Taking from Kay Wolf's example of Intelligence Gathering, Reconnaissance, Objective Raids, Force Attrition, and Final Battles, each mission is broken into various stages that are interacted in different ways. When the contract is given for a particular job, the mission begins which follows a set of stages with outcomes dependent on the defenders and attackers actions. The overall stages are as follows:
Intelligence Gathering -> Reconnaissance -> Objective Raids -> Force Attrition/Final Battles -> Outcome
Each stage gives various bonus dependent on the outcome. These outcomes and bonuses are as follows:
Intelligence Gathering - Attackers and defenders spend resources on various areas in an attempt to gain intelligence of the coming battles. Some arbitrary value is given to the attacker and defender based on distance and resources available. For attackers, distance from closest friendly planet to target planet modifies the final resources available for Intelligence Gathering. For defenders, distance from center of operations. Resources can be spent by providing a percentage allocated to different areas. These areas are Espionage, Battle Field Assessment, and Movement Intelligence. Once these values are assigned by each side, they are locked in and the Intelligence Gathering stage is complete. Each section gives benefits as follows:
Espionage lowers BV values of the other side. Values could range from 0% to -4% BV.
Battle Field Assessment gives map information. Includes weather data, static environment heat, and map layout.
Movement Intelligence gives mech information from the other side. Gives 0%, 25%, and 50% of the other side's mech layout, randomly. Chassis only with default layout.
Reconnaissance - This is the first stage of combat that begins with a particular contract. Once this stage begins, the planet is open for matches to begin between the attackers and defenders. Maps/mission types are randomized to be lower tonnage and Battle Values (BV) with objectives that are reconnaissance-based like destroying or protecting a building. Each match will be tied to a specific type from the Intelligence Gathering areas of Espionage, Battle Field Assessment, or Movement Intelligence. After a number of matches are complete, which ever side received the most wins for a type gains that advantage for the Objective Raids and Force Attrition/Final Battles portions of the contract. The quality of the advantage depends on comparing the two sides values. If the winning side is within +/- 10% of the total resources between the two sides of the losing side, they gain standard advantages. If more than 10% on the winning side, they gain superior advantage and if less than -10%, no advantage. Each win at this stage gives the smallest amount of points for the Outcome stage and has a medium number of matches.
An example would be say Attacker assigned 25% Espionage (25), 25% Battle Field Assessment (25), and 50% Movement Intelligence (50) with 100 Resources and Defenders assign 75% Espionage (112.5), 5% Battle Field Assessment (7.5), and 20% Movement Intelligence (30) with 150 Resources. From the Reconnaissance stage, the Attackers won the Espionage, lost the Battle Field Assessment, but both sides tied on Movement Intelligence. The Attackers Espionage value is 25 and the Defenders is 112.5. Sense this value is way less than -10% (25 - 112.5 = -87.5 < -10% of 250 (-25)), the Attackers gain no advantage against the Defenders. On Battle Field Assessment, the Defenders value of 7.5 compared to the Attackers 25 is within +/-10% (7.5 - 25 = -17.5 > -10% and < 10%), the Defenders gain standard advantage which will include weather data and static environment heat. Sense the Attackers and Defenders tied on Movement Intelligence, their assigned values are ignored and both sides gain no advantage. After the Reconnaissance is complete, the advantages will apply to the next stages.
Objective Raids - This stage is were the majority of the matches are played out. Each match is again, randomized, and geared towards the contract type. The tonnage and BV is increased as these matches are what mostly determine which side wins. Nothing particularly special about this stage except the amount of points for wins here are their highest for the Outcome stage and who ever gains the most wins here determines which stage is next. A tie here (in wins) immediately goes to the Outcome stage.
Force Attrition/Final Battles - This stage contains a small number of matches (more than the Reconnaissance stage) and gives a small favor towards whoever won the Objective Raids stage. Force Attrition is the stage where the Defenders won the Objective Raids and the Final Battles stage is for the Attackers winning the Objective Raids. The advantage here is based on the contract type and could be superior advantage for a specific area, or maps that gives the winning side an advantage, or some other aspect. These battles worth only a medium amount of points for the Outcome stage.
Outcome - The stage is to tally the winning matches of the Reconnaissance, Objective Raids, and Force Attrition/Final Battles stages to determine if the Attackers complete the contract or the Defenders successfully repelled the Attackers.
During each stage, except the Intelligence Gathering and Outcome stages, there will be on going matches to be completed before the stage proceeds to the next. The matches are open to anyone of the Attacker contract and the Defenders planet (and allies). Individual players join up for play in the specific world and select their mech of choice until their values are below tonnage and BV for the match. The side who lost the Movement Intelligence area in the Reconnaissance stage must submit their list first to give the winner their advantage. If there was a tie on Movement Intelligence, then neither side must submit first. Each side has a X amount of time to create their team.
While looking at this, it may seem overly complicated with the various stages interacting with each other which might cause issues with finding opponents or taking too much time. But, after the initial Intelligence Gathering stage, matches will be open for the sides to participate in and each match will be randomly created with map and mission type and give the advantages to those who needed it. When starting up a match, it will give the current stage, any associated options like Reconnaissance area mission type, and contract type so players can reasonably gage how large the game will be. Once enough players join, the game will begin the countdown to create your mech lineup. Players can still join and leave at this point. In case something comes up, if one side submits with too few players, the match will cancel. When viewing the planet in which the battle is going, it will list the contract type, stage, and number of matches remaining to go to the next stage. The complete battle for the planet could easily be completed within a single day if both sides are active, but the matches need to be completed by the end of the week. I am not quite sure how to handle situations where one side decides to not play due to either losing most of their matches or issues with members being able to play. But I feel that this allows for quite a lot of variability in each contract. And I believe this should only happen in the Border Worlds where contract are assigned and bid upon. There should still be other ways to just jump into quick matches in some other meaningful way. Maybe Faction Worlds?
Either way, my $0.02...
Edited by Zyllos, 13 December 2011 - 10:20 AM.