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One Mech With An Ecm In Counter Will Not Cancel Out One Mech In A Pack Of Two Using Disrupt Mode

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Poll: One Mech With An Ecm In Counter Will Not Cancel Out One Mech In A Pack Of Two Using Disrupt Mode (51 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 Kyle Polulak


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  • LocationVancouver, BC

Posted 04 December 2012 - 11:27 AM

If Player A has a mech equipped with an ECM and goes against Player B and C, both equipped with ECMs, and switches to Counter mode, Player A will notice that their Counter Mode will not affect either Player B or C's ECM.

Steps to Reproduce
1. Boot the game.
2. Login to the game.
3. Launch a match with at least 3 users equipped with ECMs (Two in one team, one in the other)
4. Have the three users meet
5. Switch the ECM of the lone user to Counter
6. Notice neither of the two enemy ECM is being disabled
7. Observe

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