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Early death in a 20 minute match.

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Poll: Respawn preference (366 member(s) have cast votes)

What is your preference for respawning?

  1. No Spawn (170 votes [46.45%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 46.45%

  2. Hybrid - Destroying your mech brings financial and xp strife (47 votes [12.84%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.84%

  3. Free Spawn - I hate waiting, and I want to shoot stuff (16 votes [4.37%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.37%

  4. Separate Servers - Let people play how they want, as long as I don't have to play with them (60 votes [16.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.39%

  5. Limited Spawn - You get to spawn 3 times. If you lose all 3 in the first 5 minutes, you deserve to wait. (51 votes [13.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.93%

  6. I don't care - You all are too emo (22 votes [6.01%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.01%


#181 Omigir

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:44 PM

Oh wow this one was a long read, So no, i did not read everything but I have an idea that anything added at this point is going to just be repeating.

I still think that there is a happy medium for the 'now now' players and the 'tactical' players.

1. Objective Game Play: Most of the faction warfare, as I can imagine, is not going to be battles of attrition. There will be 1 or multiple goals to achieve for victory and not just simply kill the other team.
- This means that even if someone is rushing out to get a kills, they are not going to win anyway and in the end will have to start figuring out something else rather than rush into the enemy's sword so to speak.

2. Limited Funds: Players are going to be restricted to what they can afford. If there are XP and C-bill costs that are incurred (In an infinite respawn match ... god forbid...) Then players who have nothing left to loose, IE 0/0 in your bank, then what is going to stop that guy from just throwing his mech and being a feeder as mentioned in a previous post. Will he go negative after he loses everything?

3. WoT/EVE: Both are very successful games. Both have a decently realistic look on having your vehicle blown out from under you. Both are not infinite respawn. Saying that MW:O will fail because it does not appeal to 'now now now' players because it has limited/no respawn in foolish otherwise WoT and EVE both would have gone under. EVE even takes it a step further where when you lose a ship, it’s gone for good, people PAY to play EVE. So it’s dumb to think that just because you won’t enjoy it, that does not mean there are not hundreds of thousands who will.

With those simple ideas in mind, the best thing i could think of was a mix between the largest of the suggestions I have read.

Its simple, every player has a Hanger with a limited number of battlemechs they can house (Hangers I would think at this point could be expanded.)

At the start of each match, each player has a max tonnage they can use to split between 3 Mechs (Or perhaps a team total of tonnage and slot spread out over the Dropship) In this way a team can bring along back up mechs. If you are a light pilot, you can bring 3 light mechs, if you want variety and there is room you can bring a heavy, med and a light Etc Etc. Max number of mechs, no matter how much tonnage you have to spare, is 3.

When your mech is immobilized or destroyed, there is a short wait timer, in that time you go back to the limited mech bay in your drop ship and you can 'tweek' your mech, swap out your Mods maybe or remove ammo or perhaps swap ammo times (depending on what’s in your inv/dropship inv.) When the timmer hits 00:00, your mech walks out of the dropship (which declares your spawn point.. Dropships will also work as keeping enemies from spawn camping so if your whole team gets worked you all dont spawn into a wall of gauss.)

If you loose out all 3 of your mechs, you go into an observer mode until the match is over (of if you are impatient you can just out right leave but all gained C-bills, xp and lp is left behind.)

Regardless if you leave the match early or not, any damage sustained to your mech will have to be repaired and payed for. If you are unable to repair it then you default to a 'starter' mech which you will have 3 of in any match. Starter mechs are cheap to repair and are free to obtain. (If there is full distruction, then you have to replace the totally obliterated mechs, duh.)

This formula would allow for a sense of realism and 'oh ****' factor and gives all of us a chance to manage our assets. I can also see there beeing a chance to pilot your mech back to the Dropship and swap out for a back up or different mech if you want. Maybe a chance to do some minor armor repair .

Edit: spell checking

Edited by Omigir, 11 January 2012 - 04:53 PM.

#182 Star Captain Obvious Kerensky


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:47 PM

The amount of vitriol being spewed in this thread makes me wonder why anyone would walk to play MWO if the average player behaves in this manner.

No matter how good you think you are, someone else is going to be better.

Just because you don't like games that have feature X, that doesn't mean people who enjoy feature X are in any way inferior.

#183 Virgil Caine


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:51 PM

Everyone here has been looking at the Respawn vs no Respawn thing from the point of view of the person who has died.

Look at it from the point of view of the other people on his team.

00:00 Game Start!
00:58 Team 1 Uberleethax has destroyed Team 2 BillyBoBob with Gauss Rifle. (Because he knows people run to that place EVERY match, and he gets a freebie every match...
01:03 Team 1 Geronimo has destroyed Team 2 Lilkidwhosucks with LRM 20. (Because his target was a little kid who sucks)
01:15 Team 1 Uberleethax has destroyed Team 2 Deeznuts6969 with Gauss Rifle. (Because Deeznuts tried to flank him from the obvious direction he gets flanked from every time on this map)
01:37 Team 2 Selfishbastard says. Great, I drew derp team this match...
01:38 Team 2 Selfishbastard leaves map.
01:55 Team 2 Onlycompetentplayer has Destroyed Team 1 Randomnewbie with Large Pulse Laser (Because he was pressing the objective and got a nice shot off)
02:05 Team 1 Geronimo has Destroyed Team 2 Onlycompetent player, with LRM 20 (Saw where his ally went down and ran there immediately)
02:20 Team 2 Outnumbered says. "Well, this match is pretty much over... it's 11-7 with 8 minutes on your defense timer...
02:23 Team 2 Outnumbered destroys Team 1 Randomlightmech with Death from Above.
02:25 Team 1 Geronimo destroys Team 2 Outnumbered with LRM 20
02:30 Team 1 Uberleethax says "Noobz!"
02:45 Team 1 Geronimo says "Meh"

Yeah, there's some hyperbole in this, but i've seen it happen time and time again. Suppose you're the cautious guy on your team, and a quarter of your team gets taken out in the first two minutes with no answering kills on your side. Now everyone on your team feels outnumbered... they play it cautious 'even more'... get corraled... get gradually chewed down by superior numbers... outcome of the match is inevitable...

Now imagine half the matches you go into are like this. Frustration out the wazoo.

Respawn systems are there so matches are somewhat competetive until the end, not forgone conclusions after the first exchange of fire.

We should make our respawn systems BETTER. You can make them cost resources, or make them part of an objective to capture, or something like that. But to remove them entirely basically feeds the above model. Make the respawns Wave-Respawns with larger cooldowns between. Or make them part of the battlegrid... Something other than "You blew up, game over"

#184 Dlardrageth


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:54 PM

View PostAlaskan Viking, on 11 January 2012 - 04:19 PM, said:

[...] Every time anyone ask for even a modicum of realism, the Arcade fanbois start shouting "go play ArmA" or jabbering on about how video games are inherently unrealistic, etc.

To be honest, I like ArmA, even with its bug issues. But I think you give the hypothetical "Arcade fanbois" too much credit here. Unless they bought ArmA by mistake and had to experience the sheer horror of actual depth in gameplay. Which would be somewhat hilarious... :rolleyes:


If the realism crowd ask for anything more than a totally arcadey spawn n die Halo style game play the Arcade fanboys cry about how it will be "BOOOOORRRINNGGG!!!11111".

Rather dumb argument to start with, tbh. For everyone claiming A is boring and B is not, you can likely get one claiming the exact opposite. Bit of a fruitless discussion there. Comes down to taste, so I might find the typical arcade FPS utterly boring, the next guy might find a simulation boring. Not likely to get common ground there. *shrug*


You mean those 200 Mechwarrior/Battletech fans who have played and kept the Franchise alive for 25 years? The same ones who still populate Mechwarrior4/Mektek servers?

Um... slight objection here. I do rate myself as a "MW/BT fan", but you'd have to pay me to touch MW4 again. Game is just too bad and wasted too much time on it already.


Just go play MechAssault, I'm sure the nonstop, accessible, action in that game has kept the community alive...

Ouch, sick burn... -_-

Too bad there isn't really the option for a console version of MWO. Just had the brilliant idea that you could split thegame and have the "serious" PC version with no respawns and the console version with perma-respawn, unlimited ammo and what not. Each to his own. :P But yeah, most likely we'll have to endure the "arcade frenzy" for a month or three and then the majority of those players will move on to the next FOTM FPS anyway, like they always seem to do.

So I'm not too worried. If PGI sees that as well they will act accordingly. Well, if they don't, they'll probably take a look around after those 1-3 months and realize the arcade-y bunch is mostly gone and unfortunately they now are left with an arcade game but noone wanting that "version" of MW/BT any more. Could actually be a somewhat funny scenario... if it weren't for real money involved...

I also just have to embrace the point about...


To the people arguing for realism, this is a damned videogame.

Made me laugh in real life. ^_^

1. No it isn't a video game. It might become one.

2. The choice of the term "video game" in itself is rather revealing. (I'll spare you the page-long essay on why it is.)

3. The "damned" part is arguable. After all it's supposedly not dealing with "kewl" vampires or zombies or undead or "evil aliens"™ or the "damned" stuff you might be familiar with from your average FPS. BT/MW is in comparison totally "un-kewl", yes, actually rather lame and nerdy. Want "kewl" and stuff? Go play some Gundam(-inspired) game! B)

4. While one might call it "realism", I'd personally rather prefer the term "avoidance of blatant EzMode". Sure, you can make a game too hard and thus drive away many potentail customers. But you can also dumb it down too much and thus eliminate the chance for getting any sizeable amount of long-term customers and a high turnover of solely "casual" customer numbers. I know what makes more economical sense in my book...



If you're that hardcore about it, you might as well just quit the game after you die.

Yeah, right, and I'd love to see all those "hardcore" arcade freaks running to the forums and whine their heads off if I do..

"Ohnoes, someone quit the match early and didn't take his 9th respawn, he totally tossed the match for our team!" *rabble-rabble* "Ban him for life, have him publicly flogged and burned at a stake!" *rabble-rabble* "This is bloody cheating and should be sanctioned with a perma-ban for life! Also have him and his family beat upo in rel life!" *rabble-rabble*

And more of the usual drivel. Don't take my word for it, just look up threads about "ragequitting" on the WoT forums. There you can see this species of poster and their drivel in their full glory. So you want a game mode that makes some players quit matches early on a regular basis so you can come to the forums and whine your own a*** off about it? Yeah, makes perfect sense... :rolleyes:

And for the record, I'd still prefer an extra game/server mode for respawns and one for no-respawns, so I won't have to play with the perma-respawn bunch. Hm, does that make me "lame" or "élitist" now? <_<

View Posteldragon, on 11 January 2012 - 04:47 PM, said:

The amount of vitriol being spewed in this thread makes me wonder why anyone would walk to play MWO if the average player behaves in this manner.

I was actually pondering to start a thread in the Suggestions forum considering in-game implementation of Ignore-/Block-functions. As a means to avoid being teamed up and eventually even against players you cannot stand at all. And don't want to play with... ever. But then I realized I don't fancy more hatemail (for that topic/post) and additionally I can always just pull the plug or press my computer's reset button to avoid having to endure particular abhorrent players. And the sheer beauty about that is, that in an online computer game you are forced to play with noone. It's completely up to you. :P

Edited by Dlardrageth, 11 January 2012 - 05:02 PM.

#185 Rathverge


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:56 PM

View PostVirgil Caine, on 11 January 2012 - 04:51 PM, said:

Everyone here has been looking at the Respawn vs no Respawn thing from the point of view of the person who has died.

Look at it from the point of view of the other people on his team.

00:00 Game Start!
00:58 Team 1 Team starts moving into flanks
01:03 Team 1 Still moving
01:15 Team 1 Still moving
01:37 Team 2 Wondering where the enemy is going before making move
01:38 Team 2 Begins moving into position
01:55 Team 2 ....keeps on a rolling
02:05 Team 1 team one almost has a scout in place.
02:20 Team 2 spots the scout with one of theirs.
02:23 Team 2 Cant fire on the scout with LRM's due to cover
02:25 Team 1 almost has second scout in place
02:30 Team 1 Has assaults almost at key points
02:45 Team 1 scout attacks team 2 scout (maybe)


#186 Rathverge


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:58 PM

Ragequitting isnt an issue in WoT, unless you are just the one person doing those posts.

Edited by Rathverge, 11 January 2012 - 05:00 PM.

#187 Deamented


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:03 PM

As the OP, I'd like to make a request.

Please stop with the Elitist attitude.

A lot of you are being real jerks saying "The only way to play is No respawn" or even "Noobs, and losers can play the baby servers and real men and people with brain cells will play No Respawn" I don't want to dig out all the examples but they are every place.

2+ servers for people who want different types of games? Not too likely to start.

Honestly, all systems have flaws. 1 Life to live? People are super careful. Unlimited lives? People don't care as much, but they still try not to die.

My thoughts for what I would like to see, is a carrot/stick system that isn't easily abused.

I drop down in my mech, and I die after X amount of time. I eject and I get a respawn timer. After a good length of time (Not 10 seconds, but maybe a minute.) I get a replacement mech. Same as my old one, but more beat up, no custom decals, maybe low ammo. I'm back in action, but I suffer for it. This time, I'm less likely to auto eject as well. If I fail to eject after any kill (I override the Auto eject, I get taken out by a head shot that crits and I blow up, I'm on my third mech in a long match.) I cannot respawn. This means, Trying for that fatal headshot is rewarded compared to simply blowing up a mech bit by bit. Ejecting out of a useless mech is better than hanging on without purpose, (1 leg, no weapons, powered down to simply extend the game by hiding so you get more exp for lasting longer/surviving the match) . And a single bad move early game, doesn't force you to either A) Find a new match or B ) sit and wait uselessly.

Some times people get lucky. Some times, you make mistakes, and we as humans WE LIKE TO WIN. What ever the best strategy to win, will be our strategy. If scouts die often, no one will play one because YOU DIE and it becomes boring. Everyone will be assaults or maybe heavy. Because you don't want to lose. And don't think "A good scout will never get seen, never get noticed" because that is the same as saying "I'm the best, so I'll always win." It never happens that way. People make mistakes, Counter's should exist, and we all should have fun.

For now, I'm trusting MWO to already have answers that will keep most of us happy. As the old adage goes, "[color="#006699"]He who tries to please everybody pleases nobody."[/color] lets keep that in mind, and hope they find a good middle ground.

Edited by Deamented, 11 January 2012 - 05:08 PM.

#188 Dlardrageth


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:10 PM

View PostRathverge, on 11 January 2012 - 04:58 PM, said:

Ragequitting isnt an issue in WoT, unless you are just the one person doing those posts.

I think the evidence on the forums there points in another direction. YMMV. Has been an issue since closed beta and only somewhat alleviated with last big patch. I write "somewhat", because no matter what, if the incentive is just strong enough, people will ragequit, no matter the penalty incurred.

Or like stated before... "It's just a damned videogame"... right? Why would you bother to play seriously if at all a game you don't really care about? And where you can die in with minimal consequences (and respawn right after)? Yes, loss of some amount of in-game currency would be a "minimal consequence" for me.

View PostDeamented, on 11 January 2012 - 05:03 PM, said:

Please stop with the Elitist attitude.

A lot of you are being real jerks saying "The only way to play is No respawn" or even "Noobs, and losers can play the baby servers and real men and people with brain cells will play No Respawn" I don't want to dig out all the examples but they are every place.

I wonder why it is all of sudden "elitist" to not want to being forced to play with perma-respawn? Bit over the top there, maybe? With the same attitude you could call those advocating only perma-respawn game mode for everybody "borderline fascists", because they want to impose their preferences on everybody else. That is getting you exactly nowhere. And yes, that was the reason why I put the question if "lame" or "elitist" into my last post, was exactly expecting a knee-jörk reaction like yours. :P

It is surely debatable if there is any correlation between brain cells, being a "real man", being a "nOOb" and respawn mode or not, but it is hardly debatable that a tactical/strategical approach is generally more attuned to a "no respawn" setting. And that's what some people actually want. Not the "yet another FPS" model. And yet you call them "elitist" for not caving in to agree to the lowest common denominator? Okay...

And I don't see you arguing for 2 game modes, I have to wonder why. Your comment about...


2+ servers for people who want different types of games? Not too likely to start.

...is totally ignoring the premises stated by PGI. That there will be a number of "virtual servers" for each match. So one big "server cluster" who hosts these lots of "virtual servers". So you won't need any extra server, all you would need is a coded option to tick one little box to decide in advance if you want to play with or without respawn. But nice strawman attempt there, like anybody requested a second server set up... :P

Nice piece of propaganda there. B)

Edited by Dlardrageth, 11 January 2012 - 05:29 PM.

#189 Deamented


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:15 PM

Something I'd like to add, If there is no respawn and death blows, new players will suffer the most.

#190 Karyudo ds


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:18 PM

View PostDeamented, on 11 January 2012 - 05:03 PM, said:

Honestly, all systems have flaws. 1 Life to live? People are super careful. Unlimited lives? People don't care as much, but they still try not to die.

But real men only- er oh right. 1 life makes information warfare more valuable, with unlimited I guarantee I will take a light mech and ram it down the enemies throat all match long. I think a great argument is that respawn lets you put more into combat while no-respawn has you put more into positioning. Both tactical in different ways.

View PostDeamented, on 11 January 2012 - 05:03 PM, said:

I drop down in my mech, and I die after X amount of time. I eject and I get a respawn timer. After a good length of time (Not 10 seconds, but maybe a minute.) I get a replacement mech. Same as my old one, but more beat up, no custom decals, maybe low ammo. I'm back in action, but I suffer for it. This time, I'm less likely to auto eject as well. If I fail to eject after any kill (I override the Auto eject, I get taken out by a head shot that crits and I blow up, I'm on my third mech in a long match.) I cannot respawn. This means, Trying for that fatal headshot is rewarded compared to simply blowing up a mech bit by bit. Ejecting out of a useless mech is better than hanging on without purpose, (1 leg, no weapons, powered down to simply extend the game by hiding so you get more exp for lasting longer/surviving the match) . And a single bad move early game, doesn't force you to either A) Find a new match or B ) sit and wait uselessly.

I had an idea like this. I imagine a system sort of like this could work. You die, and come in with re-enforcements using a generic mech. Only problem is you have less time to get to know your mech. I imagine PG already has a plan though.

View PostDeamented, on 11 January 2012 - 05:15 PM, said:

Something I'd like to add, If there is no respawn and death blows, new players will suffer the most.

That's what a training mode is for... or should be used for.

#191 Rathverge


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:18 PM

View PostDlardrageth, on 11 January 2012 - 05:10 PM, said:

I think the evidence on the forums there points in another direction. YMMV. Has been an issue since closed beta and only somewhat alleviated with last big patch. I write "somewhat", because no matter what, if the incentive is just strong enough, people will ragequit, no matter the penalty incurred.

Or like stated before... "It's just a damned videogame"... right? Why would you bother to play seriously if at all a game you don't really care about? And where you can die in with minimal consequences (and respawn right after)? Yes, loss of some amount of in-game currency would be a "minimal consequence" for me.

I would require reference, because on a daily basis, I am not finding it on their forums. NA or RU.

#192 GaussDragon


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:34 PM

View PostDlardrageth, on 11 January 2012 - 11:58 AM, said:

Give the "pro-respawners" their game mode and be done with it, I say. Just don't expect those of us who want a more in-depth tactical/strategic gameplay to bother with it as well. Make people tick a box in the lobby to make their intention clear, and that's it. Someone surely will now dramatize it by feigning an outcry of shock or something, claiming that splits the community, I'm sure. Well, just to make it clear, it won't split the community. Look at this thread and you can quite clearly see the "split" being there already. :P

Better to live with it than make sure a large parts depart MWO's shores and sets sail elsewhere after a while, I reckon. Because I cannot see me bothering with perma-respawns for long, and obviously some other players cannot be bothered to wait a minute or five eventually for their next match. So yeah, either we get both options or we'll lose a large part of the potential player base, I guess.

+1 (I ran out of likes for today). This is the kind of sensibility that needs to be used more often. Whether you're a pro-respawn player or a pro-wave/wait player, both types of gameplay simply come down to player preference. Some people want to meat grind a bit more, others want to go about things more slowly and deliberately. I agree with what a lot of people have been saying on this thread is this:

There should be some sort of hybrid system

I think those of us who are regulars have a pretty good feel for each other's preferences and overall camps we find ourselves in. On this issue, I'm actually right down the middle because I've played both types and they're both good. We don't simply have to go with one or the other.

Here's my problem with making it entirely wave-based/no-respawn

Let's look at two fundamental things:
  • Newbies are newbies. All of us have to start at some point. Some people start with more skill than others, but none of us are innate pros.
  • A lot of the potential player base has no particular attachment to BT like the rest of us do (despite our philosophical differences within). They'll probably be newbies and there's a lot of people won't have a built-in tolerance or appreciation for wave-style because they're not immersed, they can't be, they don't know or care about BT. They're here to judge the game on its merits as a game, using a more broad understanding of what makes for a good or bad game. Immersion doesn't factor into their thinking, having never been a follower of BT, why would it?
A lot of potential players are going to have to appreciate the game itself first before they can get immersed in the lore. Most players won't become instant converts the moment they load up the game. Conversion into a MW/BT fan will prob have to stand up to the test of whether or not they like the game itself. If that point is satisfied, then, they'll probably permit themselves to become more immersed. Some people will never care about immersion, others will become adherents. Again, it's a matter of preference. But based on points 1 and 2, here's the problem scenario with forced wave:
  • Newbie player drops into wave-style match. He's just been dropped into the middle of a game surrounded by people who are likely to be somewhat to significantly better than he is. Newbie gets torn to ribbons in a minute. He now gets to spend the next 9 minutes reflecting over how little he stood a chance. Next wave starts, and whammo, newbie gets cut down again. Newbie is starting to resent the fact that he's being punished so badly for being new to the game. He has spent 2 minutes getting his *** handed to him, and 18 minutes reflecting upon how he got his *** handed to him.
This is a bad precedent for any game. If we take this route, we risk alienating a lot of potential converts. We can't just dump them into the middle of the game and expect them to be die-hards out the gate. All us die-hards (regardless of philosophical camp) are going to be much more patient with this game (even if we don't like it in the end) than someone who has no prior connection to the game. We have to ease them into it.

Why both gametypes have their merits

I first started out in MW3 but never played online. When I first started MW4, it was playing meatgrinder FFA NHUA attrition games. They weren't very... traditional, but meat grinders are good at this: They're good at making you good. What respawn games allow you to do is get back into the action faster and learn the fundamentals of playing the game. It's much harder to acquire raw piloting skill when you're sitting out for 90% of the match. Respawn games, and FFA in particular put you, the pilot, in the thick of things where you're constantly shooting, and constantly being shot at. You get a lot of effective playtime in because you're never sitting on the sidelines, and it's the best way to build raw skills like aim and reaction time. However, what these games don't teach you is how to be a smart pilot.

I remember all the Planetary League matches in MWL (our meta-game for territory in MW4) were all wave-style. It made sense. Team games, and even more specifically, wave-style, force you to be more tactical and deliberate, You can't just go Leeroy/Rambo into the fray because your'e going to screw your team over. The meta-game/territory is a tool for immersion (and also for the cash shop too, I'm sure of it) so it makes sense that territorial/meta-game matches would be no respawn.

How I propose the tiered system should work

Have open servers with the freedom to customize your preferences. Have the persistence/territorial games to be more strict (IE wave-based). You're attacking a planet and landing on it with a certain amount of tonnage, it seems reasonable that waves would be implemented to ahem... simulate (I hate using that word for purely semantic reasons, but for lack of all others) this. Allow the non-territory servers to allow players with different preferences to play as they wish, and it will allow newbies more flexibility in order to get a handle on the raw basics of handling and shooting before they jump into a less forgiving environment (wave-style).

Since I'm of the belief that the meta-game aspect will be heavily tied into the game's revenue, I propose even more. Since experience is drawn down many lines (pilot XP, mech XP, faction LP, role XP?) allow players to gain only, say, pilot XP in both open and meta-game servers. But, in order to funnel people into the meat and potatoes meta-game experience (and more importantly, the cash shop), make it so that they have to play these types of games in order to achieve the other types of XP. That way it eases people into the experience, and rewards them for being a participant in the deeper aspects of the game. We need the rewards to be part of the wave-style game. For a lot of players, the immersion is the reward itself. For less traditional players, there needs to be a reward system to allow them to tolerate the added wait times and make it worthwhile.

A few random things I want to address

Trailing on my last point about rewards:

This game isn't Counter-Strike, the wave-style worked better because maps were relatively smaller, it had objectives and most importantly, it had walls and corridors that funnelled players into choke-points. This last aspect is not present in a MechWarrior game. Maps are big, and they don't have hallways and corridors, they're much more open. In league matches, be they respawn or not, players had a much higher tolerance for waiting around and not engaging in battle. Getting the 'W' (win) in a league match is massive reward in of itself, especially for those of us who are highly competitive. But as Barbaric Sould pointed out back on page 2, it was not uncommon for half hour matches to by without a single shot being fired. I've experienced this many times. Those who say "there's no way two teams can go without firing a shot" don't know what they're talking about. The unique incentives in the meta-game (the different types of XP) allow players who aren't immersion-minded to tolerate wave-style play, but there's a flipside to this, you can't make the incentives so high that neither team wants to risk themselves by attacking first. You have to balance it.

The argument that "if the devs aim to please everyone, they end up pleasing no one.":

This zero-sum view is so oft-repeated and retarded I don't know where to begin. If a compromise is such that each side loses maybe 5 percent of their enjoyment, so that both may enjoy the game, you still have 95% on either side with higher total/aggregate enjoyment overall. It's a given that this community is split, and we have to understand that neither side (and all the sub-divisions there-in) is going to get every single thing it hopes for. My camp is going to see a few things it would rather not see, your camp is going to see some things it'd rather not see. But, if you're the kind of player (regardless of which side you find yourself on) that won't play it unless you get every last little thing you want, you need to stop posting now and delete your account. We're all going to have to give and take a little bit in this one, and that's where innovative compromises come in.

The "It splits the community, oh noes!":

This one is usually used as a smoke screen or euphemistic phrase for "What I really want is for everyone to be forced to play the game exactly as I see it." As Dlardrageth said, divisions are part of this game that should be taken for granted. We need to allow some selective splitting with server options to allow the various camps to be happy (at least in the open, non-meta servers).

Edit: Grammar and syntax as I re-read this.

Edited by GaussDragon, 11 January 2012 - 06:04 PM.

#193 Dlardrageth


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:40 PM

View PostRathverge, on 11 January 2012 - 05:18 PM, said:

I would require reference, because on a daily basis, I am not finding it on their forums. NA or RU.

Just typed in "ragequit" into the little search window on the NA forum, subsection "gameplay discussion". Got 77 threads listed, going over 4 pages. You don't expect me to paste 77 links in here, do you? :P

I'll give you one here:


#194 SilentWolff


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:50 PM

I bring this point up, because the devs have said one of the games they have taken queues from is WoT. In WoT, there is no respawn and the game is fast paced enough, that your not usually waiting that long till the game is over. You also have the ability while dead, to switch to each of the remaining members on your team and watch them play the game out, it makes each game pretty intense.
I wouldnt be surprised to see MWO mimic this gameplay. I've actually come to prefer no respawns and when you think about things such as planet taking in MWO, it just makes sense NOT to have respawning. Things like Solaris that may be added into the game can have respawning cause it doesnt matter all that much in the grand scheme of things. So i see no reason why the game cant have both depending on the circumstances.

#195 Alicia Melchiott


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:10 PM

In my opinion, I would like to see the game have a no respawn system. It would make gameplay quite exciting, but that's just my two cents.

I think a lot of us are worried about essentially the same thing. We all want to have fun, but we don't want our fun being ruined by a bunch of bad apples. Since this is a video game, it's inevitable a lot of kids are going to play. This is going to stem back to exactly what kind of audience MWO is going to target.

So far we have the Battletech group, the Mechwarrior games group, the group that just likes playing mech games, and newcomers. The real question is, what type of audience is MWO going to appeal to?

Amongst the newcomers are going to be the casuals and the more serious types. Here is where we have to decide what the learning curve is going to be and how harsh we're going to treat newcomers. Typically, if there is no respawn or harsh punishment for death, there's usually a designated newbie zone for newer players to learn and understand the core aspects of the game instead of being beaten to a pulp right at the beginning. Whether the gameplay afterwards is going to demand mastery of wits and skill or not is up to how harsh the game is outside this effective safety zone.

For a multiplayer game to survive, it is essential for the game to have an influx of new players. So, which of the new players is MWO trying to attract?

However, as stated before, people like to win. To be robbed of that opportunity right from the get go can be very frustrating for many people. I would like to make a counter statement to that, people also like to be challenged. Easy doesn't mean it's going to be fun, even for casuals.

A game I would like to bring up to emphasize this point, is FFXIII. In this game, you can pretty much mash the X button in combat (and only the X button) and get through most of the game just fine. To me, it wasn't very fun, and I know to a lot of others it wasn't very fun. When you died, nothing really happened, you just go back to right before you started said battle you lost. There was no challenge and the gameplay was grossly simplified.

If a respawn system is to be applied, it must not allow players with no skill to win against players who are competent... nor should it allow new players to suffer to a point where they become too frustrated with the game to continue to learn how to play.

After reading up on GausDragon's suggestion for a hybrid system, I believe he's on to a good point. MWO needs to somehow satisfy both sides of the spectrum, newer players and veteran players. Without newer players, there won't be enough profit to continue funding the game. Without veteran players, the overall experience of the game suffers, causing the game itself to inevitably fail. Newer players should not be punished for being new. Veteran players should not have to lose a match for doing everything right.

From what I gather, most of us are here because we love the series. We all want to have fun and be challenged. Yet, we also want the game to not only be fun but lasting.

I'd like to put a little more perspective on this issue of the original topic "early death in a 20 minute match" and ask these questions. What kind of player base would you like to play with in MWO? Are you okay with kids playing? Are you okay with adults who come home after work playing? Will players who are more carefree bother you? It all matters because certain audiences will be more bothered about getting killed early with no respawn, while, other audiences will prefer it. In today's gaming market, it is still undeniably dominated by kids. So before you answer your question, remember that kids (that includes teenagers) are still a major part of this market, and not all kids are immature. Hell, some adults are extremely immature.

#196 Rathverge


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:14 PM

View PostDlardrageth, on 11 January 2012 - 05:40 PM, said:

Just typed in "ragequit" into the little search window on the NA forum, subsection "gameplay discussion". Got 77 threads listed, going over 4 pages. You don't expect me to paste 77 links in here, do you? :P

I'll give you one here:


The core concept seems lost here. In short, a few (there really arent that many on a ratio scaling) posts complaining about an issue (not an issue) does not imply a broken system. Sure someone may have a bad match because they couldnt carry their team a bit harder. Im sure since they are taking cues from this game then the same conditions will follow.

On a side note, if you actually read that thread you would realize it has less to do with leaving than just the title implies.

#197 Dlardrageth


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:22 PM

View PostRathverge, on 11 January 2012 - 06:14 PM, said:

[...] On a side note, if you actually read that thread you would realize it has less to do with leaving than just the title implies.

I did not just read but actually post in that thread AFAIR. :P And yes, the reason why might be different, the possible mechanics not so much. I don't see anything to prevent people from seriously just bugging out of a given match in MWO. Or ejecting, or whatever. Basically forcing an "early death". Might be a topic for another thread though, think it is slightly derailing this one. People were just nicely busying themselves with digging into trenches for the next months coming and proclaiming there's no compromise whatsoever for the ultimate no/respawn war in sight.

Edited by Dlardrageth, 11 January 2012 - 06:23 PM.

#198 Paralax


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:26 PM

View PostDeamented, on 10 January 2012 - 10:18 AM, said:

So, I'm playing a scout and doing my job, when another scout (Perhaps a better player, perhaps just one with the luck of the fox.) sneaks up on me, and TAG's me. The Catapult off in the distance unloads, the scout unloads, and everything else gets me, Boom. A luck crit and so much damage, I'm gone. We are 5 minutes in the match, and I'm dead. What do I do for the rest of the match? Sit around and do nothing? Chat with my allies pointlessly? 15 minutes is a long time (Assuming it doesn't end fast with 5 vs 4)

We need something to do, for obvious reasons a standard re spawn would seem silly (Reinforcements have arrived... exactly like your ally that got blown up.)

So I'm here to ask about ideas. What do you think should happen? Perhaps the fallen warrior will get to ride in a vehicle aiding their allies. Nothing powerful but something that makes them fell less useless because of bad luck.

Maybe a re spawn after X minutes. If your team holds out that long, your back, even if your damaged you can now assist.

Maybe you become an infantry, fighting on the ground, and hijacking things.

Lets talk.

You are stuck watching As any good Team match does

#199 Rathverge


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:37 PM

View PostDlardrageth, on 11 January 2012 - 06:22 PM, said:

I did not just read but actually post in that thread AFAIR. :P And yes, the reason why might be different, the possible mechanics not so much. I don't see anything to prevent people from seriously just bugging out of a given match in MWO. Or ejecting, or whatever. Basically forcing an "early death". Might be a topic for another thread though, think it is slightly derailing this one. People were just nicely busying themselves with digging into trenches for the next months coming and proclaiming there's no compromise whatsoever for the ultimate no/respawn war in sight.

Yeah this is much better stated. It does happen, it does suck (for a few minutes atleast) but as an issue its not greatly important. Im afk in a WoT game right now actually. Will it put my team at a small disadvantage yep. Will it really matter, not greatly. The big issue is drop outs in clan/group/company/guild/corp battles... in there it can throw matches and whatnot but that is a more controllable problem (people drop dont play with them. In house battles (if they exists) where people are fighting for their houses(planets/whatever) then that can certainly be a problem, but there isnt enough shared with us yet to really know what the battle system will be like other than the usual WoT arranged random match and their conquest battles (but not as broken as WoT)

#200 Morashtak


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:45 PM

View PostAlicia Melchiott, on 11 January 2012 - 06:10 PM, said:

I'd like to put a little more perspective on this issue of the original topic "early death in a 20 minute match" and ask these questions;
  • What kind of player base would you like to play with in MWO?
  • Are you okay with kids playing?
  • Are you okay with adults who come home after work playing?
  • Will players who are more carefree bother you?
  • A mature one but we're dealing with the internet so that's asking too much. :P
  • As stated, some older players are less mature than younger ones.
  • Just as long as they're buying a few things and paying the salaries of the game designers. :P
  • Not at all.
We all (most of us?) want to see MWO grow and develop to the point of being a major player in the game world. Some (most?) of us want the option to have as little as possible interaction with the immature players. Different server types/play options will satisfy the majority leaving the minority something to whine about.

My preferred play style will be much different than the masses who just want to blow stuff up (re; see target, kill it till it's dead, rinse, repeat). They'll play for the thrill of the big kill. I'll play for the camaraderie and tactical battles (re; infowars and skillful planning).

This all just boils down to if/how the game can be programmed to handle the spawn options ranging from unlimited spawns to zero spawns. And will the outcome of one option affect the universe for those playing with another option (one big central server handling all the outcomes and applying it to the universe).

Would like to see a multitude of servers and how each are affected by the different spawn options. See how one universe (server) develops with one spawn option versus another spawn option in another universe (server).

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