Really there's two ways to do this by traditional thinking: Tonnage Limitations and "Battle Value." Tonnage is obvious - a team can take X number of tons of 'mechs onto the battlefield. This is how most Leagues have operated in the past, largely because the games allowed full customization and it was the only way to fairly balance it.
The second method, which might apply more to MWO, is Battle Value / total C-Bill Value. This is how the board game typically handles things, as tonnage might not mean much - someone dropping with a lance of Tech 2 Mediums could likely obliterate a lance of Tech 1 Assaults in many cases. Even within the tech class, all 'mechs aren't created equal - some 60 tonners are simply put, at the end of the day, worth less than others.
This leads me to my major question I'd love to bring up at the next Q&A - how is this going to be handled along with the idea of people owning personal 'mechs; will people be allowed to own multiple chassis so they can better fit into missions? Otherwise, I simply don't know how the system will end up working out. If the late game is all "Atlas vs Atlas vs Atlas, and the recon guy" you'll end up seeing burn out very fast so I really hope that missions are equipment restircted in some fashion.
So all that said, which style do you prefer?
Edited by Victor Morson, 06 March 2012 - 02:21 PM.