Open Beta Update #3
Upcoming Patch - Tuesday Nov. 20th @ 10AM – 1PM PDT
Change Log
Greetings MechWarriors, Welcome to Open Beta Update 3! This patch includes the Cataphact CTf-1X, 2X, 3D, and 4X (see details Bellow). This is a welcome addition to our Heavy Mech line-up bringing more variety to our battlefield. We have also expanded on our Information warfare pillar with the addition of Beagle active probe and 2 new Modules.
New BattleMechs:
Cataphract CTF-1X
* Tonnage: 70
* Top Speed: 64.8 kph
* Armor: 352 points
* Weapons: 4 Medium Lasers, 1 PPC, 1 AC/10
* Hardpoints: 5 Energy, 1 Ballistic, 1 AMS
* Jump Jets: n/a
Cataphract CTF-2X
* Tonnage: 70
* Top Speed: 64.8 kph
* Armor: 416 points
* Weapons: 2 Medium Lasers, 1 SRM 4, 1 Large Laser, 1 AC/10
* Hardpoints: 3 Energy, 1 Ballistic, 2 Missile, 1 AMS
* Jump Jets: n/a
Cataphract CTF-3D
* Tonnage: 70
* Top Speed: 64.8 kph
* Armor: 352 points
* Weapons: 4 Medium Lasers, 1 LB 10-X AC, 1 Ultra AC/5
* Hardpoints: 4 Energy, 2 Ballistic, 1 AMS
* Jump Jets: 4
Cataphract CTF-4X
* Tonnage: 70
* Top Speed: 48.6 kph
* Armor: 434 points
* Weapons: 1 Large Laser, 2 AC/5s, 1 LRM 5
* Hardpoints: 2 Energy, 4 Ballistic, 1 Missile, 1 AMS
* Jump Jets: n/a
* Beagle Active Probe (increases sensor range by 25%, faster target level acquisition by 25%, allows targeting of unpowered mechs within 120m)
* Back Face Target Retention Module (Allows to see your primary target on radar if they get behind you and are within 200m)
* Sensor Range Booster Pilot Module (Increases sensor range by 15%)
* Players can only exchange XP to GXP after the given Mech has had all BASIC efficiencies unlocked. (Does NOT require elite, just basics for the Mech that has XP on it.)
* Players in a group can now ready up by clicking their status in the group list instead of the master Launch button.
* Proper notification given when the player group is full.
* Tweaked the display of AMS in weapon loadout. (Displays the # of active AMS modules which are displayed at the bottom of your weapon configuration list.)
* Extra information on the BattleGrid is now OFF by default. Press I to turn them back on.
* BattleGrid base markers in spectator mode now displays correctly.
* Jump Jets can no longer be activated when knocked down.
* Coordinates now displayed with F9.
* Weapon Lock system made system authoritative to prevent cheaters from gaining faster locks
* SSRMs were doing less damage than designed, that is now fixed.
* SSRMs will now hit 100% unless something in the way or latency issues.
* A rare crash when loading into level has been addressed.
* Fixed Lock-on reticule not showing up for spectators.
* Cooldown bar stuttering fixed.
* Users can no longer change weapon groups while shut down.
* There is now a warning on the HUD when weapons are jammed.
* Weapons will un-jam automatically after ~3-5 seconds.
* Manual unjamming of weapons is no longer required.
* Re-created all level.pak files to substantially reduce filesize
* Tweak ambient temperature of Forest Colony Snow (it is now slightly colder than Forest Colony regular (~-2°c))
* Updated Mini-map image in Forest Colony (standard)
* Performance Optimizations in Forest Colony (standard)
We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
The MechWarrior® Online™ Team

Patch Notes - 1.0.150 - 20-Nov-2012
Started by Kyle Polulak, Nov 20 2012 12:39 PM
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