A lot of you have been asking about the beta: when it’s happening, what’s happening, etc. So I’m here to let you guys know that we’re two weeks into our Friends and Family beta, and it’s been going great. We’ve had a few patches go through, lots of playtests, and frankly a tonne of fun. The first time I saw the MECHWARRIOR ONLINE logo on a patcher, I got tingles.
Intense battles rage across the PGI studios
This was taken during one of our Friday playtests. I was just to the left on the above image (yes, the very same day I got a thumbs up from Russ) and we had people rotating in and out of the games, with most of the studio playing at one point or another. We did a variety of games, from 1v1 and up, and there was a heck of a lot of shouting and laughing and taunting.
What does this mean for you guys? First, as you can see here:
...the game is working and working well. We had games going with members of IGP as well, and there was a great faux-rivalry going between the two companies

We will let you guys know the second anything closed-beta related happens. You won’t find out from a random forum post, I can assure you of that
