We’ve added a new scaling reward bonus for the first 25 matches played. This new C-Bill reward system helps ease players into the game, allowing them to quickly buy their first BattleMech within 4-5 matches, regardless of match outcomes.
- Light 4-5 matches
- Medium 6-10 matches
- Heavy 11-15 matches
- Assault 16-25 matches
- An average match takes 6 minutes.
- By match 25 players can earn a minimum of 8.6 Million CB.
- Hero and Premium Time boosts apply to the Cadet Bonus.

What does this mean for existing players?
- Anyone with fewer than 25 matches will receive and appropriate amount of C-Bills for their current # of matches played.
- Anyone over 26 matches will receive a onetime bonus of 7,981,686 CB.
RNR has been removed from the game to facilitate a better overall user experience and game balance. All BattleMechs and Items will be repaired to 100% health during downtime on Tuesday the 18th.
Trial BattleMech Improvements
With repair and rearm removed from the game, we have rebalanced the Trial Mech reward system to reflect our move towards a better new user experience.
- Now earn 100% CB and XP rewards.
- Trial BattleMechs will continue to rotate out every 2 weeks.
- Premium Time bonuses apply.
Too help balance out the economy with RNR removed, we have rebalanced the existing C-Bill reward system to reflect the average NET rewards. NET rewards would be the average CB earned by players after repairing and rearming their mechs in the current version of MWO.
In addition we have continued to refine the rewards system to increase active participation. Players will now earn more CB for engaging the enemy and contributing to the success of their team. Even in a losing situation, players can earn significant rewards. We have also removed or reduced passive rewards to a bare minimum.
Average Rewards by player match rank before any bonuses:
- 1 - 100,000+
- 2-5 - 75,000-100,000
- 6-9 - 50,000-75,000
- 10-13 - 35,000-50,000
- 14-16 - 25,000-35,000
We anticipate a reduction in AFK bots and a general realignment in player group tactics from base capping to enemy engagement.
Salvage remains the same.
Assault Rewards
- Win/Loss/Tie = 25,000
- Team Kill = -10,000 * how many teammates you have killed
- Component Destroyed = 2,500 * how many components you have destroyed
- Enemy Kill = 5,000 * how many enemies you have killed
- Enemy Kill Assist =7,500 * how many kill assists you got in the match
- Spotting Assist = 2,500 * how many spotting assists you got in the match
- Damage Done = 25 * how much damage you did in the match
- Capture Win and Assist have been removed.
- Win/Loss/Tie = 25,000
- Team Kill = -10,000 * how many teammates you have killed
- Component Destroyed = 1,250 * how many components you have destroyed
- Enemy Kill = 2,500 * how many enemies you have killed
- Enemy Kill Assist = 3,725 * how many assist you got in the game
- Spotting Assist = 1,250 * how many spotting assist you got in the game
- Damage Done = 25 * how much damage you did in the game
- Conquest Bonus = 25 * how many resources you have collected