Instead of your progress in the game being charted by a mere number on a scoreboard, or a little icon on an achievement board, I'd like to see something similar to the old X-Wing game.
In the hangar interface in that game, you could mouse over your locker or closet and view your dress uniform. At the beginning of the game the tunic was empty, of course, but:

- as you gained rank, you displayed the appropriate insignia
- as you completed missions and tours of duty, you gained campaign ribbons
- as you completed training courses on specific starfighters, you gained badges
- as you performed exemplary feats in battle, you accrued big, shiney decorations
The dress uniforms of each major Inner Sphere power as well as most of their chief decorations have long been detailed in BattleTech fiction. With the robust achievement system seen on Steam and Xbox Live, we've come a long way since '93 and can have a lot more realistic criteria for decorations compared to the old 'X points in mission = Y decoration'.
Something I'd really like to see.

Edited by Bren, 17 March 2012 - 11:04 AM.