So, per his request, here are my two main Atlas configurations (I have others still being tweaked, but I had pretty much finalized these two - with single heatsinks before Open Beta, and with planned moves for both to DHS when those became available. I've had to move one back to singles already, and the second will actually be *worse off* with either singles or doubles once the patch hits on November 6th (based on the info here:
Configuration 1 with single heatsinks:
Founders Atlas
300 XL Engine
Standard internals
18 tons of standard armor
2 x ERPPCs (one on each arm)
1 x Gauss Rifle (right torso)
1 x AMS (left arm)
1 ton AMS ammo
3 tons GR ammo
33 single heatsinks (10+2 in engine, 21 additional)
Great range, decent damage, but a bit weak due to the XL engine... and definitely runs hot. I had expected DHS to allow me to move to a standard engine and increase heat efficiency a small amount (10-15%). Nothing game-breaking there, right?
Planned Config 1 DHS version:
Founders Atlas
300 Standard Engine
Standard internals
18 tons of standard armor
2 x ERPPCs (one on each arm)
1 x Gauss Rifle (right torso)
2 x Medium Lasers (center torso, as backup weapons)
1 x AMS (left arm)
1 ton AMS ammo
4 tons Gauss ammo
19 double heatsinks (10+2 in engine, 7 additional)
That should have been equal to having 38 single heatsinks, for a little heat efficiency boost. The medium lasers provide backup firepower if both arms / torsos are destroyed. An extra ton of ammo for the GR as well, since I run out sometimes. Still, nothing here appears to be a game-breaking power advantage, right?
Now when I tried the above, what I really ended up with *today* was only 28 single heatsink equivalent - a noticeable drop. I moved back to singles for now (wasting more cbills) and then figured I would go back to DHS once they fixed the in-engine ones. That was going to be soon, right? Well, now with the new DHS rules I would be at 26.6 heat! Even lower than today! What the heck, folks?
Config 2 with single heatsinks:
Atlas RS
300 XL Engine
Standard internals
18 tons of standard armor
4 x Large Pulse Lasers (2 in each arm)
38 Single heatsinks (10+2 in engine, 26 additional)
Moving to double heatsinks was again expected to give me more survivability by going to a standard engine, and I was also going to get a small speed boost. Here is what I run today, thanks to DHS:
Config 2 with double heatsinks:
Atlas RS
323 Standard Engine
Standard internals
18 tons of standard armor
4 x Large Pulse Lasers (2 in each arm)
23 Double heatsinks (10+3 in engine, 10 additional)
This gave me a small *drop* to heat, though close enough I didn't much notice, because of the DHS bug; I had the equal of 36 heatsinks instead of the 38 I had before. However, it was worth it in order to gain survivability with a standard engine. What does November 6th hold for this design, though? A drop to only 32.2 heatsink equivalents, nearly 10% lower than now, *and* my Large Pulse Lasers will generate *more* heat than they do currently. A double-whammy

Can a Dev please address why they feel these changes are fair or reasonable?
Edited by WardenWolf, 02 November 2012 - 02:59 PM.