ice trey, on 03 November 2011 - 05:26 PM, said:
That, and no PSR to stand? You could just plop it down anywhere and it's like it's sitting in light woods. With C3 networks, you can hide behind level 1 hills or in sub-1 divots, becoming an impossible-to-hit spotter... And -2 to all other PSR checks? If it weren't because it were made for Mechwarrior 4, I'd be surprised that the Fafnir with it's dual HGR wasn't put on a quad chassis to prevent it from falling on it's keister when firing unbraced.
Hagan, on 04 November 2011 - 05:12 AM, said:
Being stood still (or moving up to 20% speed) would infer a boost to lock on and weapon accuracy, as well as increased fire stability when under fire (reduced mech shake when taking hits). Just an idea.
Now, this is an area where actual game design/game play could bring out all that fluff text in the Tech Readouts. Coding some accuracy enhancements into the quad chassis would be quite the draw, I would think. And add in extra "camera shake" when running in a Scorpion, or a gallop-like lurching in a Goliath, and you've got an entirely different feel to your Mech. Let's bring on the new!