Ragor, on 25 November 2012 - 07:10 AM, said:
You got a point there.
But IMO there is a difference between a blame & shame thread started by some community member and a locked list of players which got moderated as long as there is the reasoning listed.
And let's be honest, the majority of the players never read the gamerules, they simply do not care.
And when someone gets moderated 'behind closed doors' this only annoys this individual player, hopefully he at least learnt something.
But when it is transparent then players will know what to do and what not and what the consequences are.
IMO -with this kind of sticky I ask for- no one would get blamed.
Simply because if I get on the list then I asked for it.
And I might be wrong, but only someone who did something on purpose woudl be annoyed afterwards.
Someone who did something he didn't knew usually understands the moderation and appreciates it. Since it makes sure that the game stays fair.
Sidenote #1:
For the first time I am always for a simple warning (which shouldn't be noted on the list).
With the 2nd time for the same issue someone simply asked 'moderate me and please put my name on the list.'
Sidenote #2:
I once was myself on the list of wargaming.net and got a 3 days read-only status for in-game chat.
-> Regarding my own emotions that day formed my opinion that a system like this really works out in the long run.
Good yet a somewhat delicate idea. I wouldn't mind any public list either. As you say, even when i am one of the players that never read the gamerules. (I would hope i am mature enough to follow rules that are no more than logical.) Should i happen to break one or more, then do let me know (please!). Either by putting me on some list, or some other way around.
If not a public list, perhaps in the profile on the site could also be an option. What has to be prevented is unjust banning or w/e. I would rather see 2 lamers/rulebreakers not banned than one 1 player banned by accident. I think with DayZ for instance bans are nearing 100% final. Imho this is not something a f2p game needs (esp not paying customers).