Concerning Ammo placement and the order that it is used by the weapon .
For example , If I have a ton of ammo in one of my legs and the other in one of my torsos,
in which order is the ammo being used first ?
The one that is closer to my relevant weapon OR is it totally random ?
I ponder on this because it is VERY critical to know if I am halfway on my ammo depletion , which part of my mech is still prone to AMMO EXPLOSION !
Thus, if I use LRMs and XL engine for example , and KNOW that my torso Lrm ammo is already used up and I still have my leg ammo , I dont have to worry so much gettin death from above or brawling at closer ranges , where that torso ammo explosion would deliver me instant death .
So , you all know that inside your cockpit somewhere, there is your Ammunition Loaded Screen ( lets call it ALS ) , showing your current Ammo left and the exact place it is stored. Every time it shows a different location of your Mech ( Right Torso, Left Leg etc ) and it keeps rotating to ONLY the places you have stored your ammo in .
After various tests , I have come to the conclusion that :
Ammo gets used and depleted in the order of the rotating image of Ammunition Loaded Screen (ALS) inside Cockpit.
That particular order is :
HD --> CT --> RT --> LT--> LA --> RA--> LL--> RL (---> HD again in image rotation )
where HD= head slot , CT = Center Torso , RT is Right Torso , RA= Right Arm and RL= Right Leg etc.
( use Free Look Button to locate the ALS Screen )
*note: Tests made only in a Dragon , Catapult & Stalker
That means, for example, that the Mech will use ALL your Ammo in your Head slot BEFORE continuing to your Center Torso Ammo .
After depleting the first ton of ammo placement , as a whole , then it moves to next ammo position , depending on what position that would be .
i.e. If you have no ammo in Head ,1 ton of ammo in Center Torso , 1 ton in Left Torso and 1 ton of ammo in Right Leg , then the order will be
CT --> LT --> RL . You will use all your ammo in Center Torso , THEN ammo will be feeded to your gun or missile pod from Left Torso until all is used up , then Right Leg.

*** credits also to :
Doctor Jest
John Wolf
Derek Icelord
Gunny MacDuck
thanks for inspiration and support
*Edit :reposted from beta forums due to restricted access.
Highly recommended Guide to take a look , regarding criticals :
Criticals & You - A Brief Guide , by Selfish
Edited by OPLoN, 22 February 2013 - 02:39 PM.