Knights'. These are the fully formed, battle-ready, veterans and heroes of the FRR. These are the Runewardens at their height of power and experience. Masters of both Griffins for scouting and the Stormtrooper deck. To be a Knight is the ultimate goal of all Runewardens. A warrior in their prime and a force to be reckoned with. When a Herald's mechs are ready, his devotion proved and his skills honed any Knight can raise that Herald up to the position of Knight. A Knight can make a Knight.
TS Icon: Posted Image The Crimson Rune of Ygg, the Hanged-God, Odin. He who sacrificed himself on the World Tree so that we mortals might possess the Runes.



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While each Knight might be a hero, they still still require leaders and tacticians. The Knight-Commanders are the Drop-Callers and organizers of the Runewardens. Some even lead special detachments of Knights known as Irminsuls. Knight-Commanders are chosen from the ranks of the Root-Knights by the Runearch.
TS Icon:Posted Image The Golden Rune of the One-Handed-God. God of War, Justice and Bravery.



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The Runearchs oversee the day-to-day management of the Runewarden order. Senior leadership that act with little oversight and great trust.
TS Icon: Posted Image The shimmering Blue Rune of the Divine Æsir.



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The leader of the entire Order. However his position is mostly ceremonial as the Runearchs actually run everything.


Note: Spriggen and Heralds are known collectively as "Barkmen", while Root-Knights and above are known as "Rootmen".


The Runewardens will protect the FRR from enemies without and inactivity within, as such it is expected for them to have an FRR contract at least 51% of the time. They also are expected to have and utilize optimized builds. Being a Runewarden should mean something to the individual, to his enemies and to his allies. That is one of the reasons that certain ranks require standardized mechs and builds. A minimum amount of Role Play participation is also required. Finally, Runewardens should be a positive force in the community.

Other General Information:

As this Order is still in its infancy I will be adding a lot more information to this and other posts as we go along. Adverse Reaction is the Runearch of the Runewardens look for his posts and TS presence for further guidance, he is essentially running the show.

Runewardens will host 1-2 drop nights a week. Prior to the Drop-Night a post will be made on the MWO forums by the Runearch or a Knight-Commander detailing their mission for those drops. Once the drops conclude an AAR will also be added to the thread.

RP Pilot creation: New Runewardens will be required to post an RP/Pilot name.

Griffin/Stormtrooper Builds: All Runewardens who wish to be more than just a Sprig will need to master the Griffin-3M and 2N. Furthermore the Stormtrooper build is required for Knights. The Stormtrooper tag can be replaced with the Knight tag if a Knight wishes it, or he can retain his Stormtrooper tag and not have a Knight tag. No new Stormtrooper tags will be given out.

In the week following the re-sizing patch a new Stormtrooper/Runewarden deck will be put together, right now we're using the Stormtrooper deck as sort of place-holder until that happens.

Two acceptable Griffin-3M builds atm:

Griffin-2N builds atm:

More will be added and updated very soon at this all comes together. Look for Adverse Reaction's posts.

Edited by Mech The Dane, 17 June 2016 - 09:39 PM.

#2 Adverse Reaction


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 02:17 AM

ooc Intro and base information

Character information

Runthialfr sat on his floor. His eyes were closed and his hands rested easily on his folded knees. He had a chair in his room, a bed would have been more comfortable, but he needed to think. The note sat eye level on the desk in front of him. It was folded back up but its crisp edges had been crumpled when he had read it, and it now sat slightly open.

It troubled him that he would get a piece of paper for this. It wasn't an inexpensive way to communicate, and the only reason you sent a note through a courier was to keep information from the prying eyes of ComStar. There were too many people that would sell the information or secret it away for later, darker uses.

The FRR had rallied behind the call of the Mad Jarl. They had formed a star that was capable of going blow for blow with the clanners. They had done well, but.... something was rotten. The dream had planted that seed in his mind. The seed of doubt in the future. He had told no one, but somehow they had known. Or had they? Had the dream merely told the future? At any rate, this was going to fall on his shoulders, and he was OK with that.

Standing up to the creek of his knees, Wreccan Ulinson's eyes opened slowly and adjusted to the lights. He sighed, and reached for the little piece of paper. As he turned to leave he pulled a small cigarette out of his front pocket. It was something that was looked down on. Most people who could afford to smoke didn't, those who wanted to normally couldn't afford the habit. Tobacco was expensive in the JarnFolk cluster and something you had to barter for from pirates, or pay more than it was worth for from a trader. Though he didn't smoke often, he almost always had at least one of the 5 cm tightly rolled cigarettes on him. He smoked them when something troubled him, and he seemed to be smoking a lot lately. Walking down the hallway to exit of the barracks, Runthialfr pulled his lighter out of his front pocket and flicked the flint. The small flame flickered as he walked, and he held the note up to it. It caught and burned quickly, as the flame neared his fingers he turned the last of the paper over and lit the cigarette that was hanging out of his mouth with it. The last of the paper slowly fell to the tile floor as it blackened to ash.

This was going to take some doing, but Ulinson had a pretty good idea of where to start. As he made his way to the headquarters building he thought about the call to arms that would be put out and to which units he needed to send it. The Order had to be formed quickly if what he read was true. The Republic was spread to thin for the Stormtroopers to handle this. He took a long deep breath that burned half of the cigarette. Exhaling slowly he shoved his hands into the pockets of his uniform. A smile parted his lips slightly. He felt like a burden had lightened on his shoulders, like he was finally walking in the proper direction. The Yggdrasil would have its protectors.

Edited by Adverse Reaction, 17 June 2016 - 07:53 AM.

#3 Chris Nova


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Posted 17 June 2016 - 11:31 AM

Name: Asbjorn Scharfsson
Description: 5'9, 99kg. Long black hair, tied back in a thick braid. Short, neatly trimmed beard.

Asbjorn walked with purpose, his long stride keeping him at a quick pace. Asbjorn felt there would be a time for him to rise out from the shadows, and now was that hour. It was an hour of need for all of the Republic, and Asbjorn was more than willing to answer the call.

Asbjorn approached a warrior with a scar on his face. He seemed to radiate the aura of the Yggdrasil, and Asbjorn knew instantly who he was. As he drew near, Asbjorn bowed his head with respect and introduced himself.

"Well met, Runearch Ulinson." Asbjorn bellowed, as he raised his head to meet the man's eyes. "I am Asbjorn Scharfsson, formally of MIMIR counter intelligence division. I wish to join the Runewardens and protect the Yggdrasil. I promise to abide by the mandate of the Runewardens and swear the Kin-Oath."

#4 Mechronomicon


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 03:48 PM

Character Info



One hundred and thirty c-bills for seven wooden styluses; Gunnlaugr reflected back to the days when he might have crammed them all up the Fedrat's nose just for suggesting such a price. But experience had tempered the Mechwarrior's brash nature, and an outfitter on the far edge of the Drift could easily ask for more. Gunnlaugr transferred the funds; the styluses were rolled into a strip of cloth and strapped to his forearm, the rest of the gear and provisions he spread between the satchels across his shoulders and the saddlebags on his bike outside.

The rain had not abated. It seemed to pound the rusted-out, Succession era hoverabike into the mud. The gyro hissed and spat like an angry cat as it struggled to rebalance propulsion across the soggy, pitted ground. As he piloted the bike northward, the pits become holes, deepened, became craters; the path that zig-zagged between them made progress difficult, and the weight of the cargo made it slow. Seventy-one minutes on the way in, triple that on the way back.

His ramp had washed away, but he managed a semi-controlled slide down into the bowl of the crater by fanning the throttle and leaning into the slope. The Grasshopper stood sentinel like Ozymandias; "Look on my Works, ye Mighty..." Stripped of all weaponry save a pair of large pulse lasers, the heavy mech was retrofitted with a jerry-rigged carriage for the bike and its load. Gunnlaugr cut the engine and slogged through the mud to climb awkwardly onto the battlemech's actuators, up the rain-slick metal of the chassis in order to pop the hatch. He climbed dripping into the cockpit like a labrador through a dog door.

Reactor online - life support only, and a bank of fourteen oscillating fans. The 'Hopper, "Dagon," was an oven even outside of battle, on the long haul across the planet's surface. And legwork had been Gunnlaugr's calling of late, with so many agents of Rasalhague cut adrift throughout the Periphery by the Clan Invasion. He had been months in the Drift and beyond, gathering them together like windblown leaves. Many were dead, and of those still living, few could tell him anything of use; in the end, he seemed to sow more encouraging words than he reaped. But few men understood the power of the word better than Gunnlaugr Marsh, bearer of the Mechronomicon.

He switched on the cockpit lights, and in the same practiced movement, flicked a stylus from his wrist up into his fingers. Writing spidered along the edges of the canopy, between the switches of the instrument panel, across the seat restraints, even onto the throttle and sticks: designations, callsigns, tonnages, variants; locations, atmospheric conditions, maps; quotations, poetry, lists and phrases; tallies, tables, obitutuaries. This was the Mechronomicon, the Book of Dead Mechs, scrawled in white dye throughout the cockpits of more than a dozen mechs across a career spanning more than twenty years. And not yet nearly finished. He unscrewed the lid from the jar strapped to his seat, dipped the stylus, and began to write.

A noise cut through his focused meditation, small at first, but growing larger and more insistent by the moment, like a mosquito becoming a fire alarm. The comms array had tripped some kind of override and was powering up on its own, not to be ignored. With a great show of reluctance for no one in particular, he wiped the dye from the tip of the stylus, secreted it against his wrist, and flipped open his comms channel. Only to be met with static. His eyebrow raised involuntarily, just for a moment. Almost a year outside the Inner Sphere and never before a call on secure channels.

The signal had been relayed off his dropship in high orbit, on short burst frequencies. The voice of the Mad Jarl was distorted but immutably recognizable across the void. "The time has come for the Prodigal to return. Heed the Call." And Gunnlaugr would obey. Power of the word.

Dagon's jump jets flared to life as it sprang up over the lip of the crater. It was several leagues to extraction, but the distance would give the Mechwarrior time to think. Time to plan. Time to write. Throttles set to full, he guided the sticks with one hand while he reached for the jar with the other, and again flicking forward the stylus, wetted the point. With clean, straight lines despite the juddering steps and leaps of the machine, he scrawled a rune at the center of the cockpit glass, like a reticle. Othala. On the journey to the dropship, and on the long trip back into the Inner Sphere, it would become burned into his mind's eye.


I, Gunnlaugr Marsh, bearer of the Mechronomicon, hereby answer the call of the Runewardens, and take the Oath.

Edited by Mechronomicon, 06 July 2016 - 03:49 PM.

#5 SenInt


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Posted 14 July 2016 - 04:39 AM

Now this unit seems interesting...!

I'm interested in roleplay elements in my MWO profile, and as a Finn the FRR feels as best option of "home faction."
(I've also build a HBK-5M custom variant of HBK-4G, as the 5M and 5S variants were used by FRR)

...on the other hand, as I have poor Swedish knowledge (for a Finn) it would make me more fit for Mercenary contract... and for that I wish to know what are the thoughts of the Runewardens towards mercenaries...?

...I am looking at this group as potential group to join in... but before that I will need to gather more information...

Oh well, let's see how this would go...

Name: Kalervo "SenInt" Ukonpoika
Light brown hair, stubble beard, grey eyes, 180cm, 80kg

Kalervo "SenInt" Ukonpoika got born into a Finnish family what was part of the planet's Finnish minority... with the worst luck of being born into area filled with vandalism towards minorities.
Getting a proper manner education from his mother and the basic education from school system Kalervo learned to not provoke anybody... but he soon realized that even if he wouldn't do anything, the vandals took anything for an excuse for their cause.

Kalervo grew up becoming a silent but stubborn individual, aiming always to most logical but beneficial outcomes in his choices when the situation forces him to choose.

After graduating from High school Kalervo got more trouble when he tried to get a job, as he was seen more like an insect due to his "bloodkin."

Finding no other solutions Kalervo joined into recruits of nearest FFR's Mech Academies, where other local Finnish bloodkin have joined for decades.
Stubborn young Finn ignored insults of vandals who have been waiting him to "get off their planet" and "bleed to death on the battlefield like other lower beings" should do.

Quick learning Kalervo became a FFR Mech Warrior and got transferred straight into "sacrificial" unit what consisted of Finns with overly outdated mechs.
A month later the first Clan invasions started and Kalervo's unit tried to fight back with other Finnish warriors while panic fell upon the main company of surprised FFR forces.
Sadly, the outdated mechs were no match against the advanced Clan technology and the Company got wiped out.

Miraculously Kalervo had survived from deadly battle and started to use Guerilla tactics of intelligence gathering for inspecting the movements of the Clan.
Long time in isolation, avoiding to get any contact from anybody while gathering information from this new enemy Kalervo started to philosophize in his head to keep his sanity in check. His philosophy started to affect his self-image as he started to remember the life he has lived through so far, getting him into conclusion of himself being nothing more than "Sentient" and "Intelligent" creature.
When the FFR's forces came to retake the planet, Kalervo started to support their efforts by harassing Clan with Hunchback HBK-5M he had found in mysteriously abandoned hidden Mech hangar.

After successful recapture of the planet the commanding officers of the "liberation forces of FFR" finally met their lonely helper. The officers were impressed by Kalervo's actions and offered him to return back to his unit. Kalervo replied for the offer of the officers with words; "The unit I served in has been exterminated long time ago, I am nothing but a freelance mercenary now" and offered to sign mercenary contract instead.

Abandoning his name what his parents gave to him, Kalervo started to refer himself with the call name he has created from mixing words "Sentient" and "Intelligence while he continues to fight in battles where his mercenary contract leads into with the HBK-5M Custom he has taken for himself as his reward for his aid in liberation efforts.
Battle after battle, "SenInt" started to ask from himself; "What am I fighting for...?"

Edited by SenInt, 14 July 2016 - 11:23 AM.

#6 ggodo


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Posted 04 September 2016 - 09:50 PM

Out of character, As a relative casual who is interested in this, but still working towards his Griffins, is this still a thing? Should I still focus on getting Griffins, or should I stockpile until patches/meta/Dane settles on the new official scouting mech?



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Posted 05 September 2016 - 12:36 AM

sry i have a life

#8 Sjorpha


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Posted 10 September 2016 - 02:38 PM

View Postggodo, on 04 September 2016 - 09:50 PM, said:

Out of character, As a relative casual who is interested in this, but still working towards his Griffins, is this still a thing? Should I still focus on getting Griffins, or should I stockpile until patches/meta/Dane settles on the new official scouting mech?

Griffin, especially 3M and 2N, is a super solid SRM brawler, so if you like close range SRM brawling a lot it's a great mech to level, and it is really good for scouting. My guess is it will remain a top tier brawler since it doesn't really rely on strong quirks or anything, it's just a really solid design with great shield arms and optimal srm brawling hardpoints.

However, it isn't really good at doing anything else, unless you get the hero which is an ok-ish laser boat. So if it's your first medium and you want to set yourself up to try a variety of playstyles it's not the best choice, in that case I would work on hunchbacks or shadowhawks which are both really diverse and also reasonably strong mechs.

I doubt you will see this project getting much attention soon, but I would love to be wrong about that.

Edited by Sjorpha, 10 September 2016 - 02:41 PM.

#9 ggodo


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Posted 10 September 2016 - 08:23 PM

View PostSjorpha, on 10 September 2016 - 02:38 PM, said:

I doubt you will see this project getting much attention soon, but I would love to be wrong about that.

Yeah, I kinda suspected that, but I've been interested in Faction Warfare and this seemed like a decent way to find a group to play with.

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